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单词 shawl
释义 shawl nounadjective | verb + shawl | shawl + verb adjective➤heavy厚重的披肩▸➤light, thin轻披肩;薄披肩▸➤crocheted, knitted用钩针编织的披巾;针织披巾▸➤embroidered, fringed绣花披肩;有流苏的披肩➤lace, silk, woollen/woolen, etc.蕾丝、真丝、羊毛等披肩➤pashmina羊绒披肩➤prayer祷告披肩verb + shawl➤be draped in, be wrapped in披着/裹着披肩▸➤drape, throw, wrap披上披肩;裹上披肩◆ellianne wrapped the shawl around her shoulders.埃莉安在肩上披了条披肩。◆ruth draped a shawl over her shoulders.露丝在肩上搭了条披肩。➤throw off扯下披肩▸➤draw, pull拉披肩;扯披肩◆she pulled her shawl about her protectively.她把披巾紧紧裹在身上。➤tie系披巾◆she was wearing a shawl tied around her waist.她腰上系着一条披巾。shawl + verb➤cover sth披巾盖住⋯  ➡ topic at clothes shawl [countable] a large piece of cloth worn by a woman around the shoulders or head, or wrapped around a baby(女用)披巾,披肩;襁褓 ◆ruth draped a shawl over her shoulders.露丝往肩上披了块披肩。shawl/ʃɔ:l ||; ʃɔl/noun [c] a large piece of cloth that is worn by a woman round her shoulders or head or that is put round a baby 披肩;披风;大围巾;襁褓 shawl /ʃɔl; ʃɔːl/n [c]a large piece of cloth that a woman wears around her shoulders or head [女用的]披肩




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