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单词 calculation
释义 calculation noun¹ 1act of calculating/sum calculated计算;计算总额adjective | verb + calculation | phrases adjective➤accurate, correct, exact, precise精确的计算◆an exact calculation of the amount spent so far对目前花费总额的确切计算◆your calculations are correct.你的计算是正确的。➤incorrect, wrong错误的计算◆it turned out that our calculations were incorrect.结果证明我们计算错了。➤approximate, rough粗略的计算◆even a rough calculation shows that you have spent too much.即使是粗略计算,你花销也太大。➤complex, complicated, detailed复杂的计算;详细的计算▸➤simple简单计算▸➤quick快速计算➤mental心算▸➤arithmetical, mathematical, numerical, statistical算术运算;数学运算;数字运算;统计计算▸➤economic, financial经济/财务核算verb + calculation➤do, make, perform计算◆she did a rapid calculation in her head.她在脑中快速计算了一番。◆we cannot make a precise calculation of the price until we have all the costs.除非我们知道所有成本,否则不能准确地计算出价格。➤base on sth根据⋯的计算◆the calculations are based on average annual data.这些计算结果是根据年度平均数据得来的。phrases➤a method of calculation计算方法calculation noun² 2careful planning to get what you want自私的打算adjective | ... of calculation adjective➤cold, cool, rational冷酷的算计;理性的算计... of calculation➤act一种自私的算计◆an act of cold calculation自私冷漠的算计 calculation [countable, uncountable] the act or process of using numbers to find out an amount计算◆she made a rough calculation in her head.她在脑子里粗略地算了算。◆by my calculations, we made a profit of £20 000 last year.我算了一下,我们去年的盈利达 2 万英镑。◆our guess was confirmed by calculation.我们的猜测经计算得到了证实。 ➡ see also calculate → calculate note 辨析 count or calculation? count refers to adding numbers together; calculation often refers to other mathematical functions such as multiplying and dividing numbers. * count 指加总,calculation 常涉及其他运算方式,如乘除等。calculation/ˌkælkjuˈleɪʃn ||; ˌkælkjəˈleʃən/noun1. [c,u] finding an answer by using mathematics (用数学方法)计算: ◇i'll have to do a few calculationsbefore telling you how much i can afford. 我要做一些运算才能告诉你我花得起多少钱。◇calculation of the exact cost is impossible. 要给成本算出一个准确的数字是不可能的。 2. [u] (formal 正式) careful planning in order to achieve what you want, without considering other people 处心积虑(为谋私利): ◇his actions were clearly the result of deliberate calculation. 他的所作所为显然都是深思熟虑的结果。 calculationsee ⇨ count/calculate 9 cal·cu·la·tion /ˏkælkjə`leʃən; ˌkælkjˈleɪʃən/n [c,u]when you add, multiply, or divide numbers to find out an amount, price etc 计算(的结果):◇according to the institute's calculations, nearly 80% of teenagers have tried drugs. 根据该机构的统计,将近 80% 的青少年碰过毒品。 ☞ calculation




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