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单词 retrieve
释义 retrieve /rɪtriːv/ verb [transitive] 1. (it 信息技术) to find and get back data or information that has been stored in the memory of a computer 检索数据◆to retrieve information from the database 从数据库检索资料◆to retrieve email/voicemail 检索电子邮件/语音邮件 get back sth that you have lost, lent, etc. 取回;索回;寻回◆we will be exerting our right to retrieve our property. 我们将行使我们的权利索回我们的财产。◆the company cannot retrieve millions of pounds owed to it. 这家公司无法追回数百万英镑的欠款。 ▸ retrievable /rɪtriːvəbl/ adjective☞ retrieveretrieve /rɪtriːv/ [transitive] (formal) to bring or get sth back, especially from a place where it should not be取回,索回(尤指从某物不应出现之处)◆she bent to retrieve her comb from the floor.她弯腰从地上捡起她的梳子。◆the police have managed to retrieve some of the stolen money.警方已经追回了部份被盗钱款。retrieve/rɪˈtri:v ||; rɪˈtriv/verb[t] 1. retrieve sth (from sb/sth) to get sth back from the place where it was left or lost (在原处)取回,寻回(遗留或遗失的东西): ◇police divers retrieved the body from the canal. 警方潜水员从运河中找回尸体。 2. (computing计算机技术) to find information that has been stored 检索信息: ◇the computer can retrieve all the data about a particular customer. 计算机能将某一顾客的有关资料都找出来。 3. to make a bad situation or a mistake better; to put sth right 纠正(错误);扭转(局面);补救: ◇the team was losing two-nil at half-time but they managed to retrieve the situation in the second half. 该队上半场以二比零落后,但下半场终于扭转局面。 ➔retrieval /-vl ||; -vḷ/ noun [u]retrievesee ⇨ get 11 re·trieve /rɪ`triv; rɪˈtriːv/v [t]to find something and bring it back 找回,取回[某物]:◇i retrieved my suitcase from the hall cupboard. 我从大厅的壁橱里找回了我的手提箱。




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