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单词 spit¹
释义 spit¹ /spɪt; spɪt/v spat /spæt; spæt/ or spit ame 【美】, spat, spitting 1. [i,t] to force a small amount of liquid, blood, food etc from your mouth 吐[痰等]:◇he spat on the ground. 他往地上啐了一口。◇spit sth out he tasted the wine and then spat it out. 他尝了一下葡萄酒,然后吐了出来。 2. spit it out spoken used to tell someone to say something they do not want to say 【口】 爽快地说出来[用于让人说其不愿说的话]:◇tell me what you did — come on, spit it out. 告诉我你做了些什么 — 来吧,爽快些说出来。 3. it is spitting it is raining very lightly 下着小雨 4. be the spitting image of sb to look exactly like another person 长得与某人一模一样




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