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单词 symbolize
释义 symbolize (bre also symbolise) [transitive] (not usually used in the progressive tenses通常不用于进行时) (of a person, object, quality, event or action) to represent a more general quality or situation(人、物品、品质、事件或行动)象征,代表◆the use of light and dark symbolizes good and evil.用光明与黑暗来象征善与恶。◆he came to symbolize his country's struggle for independence.他逐渐成为祖国独立运动的象征。  ➡ see also symbol → sign 1 note 辨析 represent, embody or symbolize?sometimes you can use any of these words, especially when you are talking about a person.这些词有时可通用,尤其是谈论人时◆he came to represent / embody / symbolize his country's struggle for independence.他逐渐成为祖国独立运动的象征。 embody is the most physical and visual of these words and is used to talk about real people becoming the basis for other people's hopes: the qualities that sb embodies are always good qualities. symbolize is often more abstract (= existing as an idea rather than as a physical reality), and can be used to talk about objects or things, such as a dove (= a type of bird) being used to give the idea of peace, but it is a picture or idea of a dove, not a particular dove that really exists. represent is the most general of these words: it can be used to mean embody or symbolize or it can simply mean 'express'.这些词中 embody 最为具体和形象,指真实的人肩负他人的希望。embody 总是指体现某些优良品质。symbolize 往往指体现较为抽象的理念,可用于谈论物品或事物,如用鸽子代表和平的理念,但象征物是鸽子的图片或概念,而非特指某只真实的鸽子。represent 在这些词中含义最宽泛,可表示 embody 或 symbolize 的意思,或指“表达”◆the comments represent the views of the majority.这些意见表达了大多数人的看法。symbolize/ˈsɪmbəlaɪz ||; ˈsɪmbḷˌaɪz/(also -ise) verb [t] to represent sth 象征: ◇the deepest notes in music are often used to symbolize danger or despair. 最低沉的音符常用以象征危险或绝望。 symbolizesee ⇨ meaning 3 sym·bol·ize /(also 又作 -ise bre 【英】) /`sɪmbḷˏaɪz; ˈsɪmbəlaɪz//v [t]to be used or seen as a symbol of something 象征:◇a wedding ring symbolizes a couple's vows to each other. 结婚戒指象征着夫妻之间的誓约。




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