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单词 symbolic
释义 symbolic adjectiveverbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤be, seem具有象征意义;好像具有象征意义▸➤become成为象征◆the case became symbolic of racial tension in society.这起案件成了社会种族关系紧张的象征。➤regard sth as, see sth as认为⋯具有象征性;把⋯看成象征◆his refusal to accept the honour was seen as highly symbolic.他拒绝接受这份荣誉被认为颇具象征意义。adverb➤deeply, heavily, highly, very有深刻的象征意义;富有象征意义◆this is a gruesome and heavily symbolic tale.这是个富有象征意义的恐怖故事。➤merely, purely仅仅/纯粹是象征性的◆the role of monarch is a purely symbolic one.君主的作用纯粹是象征性的。➤largely, mainly主要是象征性的▸➤somehow有些象征意义的preposition➤of象征着◆these two objects are symbolic of life and death.这两件物品象征着生和死。symbolic /sɪmbɒlɪk; name sɪmbɑːlɪk/ containing symbols; being used as a symbol使用象征的;作为象征的;象征性的◆the dove is symbolic of peace.鸽子是和平的象征。◆he shook his fist in a symbolic gesture of defiance.他做了一个象征性的挑战手势 - 挥了挥他的拳头。◆the new regulations are largely symbolic (= they will not have any real effect).新的规章制度基本上只是做做样子,没什么实际效用。▸ symbolically adverb◆a symbolically significant gesture有象征意义的姿态symbolic/sɪmˈbɒlɪk ||; sɪmˈbɑlɪk/(also symbolical /-kl ||; -kḷ/) adj used or seen to represent sth 作为象征的;象征性的: ◇the white dove is symbolic of peace. 白鸽是和平的象征。 ➔symbolically adv /-kli ||; -kḷɪ/ sym·bol·ic /sɪm`bɑlɪk; sɪmˈbɒlɪk/adjif something is symbolic of something else, it means something else 象征性的,象征着…的:◇water in dreams is symbolic of emotions. 水在梦里是情感的象征。




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