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单词 room
释义 room noun¹ 1in a house/building房间adjective | verb + room | room + verb | room + noun | preposition adjective➤big, cavernous, enormous, high, high-ceilinged, huge, large, spacious, vast大房间;巨大的房间;挑高的房间;宽大的房间;宽敞的房间▸➤➤cramped, little, low, low-ceilinged, narrow, small, tiny狭小的房间;屋顶低的房间;狭窄的房间◆the rooms are cramped and narrow.这些房间很狭小。➤l-shaped * l 形房间▸➤north-facing, south-facing, etc.朝北、朝南等的房间▸➤airy通风的房间➤airless, claustrophobic, stuffy, windowless不通风的/幽闭的/通风不好的/无窗的房间▸➤bright明亮的房间▸➤dark, darkened, dim, dimly lit, dingy, pitch-black, shadowed, shadowy黑暗的房间;灯光昏暗的房间;昏暗的房间;漆黑的房间;幽暗的房间;阴暗的房间▸➤dreary沉闷的房间▸➤chilly, cold, draughty/drafty (especially bre) 寒冷的房间;透风的房间▸➤hot, warm闷热的/暖和的房间▸➤clean, tidy (especially bre) 干净的/整洁的房间▸➤dirty, dusty, messy, shabby, smelly肮脏的/积满灰尘的/凌乱的/破旧的/有臭味的房间➤comfortable, cosy/cozy舒适的房间➤attractive, beautiful, elegant, handsome, impressive, luxurious, magnificent, pretty讨人喜欢的/漂亮的/优雅的/有气派的/令人难忘的/豪华的/华丽的/可爱的房间▸➤bare, bleak, empty空荡荡的房间▸➤book-lined摆满书的房间➤tiled, wood-panelled/wood-paneled铺地砖的/镶木板的房间▸➤crowded拥挤的房间➤smoke-filled, smoky烟雾腾腾的房间▸➤quiet, silent安静的房间▸➤private私人房间▸➤locked锁着的房间▸➤adjacent, adjoining, next相邻的/紧挨着的/隔壁的房间▸➤attic, back, basement, downstairs, front, upstairs阁楼房间;里屋;地下室;楼下的房间;起居室;楼上的房间◆i was renting a tiny basement room at that time.我当时正租住在一间小地下室里。➤first-floor, second-floor, etc.一楼、二楼等的房间▸➤guest, spare客房;备用房间◆our guests are sleeping in the spare room.我们的客人正在客房里睡觉。➤hotel, motel旅馆/汽车旅馆房间▸➤double, family, single双人间;家庭活动室;单人间➤dorm宿舍房间▸➤bedsitting (bre) 起居室兼卧室两用房间▸➤rented租用的房间▸➤breakfast, dining, drawing, living, main, reception, sitting, utility早餐室;餐厅;客厅;起居室;主房间;接待室;杂物间▸➤laundry洗衣房▸➤dressing, make-up, rehearsal梳妆室;化妆间;排练室▸➤control控制室▸➤fitness, weight, weights (bre) 健身房▸➤news, press新闻编辑室◆he emailed his report back to the news room.他用电子邮件将报道发回了新闻编辑室。➤committee, conference, meeting委员会办公室;会议室▸➤break (name) 休息室▸➤storage, store (usually storeroom) 贮藏室▸➤incident, interview事故处理室;接见室◆police have set up an incident room at the scene of the murder.警察在谋杀现场设立了一间事故处理室。➤changing, locker, shower更衣室;淋浴室▸➤emergency, first-aid, hospital, medical, operating, recovery, treatment急救室;病房;医疗室;手术室;康复室;治疗室▸➤waiting等候室▸➤common, lecture, reading, seminar, staff (usually staffroom) 公共休息室;演讲室;阅览室;学术厅;教员室▸➤boiler, engine锅炉房;轮机舱▸➤computer计算机机房▸➤throne(皇宫中设有御座的)觐见室verb + room➤burst into, come into, creep into, enter, go into, hurry into, march into, reach, run into, rush into, slip into, sneak into, step into, storm into, stride into, walk into, wander into闯进房间;走进房间;潜入房间;进入房间;匆忙进入房间;大步迈进房间;到达房间;跑进房间;冲进房间;溜进房间;步入房间;遛达进入房间◆suddenly katie burst into the room.凯蒂突然冲进房间。➤back out of, come out of, creep out of, exit, flounce out of, go out of, hurry out of, leave, march out of, run out of, rush out of, slip out of, step out of, storm out of, stride out of, walk out of退出房间;蹑手蹑脚地走出房间;冲出房间;离开房间;匆忙离开房间;跨出房间;跑出房间;溜出房间;走出房间;大步走出房间◆as soon as the teacher left the room there was uproar.老师一走,教室里就吵闹起来。➤show sb to, usher sb into带某人去房间;把某人领进房间➤cross穿过房间▸➤go around, go round (especially bre) 在屋里踱步➤wander around, wander round, wander through在屋里徘徊◆i wandered restlessly around my room.我不安地在屋子里走来走去。➤walk, walk around, walk round (especially bre) 在房间里来回走➤pace, pace around, pace round (especially bre) 在屋里踱步◆he was pacing the room nervously.他紧张地在屋子里走来走去。➤prowl, prowl around, prowl round (especially bre) 在房间里徘徊◆she prowled around the room like a caged tiger.她像笼子里的老虎一样在屋里来回踱步。➤echo around, echo round, echo through, run around, run round (especially bre) 在屋里回荡;在屋里散开◆a ripple of laughter ran around the room.屋里回荡着一阵笑声。➤➤glance around, glance round, look around, look round, scan瞥视房间;环顾房间;扫视房间▸➤search搜查房间▸➤fill充满屋子▸➤clean, tidy (especially bre) 清扫/整理房间▸➤decorate, paint装饰/粉刷房间◆a room decorated with flowers用花朵装饰的房间◆a room decorated in pastel shades (bre) 淡色调装饰的房间➤air, air out, ventilate给房间通风▸➤light照亮房间◆a room lit by one dusty light bulb由一只布满灰尘的灯泡照明的房间➤share共用房间◆i used to share a room with my sister.我过去和姐姐住在一个房间里。➤occupy占用房间▸➤vacate退房◆guests are requested to vacate their rooms by 11 a.m.客人须在上午 11 点之前退房。➤set aside留出房间◆a room set aside for quiet study用来安心学习的房间➤book, hire, rent订房间;租房◆we hired a room for the party.为了办聚会我们租了一个房间。◆i rented a room while looking for a house to buy.寻购房子的同时我租了间屋子住着。room + verb➤adjoin sth, face sth, overlook sth房间邻近⋯/面对⋯/俯瞰⋯◆the room adjoins the hotel kitchens.这间屋子和旅馆的厨房相连。➤contain sth房间有⋯◆the room contained little more than a table and chair.房间里除了一张桌子和一把椅子再没有什么了。➤be crammed with sth, be filled with sth, be full of sth房间里塞满⋯; 房间里充满⋯▸➤be equipped with sth, be furnished with sth, have sth房间配备有⋯;房间配备有⋯家具;房间有⋯◆the patient was in a private room equipped with bathroom and tv.病人住在一间配有浴室和电视的私人病房。➤measure sth房间有⋯长/宽/高等◆a room measuring 28 feet by 34面积为 28×34 英尺的房间➤darken房间变黑▸➤fall silent, go quiet, go silent, grow quiet屋里安静下来◆the room fell silent as she rose to speak.她站起来讲话时屋子里安静了下来。➤smell房间有⋯气味◆the room smelled of stale sweat and coffee.房间里有股汗臭味和咖啡味。➤spin, sway房间旋转/摇晃◆she felt sick and the room was spinning.她感到不舒服,好像房间在旋转似的。room + noun➤key房间钥匙▸➤number房间号▸➤lights房间灯光▸➤mate (usually room-mate) 室友▸➤service客房服务▸➤temperature常温◆this wine should be served at room temperature.这种酒应该供应常温的。➤rates房价◆soaring room rates have put tourists off visiting the city.飙升的酒店房价让欲前往该城市观光的游客止步。preposition➤around a/the room, round a/the room (especially bre) 在房间各处▸➤from room to room一个一个房间地◆she flew from room to room looking for the fire extinguisher.她从一间屋子飞跑到另一间屋子地寻找灭火器。➤in a/the room, inside a/the room, into a/the room在房间内;在房间里面;到房间内room noun² 2space; enough space(足够的)空间adjective | verb + room | preposition | phrases adjective➤ample, considerable, enough, sufficient充足的空间;相当大的空间;足够的空间▸➤insufficient (especially bre) 不足的空间➤extra额外的空间▸➤head, leg (usually headroom, legroom) 头顶空间(尤指机动车的上方);供伸腿的空间➤wiggle (= opportunity to make adjustments) 回旋余地◆there is some wiggle room for varying interpretations.给不同的解释都留有一定的余地。verb + room➤find, leave, make找到/留出/让出地方◆we had to move the furniture to make room for the piano.我们得挪动家具才能腾出地方放钢琴。➤have有空间◆do you have enough room?你有足够的地儿吗?➤give sb给某人留出地方preposition➤room for用于⋯的空间◆will there be enough room for that dishwasher in your kitchen?你厨房里有足够空间放那个洗碗机吗?◆the sales figures are good, but there is still room for improvement. (figurative) 销售额还不错,但是还有提高的空间。phrases➤room for manoeuvre/maneuver回旋余地room [uncountable] (always used with for or to + infinitive总是与 for 或带 to 的不定式连用) the possibility of sth existing or happening; the opportunity to do sth(某事存在或发生的)可能性;机会◆he had to be certain. there could be no room for doubt.他必须确信无疑,不能有任何的疑惑。◆there's some room for improvement in your work (= it is not as good as it could be).你的工作还有改进的余地。◆it is important to give children room to think for themselves.给孩子独立思考的机会是很重要的。room [uncountable] empty space that can be used for sth(可利用的)空间◆is there enough room for the car?有足够空间停这辆车吗?◆there's room for one more at the table.这张桌子还可以多坐一个人。◆you'll have to make room for all those books.你得腾出地方来放那些书。note 辨析 space or room? room is usually space that you have or need for some practical purpose; it is more frequent than space in most of these 'practical' examples, but is not usually used after another noun. * room 通常指拥有或需要的实际空间,在这些关于实际用途的例证中比 space 更常用,但通常不用于另一名词之后◆office/floor/shelf/disk room space can be sth that you have or need for some practical purpose, or it may be the feeling of space, that you enjoy for its own sake. * space 可指拥有或需要的实际空间,或者指宜人的宽敞感觉◆light, bright colours help give a feeling of room. room/ru:m;rʊm ||; rum; rυm/noun1. [c] a part of a house or building that has its own walls, floor and ceiling 房间: ◇a sitting/dining/living room 饭厅;客厅◇i sat down in the waiting room until the doctor called me. 我在候诊室坐下,直到医生叫我。◇i'd like to book a double room for two nights next month. 我想预订一间双人房,下个月住两个晚上。 2. [u] room (for sb/sth);room (to do sth) space; enough space 空间;地方: ◇these chairs take up too much room. 这些椅子占去太多地方。◇i threw away my old clothes to make room in the wardrobe for some new ones. 我扔掉了旧衣服,好腾出衣柜的地方来放些新的。◇there were so many people that there wasn't any room to move. 人多得不得了,简直是寸步难移。 ☞look at space and the note at place ¹. 参看space及place^1的注释。 3. [u] room for sth the opportunity or need for sth 机会;需要: ◇there's room for improvement in your work (= it could be much better). 你的工作还有改进的余地。◇the lack of time gives us very little room for manoeuvre. 时间太紧,我们几乎没有机动余地。 roomsee ⇨ space 1     • • •• ⇨ chat room• ⇨ elbow room• ⇨ leg room• ⇨ make room☞ room¹☞ room²




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