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单词 switch on or off
释义 switch on or off1 to switch something on2 to switch something off3 when something is switched on4 when something is switched off5 when a machine, light etc switches on or off automaticallyrelated wordssee alsotelevision/radio,computers/internet/email,machine,start,stop,1. to switch something on 打开某物 switch on /ˌswɪtʃ ˈɒn/ [transitive phrasal verb] to make something start working, for example by pressing a button - use this about things that use electricity, for example lights, televisions, or computers 打开[电灯、电视或电脑等用电的东西] switch on something will you switch on the television? 你把电视机打开好吗? i switched on the radio to listen to the news. 我打开收音机听新闻。switch something on do you mind if i switch the light on? 我开灯你介意吗? exhaust fumes come into the car when i switch on the air conditioner. 我打开空调,废气就进车里面来了。 turn on /ˌtɜːʳn ˈɒn/ [transitive phrasal verb] to make something start working, for example by turning a tap or pressing a button - use this about things that use electricity, gas, or water 打开,拧开[电源、煤气、水等]的开关 turn on something he went into the bathroom and turned on the shower. 他走进浴室,打开淋浴器。 use timers to turn on indoor lights while you are away. 你不在的时候就用定时器打开屋里的灯。turn something on do you want me to turn the lights on? 要我把灯打开吗? put on /ˌpʊt ˈɒn/ [transitive phrasal verb] to make a light, radio etc start working 打开[灯、收音机等] put the light/radio/tv/kettle etc on eva put the kettle on to make a cup of coffee. 伊娃打开水壶的电源冲咖啡。 put the light on, then we can see what we're doing. 把灯打开,这样我们做事情就能看见了。 it was so cold i put the heating back on. 我冷得把暖气又重新开启。 start also start up /stɑːʳt, ˌstɑːʳt ˈʌp/ [transitive verb/transitive phrasal verb] to make a car, engine, machine etc start working 发动,启动[汽车、引擎、机器等] she started the car and backed slowly out of the garage. 她发动汽车,慢慢地从车库里倒车出来。 clean or replace the air filter before attempting to start the engine. 发动引擎前,清洁或更换空气过滤器。 get something started/going /ˌget something ˈstɑːʳtə̇d, ˈgəʊɪŋ/ [verb phrase] get a car/engine/machine etc started/going to succeed in making a car etc start after having some difficulty [在出问题之后]把汽车/引擎/机器等发动起来 i couldn't get my car started this morning. 今天早上我的车发动不起来。 he rebuilt the engine and finally got it going. 他重新装配了引擎,终于把它发动起来了。 it took the repairman an hour to get the washing machine going again. 修理工花了一个小时才把洗衣机重新启动起来。 set off /ˌset ˈɒf/ [transitive phrasal verb] to do something to make a piece of equipment that warns you about something start 拉响[警报器];使…响起 set off something someone accidentally set off the fire alarm. 有人不小心碰响了火警报警器。 smoke alarms can be set off by smoke from cigarettes, cooking, and fireplaces. 香烟、烹调的油烟,以及壁炉的烟都可以触发烟雾报警器。set something off the alarm is so sensitive that the slightest movement will set it off. 这个警报器非常敏感,稍有动静便会响起。 activate /ˈæktɪveɪt, ˈæktəveɪt/ [transitive verb] to make a system start operating - use this especially in technical contexts 开动,使起动[尤用于技术方面] the bomb's firing mechanism is activated by a time-clock. 炸弹的引爆装置由定时器启动。 the smoke activated the sprinkler system. 烟雾启动了喷洒灭火系统。 set something going /ˌset something ˈgəʊɪŋ/ [verb phrase] to make a clock, toy, or other machine that does not have a power supply start moving 启动某物[指钟、玩具以及其他本身没有电力供应的机器] mr carey wound up the old clock and gently set the pendulum going. 凯里先生给这个旧时钟上好发条,轻轻地拨动钟摆。 she pulled the lever that set the pump going and waited for the water. 她拉了一下启动水泵的控制杆,然后等着水流出来。 push/press a button /ˌpʊʃ, ˌpres ə ˈbʌtn/ [verb phrase] to press a button which makes a machine start 按下按钮[使机器开动] what happens when you press this button? 按下这个按钮会怎么样? somebody pushed the alarm button. 有人按了警报的按钮。 throw a switch /ˌθrəʊ ə ˈswɪtʃ/ [verb phrase] to pull a large control that switches on the electricity supply to something 扳动开关[使接上电源] the speaker of the house threw the switch for the christmas tree lights in front of the capitol building. 议院议长扳动开关,点亮了国会大楼前圣诞树上的彩灯。2. to switch something off 关上某物 switch off /ˌswɪtʃ ˈɒf/ [transitive phrasal verb] to make something stop working, for example by pressing a button - use this about things that use electricity, for example, lights, televisions, or computers 关上[电灯、电视或电脑等用电的东西] switch off something always switch off your computer when you've finished. 电脑用完之后一定要关掉。switch something off it's ok - i switched the tv off before i went out. 没问题,我出门之前把电视机关掉了。 turn off /ˌtɜːʳn ˈɒf/ [transitive phrasal verb] to make something stop working, for example by pressing a button or turning a tap - use this about things that use electricity, gas, or water 关上,拧上[电源、煤气或水]的开关 turn off something would you turn off the heater before you go to bed? 你上床之前把取暖器关掉好吗?turn something off you forgot to turn the oven off! 你忘记关炉子了! stop /stɒpǁstɑːp/ [transitive verb] to make an engine or a machine stop working 关掉[引擎或机器] george stopped the engine and got out of the car. 乔治关掉引擎下了车。 we had to stop the pump and unblock it. 我们只能把水泵关掉进行疏通。 push/press a button /ˌpʊʃ, ˌpres ə ˈbʌtn/ [verb phrase] to press a button that makes a machine stop 按下按钮[使机器停下] if you want it to stop, just press the red button. 如果你想把它停下来,就按下这个红色的按钮。 put out /ˌpʊt ˈaʊt/ [transitive phrasal verb] to switch a light off 关掉[电灯] put out something norma put out the light and went to sleep. 诺尔玛关了灯睡觉了。put something out could you put the lamp out in the bedroom, please? 请你把卧室的灯关了,好吗? turn out /ˌtɜːʳn ˈaʊt/ [transitive phrasal verb] to make a light stop working by pressing a button 关掉[电灯] don't forget to turn out the lights when you go to bed, okay annie? 你上床的时候别忘了把灯关掉好吗,安妮? shut off/down /ˌʃʌt ˈɒf, ˈdaʊn/ [transitive phrasal verb] if you shut off or shut down a machine, you make it stop operating 关掉[机器] the computer automatically shuts off the pump when no water is flowing. 如果没有水在流动,电脑会自动关掉水泵。 the department of energy shut down the reactor because of safety considerations. 能源部出于安全考虑关闭了反应堆。 unplug /ʌnˈplʌg/ [transitive verb] to remove the thing that connects a piece of electrical equipment to the main electricity supply, so that it is no longer connected to it 拔掉…的插头 did you remember to unplug the kettle? 你记得把电水壶的插头拔了吗? i was getting a lot of crank calls, so i started unplugging my phone at night. 我经常收到古怪的电话,所以晚上我就把电话插头拔掉。 disconnect /ˌdɪskəˈnekt/ [transitive verb] formal to separate a piece of equipment from the main electricity or gas supply so that it is no longer connected to it 【正式】切断…的电源 once a car has started, the engine would continue to run even if you disconnected the battery. 汽车一旦起动,即使你切断电池的电源,引擎还是会继续运转的。3. when something is switched on 某物开着 on /ɒnǁɔːn, ɑːn/ [adverb/adjective not before noun] if something is on, it is working - use this about lights, machines, and other things that use electricity, gas, or water [电灯、机器等]开着 is the heating on? i'm freezing. 暖气开着吗?我冷死了。leave something on did you leave the kitchen light on? 你没有关厨房的灯吗?keep something on in the winter, i keep the gas fire on all day. 到了冬天,我就把煤气取暖器整天开着。 be switched on /biː ˌswɪtʃt ˈɒn/ [verb phrase] use this about things that use electricity, for example, machines, computers, or heating equipment [机器、电脑或取暖设备等用电的东西]开着 a green light shows that the computer is switched on. 绿灯亮着表示电脑开着。 i don't think he has his cell phone switched on. 我想,他没开手机。 have you checked that the power is switched on? 你检查过电源是开着吗? be turned on /biː ˌtɜːʳnd ˈɒn/ [verb phrase] use this about machines or about the electricity, gas, or water supply [机器、电、煤气或水的开关]开着 if the boiler fails to light, first check that the gas is turned on. 锅炉如果点不着火的话,首先要检查煤气是否开着。 is the switch turned on? 开关开着吗? be running /biː ˈrʌnɪŋ/ [verb phrase] if an engine or a machine is running, it is working and its parts are moving [引擎或机器]在运转 do not touch the machine while it is running. 机器在运转的时候不要去碰它。leave something running nick left the engine running to warm it up, while he buckled the children into their car seats. 尼克把引擎开着让它预热起来,然后趁这个时候把孩子们安顿在车座上系好安全带。 be going /biː ˈgəʊɪŋ/ [verb phrase] especially spoken if a machine is going, it is working and its parts are moving 【尤口】[机器]在运转 the clock stopped during the night, but it's going again now. 时钟夜里停了,但是现在又在运行。 the washing machine's going, i can hear it. 我听到洗衣机在转。 be working /biː ˈwɜːʳkɪŋ/ [verb phrase] if a machine or piece of equipment is working, it has been switched on and is doing what it is supposed to do [机器或设备]在运转,在操作 you mustn't open the lid while the sterilizer is working. 消毒器在运作的时候,不可以把盖子打开。 you can hear the pump in the refrigerator when it's working. 冰箱运转的时候可以听到电泵的声音。 be ticking over /biː ˌtɪkɪŋ ˈəʊvəʳ/ [verb phrase] british if an engine or a vehicle is ticking over, it is working just enough to be on, but at its lowest level 【英】[引擎或车辆]在低速运转,空转 the plane's engines were ticking over just enough to hold position in the air. 飞机的引擎以刚好让飞机保持在空中的低速运转着。 he left the car ticking over while he dashed into the house. 他让汽车空转着,自己冲进屋里去。4. when something is switched off 某物被关掉 off /ɒfǁɔːf/ [adverb/adjective not before noun] if something is off, someone has switched it off to make it stop working - use this about lights, machines, and other things that use electricity, gas, or water [电灯、机器等]关上的 is the cooker off? i can smell gas. 炉子关了吗?我闻到煤气了。 i don't think anyone's at home. all the lights are off. 我想没有人在家,所有灯都关了。 be switched off /biː ˌswɪtʃt ˈɒf/ [verb phrase] use this about things that use electricity, for example, machines, computers, or heating equipment [机器、电脑、取暖设备等用电的东西]关掉 do you mean the alarm was switched off all night? 你是说警报器整夜都关着? he didn't realize the microphone was switched off. 他不知道麦克风是关着的。 be turned off /biː ˌtɜːʳnd ˈɒf/ [verb phrase] use this about lights or machines, or about the electricity, gas, or water supply 关掉…开关[指灯或机器,也指电、煤气或水] make sure everything's turned off before you leave the house. 离家前一定要把各样东西都关掉。 the machine is only turned off for a few minutes at a time. 这台机器一次只关几分钟时间。 out /aʊt/ [adverb/adjective not before noun] if a light is out, it is not shining because it has been switched off or because there is no electricity [灯]关掉的 she must have left the office as her light is out. 她肯定已经走了,因为她办公室的灯关了。 all the lights in the house were out. 屋里所有的灯都熄灭了。 disconnected /ˌdɪskəˈnektɪd, ˌdɪskəˈnektəd/ [adjective not before noun] a machine, telephone, water supply etc that is disconnected has had its power supply, water supply, gas supply etc completely removed so that it cannot be used [电、水、煤气等的供应]被切断的 that washing machine doesn't work. it's been disconnected. 那台洗衣机不运转,电源被切断了。 when the power was disconnected, he carefully removed the back of the computer. 电源切断以后,他小心地把电脑的后部拆下来。 off the hook /ˌɒf ðə ˈhʊk/ [adjective phrase] a telephone that is off the hook has not been put back correctly or has been arranged so you cannot receive any calls [电话]没挂好的 i've been trying to call her for about half an hour. i think her phone must be off the hook. 我一直试着给她打了大约半小时的电话,肯定是她电话没有挂好。take the phone off the hook i locked the door and took the phone off the hook so no one could disturb me. 我锁上门,摘下电话,这样就没有人能打扰我了。5. when a machine, light etc switches on or off automatically 机器、电灯等自动开或关 come/go on /ˌkʌm, ˌgəʊ ˈɒn/ [intransitive phrasal verb] if a machine, light etc comes or goes on, it starts working, especially because you have set a time for it to start - use this about things that use electricity, gas, or water [机器、电灯等]开始运转,打开[尤因预设了时间] the heating comes on automatically. 暖气会自动打开。 every so often, our tv just goes on by itself. 我们家的电视机有时会自己开起来。 switch/turn on /ˌswɪtʃ, ˌtɜːʳn ˈɒn/ [intransitive/transitive phrasal verb] if a machine, light etc switches on, it starts working - use this about things that use electricity [机器、电灯等]打开,开启 clap your hands twice, and the light switches on. 拍两下手,灯就会亮。switch/turn itself on water softening systems turn themselves on at night to clean the system. 夜间,软水器会自动开启清洗系统。 go out /ˌgəʊ ˈaʊt/ [intransitive phrasal verb] if a light goes out, it stops shining, for example because it is broken or because there is no electricity [电灯因为坏了、没有电等]熄灭 suddenly all the lights went out. 突然,所有的灯都熄灭了。 the street lights have a light sensor that makes them automatically go out at dawn. 路灯上装有感光器,黎明时分自动熄灭。 go off /ˌgəʊ ˈɒf/ [intransitive phrasal verb] if a machine, light etc goes off, it stops working - use this about things that use electricity, water, or gas [机器、电灯等]停下,关掉,熄灭 the heating goes off at 10:30. 暖气在10点30分停止供应。 after the 30-car train passed, the flashing red lights went off and the arms blocking traffic went up. 这列有30节车厢的火车驶过以后,闪烁的红灯灭了,封锁交通的护栏升了起来。 shut off/down /ˌʃʌt ˈɒf, ˈdaʊn/ [intransitive/transitive phrasal verb] if a machine shuts off or shuts down, it stops operating [机器]关闭 the pump automatically shuts down when no water is flowing. 如果没有水流动,水泵就会自动关闭。shut itself off/down something caused the computer to switch itself off. 有什么问题导致电脑自动关机了。 switch/turn off /ˌswɪtʃ, ˌtɜːʳn ˈɒf/ [intransitive/transitive phrasal verb] if a machine, light etc switches or turns off, it stops working - use this about things that use electricity [机器、电灯等]关掉;熄灭 the bulb inside the refrigerator switches off when you close the door. 冰箱关门后,里面的灯就会熄灭。switch/turn itself off if an automatic can opener fails to turn itself off, food is probably jamming the cutter. 自动开罐器如果不能自动关上,可能是食物卡住了刀口。




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