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单词 by yourself / by yourselves
释义 by yourself / by yourselvesidiom (rather informal) without any other people; without help独自;单独;独力◆how long were you by yourself in the house?你独自在这房子里多长时间了?◆are you sure you did this exercise all by yourself?你肯定是独立完成这个练习的吗?note 辨析 on your own or by yourself?there is very little difference in meaning or use between these expressions. on your own is often used when sb manages to do or achieve sth without help, because there is no help available.这两个短语在含义和用法上差别很小。on your own 常指在得不到任何帮助的情况下独自完成某事◆to manage / cope / survive / act / achieve sth / make it / set up on your own独自完成/应付/生存/行动/实现/做成某事/创业◆this is not something that you can achieve on your own.这件事你一个人可做不了。but you can also use by yourself in these cases.但上述例子也可用 by yourself。 by yourself is often used when sb has chosen to be or do sth without anyone else. * by yourself 常指自愿独立做某事◆to sit / play / walk / go off by yourself独自坐/玩/走/离开◆she loved to walk by herself on the wild lonely moors.她喜欢独自一人在孤寂的旷野中散步。however, you can also use on your own in these cases.但上述例子也可用 on your own。




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