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单词 mention
释义 mention nounadjective | verb + mention | preposition adjective➤brief, passing简短的提及;顺带的一提▸➤special特别提到▸➤earliest, first最早/首次提到◆the earliest mention of the town is in a 16th-century manuscript.16 世纪的一个手抄本里最早提到该镇。➤particular, specific特别的/具体的提及➤explicit明确提到◆no explicit mention of a sexual relationship is made.没有明确提到性关系。➤little, scant很少提到◆there is scant mention of her in the literature.文献中很少提及她。➤mere仅仅提及◆the mere mention of his name brings a smile to my face.仅仅是提到他的名字就会让我的脸上漾起微笑。➤honourable/honorable荣誉奖➤media (especially name) 媒体提及◆the company racked up two billion media mentions in 2002.该公司 2002 年累计被媒体提及 20 亿次。verb + mention➤deserve, merit, rate, warrant值得一提;应该提到◆my cousin deserves a mention for all his hard work.应该提到我堂兄所付出的辛苦努力。◆the war barely rates a mention in this book.这场战争在该书中几乎不配一提。➤earn获得提及▸➤get, receive被提及◆his professor gets a mention in the acknowledgements.致谢中提及了他的教授。➤make提及◆special mention must be made of watson's wonderful performance as the doctor.特别应当提到的是沃森医生的杰出表现。➤give sb提及某人◆andrew divoff is given special mention.安德鲁・迪沃夫被特别提及。➤avoid, omit避免提及;略而不提◆the author omitted any mention of the report.作者对报告略而未提。➤hear听人提及◆i've heard no mention of a salary increase this year.我没听人提及今年加薪的事。preposition➤at the mention of提到⋯◆at the very mention of his name, kate started shaking with fright.一提到他的名字,凯特就开始吓得发抖。mention verbadverb | verb + mention | preposition | phrases adverb➤already, earlier, just, previously, so far已经提及;先前提过;刚刚提过;前面提到;迄今提及◆as already mentioned, the legislation does not consider low pay as an acceptable reason for turning down a job.如上所述,这项法律不认为因报酬低而拒绝工作是可接受的理由。◆this aspect is discussed further by crane, whom i mentioned earlier.我前面提到过的克兰对这方面作了进一步的论述。◆all the approaches mentioned so far are fairly conventional.迄今提及的所有方法都是相当传统的。➤commonly, frequently通常提到;经常提及▸➤rarely, seldom难得提到;很少提及➤never从未提及◆he's never mentioned you before.他以前从来没说起过你。➤briefly, in passing简短提及;顺带提到◆he only mentioned his work in passing.他只是顺带提到了他的工作。➤casually不经意地提及◆i casually mentioned that i might be interested in working in florida.我不经意间说起我可能会对去佛罗里达工作感兴趣。➤directly, explicitly, expressly, specifically直接提及;清楚地提及;明确地提到;具体提及◆she did not specifically mention your name.她没有具体提及你的名字。➤publicly公开提及◆he was the first to publicly mention this.他是第一个公开提及此事的人。➤repeatedly反复提起◆the same places are repeatedly mentioned in the data.同一些地方在数据中被反复提及。➤barely, hardly, scarcely (especially bre) 几乎没提及▸➤not actually, not at all没有真正提到;一点儿也没提及◆although she didn't actually mention the move, i am sure that was in her mind.虽然那时她没有真正提到搬家,但我相信她在考虑这件事。◆my name wasn't mentioned at all.根本就没有提到我的名字。verb + mention➤not bother to, fail to, forget to, neglect to, omit to不屑于提及;没有提及;忘了提到;疏忽而未提;略而不提➤hesitate to犹豫是否提起◆i hesitate to mention it, but...我不太想提这事,不过⋯➤care to愿意提及◆more hours than i care to mention多得我不愿说的小时数➤happen to碰巧提到◆did he happen to mention putting you in his will?他可曾说起把你写进他遗嘱的事?➤remember to, think to记着提起;想要提到◆i just never thought to mention it to you.我就从来没想着要对你说起这事。preposition➤as提及⋯为⋯◆next spring has been mentioned as a possible time for the event.有人提到说明年春天可能举办这一活动。➤in在⋯中提及◆she didn't mention the economy in her speech.她在演讲中没有提及经济。➤in connection with与⋯一起提及◆his name had been mentioned in connection with the murder of a local man.他的名字与当地一位男子被谋杀的案子扯到了一起。➤to对⋯提及◆please don't mention this to sally.请不要对萨莉提这件事。phrases➤avoid mentioning sb/sth避免提及⋯◆he avoided mentioning his family.他闭口不提他的家庭。➤be worth mentioning sth⋯值得提及◆at this point, it is worth mentioning that many people who were adopted as babies have no desire to meet their biological parents.说到这里,应该提一下,很多从婴儿时就被领养的人都无意与亲生父母相认。➤mentioned above, mentioned below上面/下面提到的◆in the example mentioned above, either method of construction could have been used.在上面提到的例子中,可能采用了两种中的任一种建造方法。➤mentioned in dispatches (especially bre) 在战报中受到表扬◆wounded in action, he was twice mentioned in dispatches.因为在作战中受伤,他曾两次在战报中受到表扬。➤mention the fact that...提到⋯事实◆did i mention the fact that i'm now single?我说起过我现在是单身吗?➤not to mention (used to add extra information) 更不必说;除⋯外(还)(用于补充信息)◆he has two big houses, not to mention his city apartment.他有两所大房子,这还不算他那套城里的公寓。➤come to mention it, now you come to mention it, now you mention it (all especially bre) 既然说到了这事◆now that you come to mention it, he did say something about a ghost.经你这么一提,他确实说过幽灵什么的。➤to mention but a few, to mention just a few仅举几例◆plumbers, printers and potters, to mention but a few仅举管道工、印刷工和制陶工这几例 mention verbmention ♦︎ refer to sb/sth ♦︎ speak ♦︎ cite ♦︎ quote ♦︎ allude to sb/sththese words all mean to write or speak about sb/sth, often in order to give an example or prove sth.这些词均表示写到、提及或举例说明。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to mention / refer to / speak of / cite / quote / allude to sb / sth as sb / sth◆to mention / refer to / cite / quote a / an example / case / instance of sth◆sth is frequently / often mentioned / referred to / spoken of / cited / quoted / alluded to◆to mention / refer to / speak of / quote / allude to sb / sth briefly◆the example mentioned / referred to / cited / quoted / alluded to above / earlier / previously■ mention [transitive] to write or speak about sb/sth, especially without giving much information(尤指简略地)提到,写到,说到◆nobody mentioned anything to me about it.没人跟我提过这事儿。◆now that you mention it, she did seem to be in a strange mood.既然你说到这事儿,她确实好像情绪不大对头。◆did she mention where she was going?她有没有说起她要去哪儿?◆he failed to mention that he was the one who started the fight.他没提是他先动手打人的。 ➡ see also mention → reference noun ■ refer to sb/sth -->phrasal verb(-rr-) (rather formal) to mention or speak about sb/sth提到;谈及;说起◆i promised not to refer to the matter again.我答应过再也不提这事了。◆she always referred to ben as 'that nice man'.她总是称本为“那个大好人”。◆the victims were not referred to by name.没有提到受害人的姓名。  ➡ see also reference → reference ■ speak (spoke, spoken) [intransitive] to mention or describe sb/sth提起;讲述◆she still speaks about him with great affection.说起他来她依旧一往情深。◆witnesses spoke of a great ball of flame.目击者都谈到有个大火球。◆speaking of travelling, (= referring back to a subject just mentioned) are you going anywhere exciting this year?说到旅游,你今年要去什么好玩的地方吗?■ cite /saɪt/ [transitive] (formal) to mention sth as a reason or example, or in order to support what you are saying(作为理由、例子或论证)援引,引用,引证◆he cited his heavy workload as the reason for his breakdown.他提到繁重的工作是导致他累垮的原因。◆she cited the case of leigh v. gladstone.她援引了莉诉格拉德斯通案。  ➡ see also cite → quote , citation → reference ■ quote [transitive] to mention an example of sth to support what you are saying举例说明◆he quoted one case in which a person had died in a fire.他举了有一个人在火灾中丧生的例子。 ➡ see also quote → quote , quotation → reference note 辨析 cite or quote?you can cite reasons or examples, but you can only quote examples. * cite 可指提及原因或举出事例,但 quote 只表示举例◆he quoted his heavy workload as the reason for his breakdown. cite is a more formal word than quote and is often used in more formal situations, for example in descriptions of legal cases. * cite 较 quote 正式,常用于较正式的场合,如讲述法律案件。■ allude to sb/sth -->phrasal verb (formal) to mention sth in an indirect way间接提到;暗指;影射◆the problem had been alluded to briefly in earlier discussions.这个问题在以往的讨论中已简要提及。  ➡ see also allusion → reference mention [transitive] to write or speak about sb/sth, especially without giving much information(尤指简略地)提到,写到,说到◆nobody mentioned anything to me about it.没人跟我提过这事儿。◆now that you mention it, she did seem to be in a strange mood.既然你说到这事儿,她确实好像情绪不大对头。◆did she mention where she was going?她有没有说起她要去哪儿?◆he failed to mention that he was the one who started the fight.他没提是他先动手打人的。 ➡ see also mention → reference noun mention [uncountable, countable, usually singular] the act of mentioning sb/sth; sth that you say or write that mentions sb/sth else提到;谈及;说到(或写到)的事◆he went white at the mention of her name.提到她的名字时他脸色煞白。◆we have several other products worthy of mention.我们有其他几种产品值得一提。◆the concert didn't even get a mention in the newspapers.各家报纸对这场音乐会只字未提。 ➡ see also mention → mention verb note 辨析 reference or mention? reference is usually countable; the uncountable form is mostly used in fixed expressions in formal writing. mention is more often uncountable; the countable form can be slightly informal, as in the phrase get a mention. * reference 通常作可数名词,不可数形式主要用于正式文章的固定用语中。mention 较常作不可数名词,可数形式稍偏非正式,如短语 get a mention。mention/ˈmenʃn ||; ˈmɛnʃən/verb [t] to say or write sth about sb/sth without giving much information 谈到;写到;提到: ◇he mentioned (to me) that he might be late. 他(向我)提及他可能会迟到。◇did she mention what time the film starts? 她有没有提到电影几点钟开演? don't mention it used as a polite reply when sb thanks you for sth (用于礼貌地回复别人的道谢)不客气: ◇‘thank you for all your help.’ ‘don't mention it.’ “多谢你帮忙。”“不用客气。” not to mention (used to emphasize sth) and also; as well as (用于强调)除…外,还…;更不用说: ◇this is a great habitat for birds, not to mention other wildlife. 这是鸟类极好的栖息地,更不用说别的野生生物了。 mention noun [c,u] ◇it was odd that there wasn't even a mention of the riots in the newspaper. 真怪,报纸对这些暴乱只字不提。 mention1 to mention someone or something2 to start talking about something that you want to say more about3 when someone or something is mentionedrelated wordssee alsosay,tell,1. to mention someone or something 提到某人或某事 mention /ˈmenʃən/ [transitive verb] to say something about a person, plan, event etc, especially during a conversation, without giving any details or saying very much 谈到;提到[尤指交谈时说起] when you were talking to barbara, did she mention her mother at all? 你和芭芭拉讲话时,她有没有提到她的母亲? we didn't really discuss the price, but somebody mentioned a figure of £300. 我们实际上没有讨论价钱,可是有人提到了300英镑这个数字。mention (that) eve mentioned that you might be looking for a temporary job. 伊芙谈到你可能在找份临时工作。mention something to somebody she had started having nose bleeds, but when she mentioned this to her doctor, he told her not to worry. 她开始流鼻血,但当她向医生提到这件事时,他告诉她不必担心。worth mentioning ‘why didn't you tell me?’ ‘it didn't seem worth mentioning.’ “你为什么不告诉我?”“这件事似乎不值得一提。”now (that) you mention it used to agree when someone has introduced a new subject 你既然提及… now that you mention it, i did think she was behaving a little strangely last night. 你既然提到这件事,我也的确认为昨晚她的举止有些怪异。mention something in passing mention something quickly, without spending much time on it 顺便提及某事 then he remembered that liz had mentioned in passing that her father was a lawyer. 然后他想起来莉兹顺便提起过她父亲是律师。 refer to /rɪˈfɜːʳ tuː/ [transitive phrasal verb] to say something about a person, plan, event etc in a conversation, speech, or piece of writing [交谈、演讲或文章中]谈到,提到 although she didn't mention any names, everyone knew who she was referring to. 尽管她没有提及任何名字,但大家都知道她指的是谁。 i apologized, and the matter was never referred to again. 我道了歉,这件事就没有再被提起过。 i think what mary was referring to earlier was her manager's inability to make the right decision. 我认为玛丽先前所指的是她的经理没有能力作出正确的决定。 allude to /əˈluːd tuː/ [transitive phrasal verb] formal to mention someone or something in a deliberately indirect way 【正式】暗示,暗指 she has often alluded to a secret tragedy in her past. 她常会暗示,过去在她身上发生了一次不为人知的悲剧。 when the director spoke of ‘major problems’, i assumed that he was alluding to mechanical failures in the computer system. 当主管讲到“主要问题”时,我以为他指的是电脑系统的机械故障。 touch on /ˈtʌtʃ ɒn/ [transitive phrasal verb] to mention a subject or a fact during a speech, a lesson, a piece of writing etc, but without spending much time on it [在演讲、课堂或文章等中]简略地提及[某题目或事实] in my last lecture i touched on a number of important issues which i am now going to examine in some detail. 我在上一讲中曾简略提到了一些重要问题,现在我打算比较详细地讲解一下。 throw in /ˌθrəʊ ˈɪn/ [transitive phrasal verb] informal to mention something that is not closely connected with what you are saying, or that it is not necessary to mention 【非正式】说题外话 throw in something/throw something in he likes to throw in references to his days in the army. 他喜欢说题外话,说起他在部队里的日子。 namedropping /ˈneɪmˌdrɒpɪŋǁ-ˌdrɑːp-/ [uncountable noun] the practice of mentioning the names of famous or important people that you know or meet, in order to impress other people 提及名人[以自高身价] i hate the namedropping that is a feature of most autobiographies. 我讨厌自传借助大人物的声望来自高身价这一通病。2. to start talking about something that you want to say more about 开始谈想要讲得更多的事 bring up /ˌbrɪŋ ˈʌp/ [transitive phrasal verb] to start to talk about a subject during a conversation or meeting 提出[话题] bring up something she wished she'd never brought up the subject of money. 她希望自己从没提过钱的事就好了。bring something up if you think safety is a problem, i suggest you bring it up at the next meeting. 如果你觉得安全有问题,我建议你下次开会时提出来。 raise /reɪz/ [transitive verb] to mention a subject that people should start to discuss or think about 提出[大家应该开始讨论或考虑的事情] raise an issue/matter/question etc a number of important issues were raised at the conference. 一些重要的问题在会上被提了出来。 the matter of whether or not the royal family should pay taxes was first raised in an article in the times. 王室是否应缴税这个问题首先是在《泰晤士报》上的一篇文章中被提出来的。 broach /brəʊtʃ/ [transitive verb] to mention a subject that may be embarrassing or upsetting, or may cause an argument 提及[令人尴尬或不快,或可能引起争议的话题] broach a subject/matter/question etc he decided not to broach the subject of divorce until his wife had recovered from her illness. 他决定等妻子病好之后再向她提出离婚的事。broach something with somebody i think susan is being bullied at school, but every time i try to broach the matter with her she refuses to talk about it. 我觉得苏珊在学校被人欺负了,但每次我想向她提这件事,她都不愿意谈。 introduce /ˌɪntrəˈdjuːsǁ-ˈduːs/ [transitive verb] to mention a new subject or idea before talking or writing about it in more detail 提及;引入[新话题或想法] introduce a subject/idea/topic etc she introduced the subject of sex without any embarrassment. 她非常自然地提到了性这一话题。 then meredith discovered that the way to get harriet relaxed and talking was to introduce the topic of animals. 然后梅雷迪思发现,要使哈丽雅特放松并开口说话的途径就是引入动物这一话题。3. when someone or something is mentioned 提及某人或某事 mention /ˈmenʃən/ [singular noun] when someone or something is mentioned - use this in the following phrases 提及,说起[用于以下的短语] there was no mention of something it was not mentioned 没提到某事 there was no mention of a pay rise. 没有提到加薪的事。make no mention of something not mention something 没提到某事 mr franks made no mention of any changes at the top of the company. 弗兰克斯先生没有提及公司最高层有任何变动。get a mention be mentioned 被提及 the case even got a mention in some of the national newspapers. 此案甚至在一些全国性的报纸上都报道了。 reference /ˈrefərəns/ [countable/uncountable noun] when someone or something is mentioned, especially in a piece of formal writing, a speech, or an interview [尤在正式文章、讲话或面谈中]提到,提及 reference to the poem contains references to places where the poet spent his childhood. 这首诗中提到了几处诗人童年时生活过的地方。make no/any reference to something not mention something, or mention something 未提及/提及某事 the queen made no reference to the incident in her speech. 女王在讲话中未提及该事件。 did he make any reference to his forthcoming trial? 对他的审判即将开始,他有没有提到呢?☞ mention¹☞ mention²




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