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单词 mentallyill
释义 mentally ill adjectivementally ill ♦︎ insane ♦︎ neurotic ♦︎ psychotic ♦︎ disturbed ♦︎ crazed ♦︎ deranged ♦︎ unstable ♦︎ psychopathicthese words all describe sb who is suffering from a mental illness.这些词均表示精神失常的。synonym scale 词义标尺下图显示这些词所表达精神失常的严重程度neurotic ○ disturbed ○ unstable ○ mentally ill ○ insane ○ psychotic ○ deranged ○ crazed ○ psychopathicpatterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆insane / crazed / deranged with grief / sorrow / jealousy◆neurotic / psychotic / disturbed / unstable / psychopathic behaviour◆neurotic / psychotic / psychopathic illnesses / disorders / symptoms / patients◆a crazed / psychopathic killer◆seriously mentally ill / neurotic / psychotic / disturbed◆emotionally / mentally disturbed / unstable■ mentally ill -->suffering from an illness of the mind, especially in a way that affects the way you think and behave有精神病◆she was unhappy and stressed, but i didn't think she was mentally ill.她郁郁寡欢,焦虑不安,但我认为她没有精神病。◆services for mentally ill people have been cut yet again.对精神病患者的服务又削减了。  ➡ see also ill → sick 1 ▸ the mentally ill noun [plural] ◆the care of the mentally ill对精神病人的护理■ insane /ɪnseɪn/ [not usually before noun] (especially written) suffering from a serious mental illness and unable to live in normal society精神失常;神经错乱◆doctors certified her as insane.医生证实她精神失常。◆the question is, was the man insane when he committed the crime?问题在于该男子犯罪时是否处于精神失常状态?ⓘ in informal english insane can describe sb who is not suffering from a mental illness, but whose mind does not work normally, especially because they are under pressure. this meaning is used especially in the phrases go insane and drive sb insane.在非正式用语中,insane 可修饰未患精神病但尤因压力导致心智不正常的人。此义尤用于短语 go insane 和 drive sb insane 中◆she was driving me insane with her constant chatter.她唠叨个没完,快把我逼疯了。 opp sane → sane  ➡ see also the entry for mad另见 mad 条▸ the insane noun [plural] ◆he's in a hospital for the criminally insane (= people who are seriously mentally ill and are likely to commit dangerous crimes).他住在一家收治可能实施危险犯罪的重度精神病患者的医院里。■ neurotic /njʊərɒtɪk; name nʊrɑːrɒtɪk/ (medical医学) suffering from or connected with neurosis (= a mental illness in which a person suffers strong feelings of fear and worry) 神经(官能)症的◆the treatment of anxiety in neurotic patients对神经官能症病人焦虑感的治疗ⓘ in informal english neurotic is also used to describe sb who is not suffering from a mental illness, but is not behaving in a calm way because they are worried about sth.在非正式用语中,neurotic 亦可修饰未患精神病但因担忧而变得神经质的人◆she became neurotic about keeping the house clean.她对保持房屋清洁有点神经质。  ➡ see also the entry for nervous另见 nervous 条■ psychotic /saɪkɒtɪk; name saɪkɑːtɪk/ (medical医学) suffering from or connected with psychosis (= a serious mental illness in which thought and emotions lose connection with external reality) 精神错乱的;有精神病的◆a young mother with a psychotic illness患精神病的年轻母亲◆he suffered a psychotic episode (= an occasion on which he became psychotic) two years ago.他两年前得过精神病。ⓘ in informal english psychotic is sometimes used to describe anyone suffering from a mental illness, but in correct medical usage it only describes people who have difficulty relating to external reality. it contrasts with neurotic which describes people who are less seriously mentally ill and are still able to distinguish what is real from what is not. psychotic should not be confused with psychopathic: being psychotic does not make sb violent.在非正式用语中,psychotic 有时泛指患有精神疾病,但在正确的医学用语中,只用以描述难以与外界现实建立联系的人,这与 neurotic 形成对比 -neurotic 用以描述患有轻微神经错乱,但仍能区分现实与虚幻的人。psychotic 所描述的精神病人没有暴力行为,不应与 psychopathic 混淆。■ disturbed /dɪstɜːbd; name dɪstɜːrbd/ mentally ill, especially because of very unhappy or shocking experiences有精神病的,心理不正常的,精神紊乱的(尤因不幸或受刺激所致)◆he works with emotionally disturbed children.他的工作是照看精神异常的儿童。◆his behaviour is deeply disturbed.他的行为极其失常。■ crazed /kreɪzd/ (written, especially journalism尤用于新闻) not having any emotional or mental control疯狂的;发狂的◆a crazed killer stalked the streets.一个丧心病狂的杀手恶狠狠地打街上走过。◆she was crazed with grief.她伤心欲狂。■ deranged /dɪreɪndʒd/ (especially written) not able to behave and think normally, especially because of a mental illness精神错乱的;精神失常的;疯狂的◆the plan seemed to be the product of a deranged mind.这个计划像是精神错乱的人想出来的。◆at first i thought he was deranged.起初我以为他发疯了。■ unstable /ʌnsteɪbl/ having emotions and behaviour that are likely to change suddenly and unexpectedly(情绪和行为)反覆无常的,不稳定的◆he's highly unstable, and liable to sudden fits of rage.他情绪极其反覆无常,动辄暴跳如雷。◆emotionally unstable patients情绪不稳定的病人■ psychopathic /saɪkəpæθɪk/ suffering from or connected with a serious mental illness that causes the sufferer to behave in a violent way towards other people患严重精神病的;精神错乱而有暴力倾向的◆he was diagnosed as suffering from a psychopathic disorder.他被诊断为精神错乱。




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