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单词 mentally ill
释义 mentally illsuffering from an illness of the mind, especially in a way that affects the way you think and behave有精神病◆she was unhappy and stressed, but i didn't think she was mentally ill.她郁郁寡欢,焦虑不安,但我认为她没有精神病。◆services for mentally ill people have been cut yet again.对精神病患者的服务又削减了。  ➡ see also ill → sick 1 ▸ the mentally ill noun [plural] ◆the care of the mentally ill对精神病人的护理mentally ill1 mentally ill2 mental illness3 to become mentally ill4 not mentally illrelated wordsa doctor who treats people who are mentally ill 精神病医生 doctor,a hospital for people who are mentally ill 精神病医院 hospital,see alsocrazy,mind,illness/disease,cure,recover,medical treatment,drug,1. mentally ill 有精神病的 mentally ill /ˌmentəli ˈɪl/ [adjective phrase] someone who is mentally ill has an illness of the mind which affects the way that they behave 患有精神病的 many of these homeless people have been mentally ill at some time. 这些无家可归者中有许多人都患过精神病。the mentally ill people who are mentally ill 精神病人 he works in a hostel for the mentally ill. 他在一家精神病人收容所工作。 mental /ˈmentl/ [adjective only before noun] connected with mental illness or people who are mentally ill 精神病的 mental hospital/patient/institution a hospital ward for non-violent mental patients 非暴力性精神病人住的一间医院病房mental problem/disorder/breakdown we knew she had been having mental problems. 我们知道她有过精神方面的问题。 insane /ɪnˈseɪn/ [adjective] formal permanently and seriously mentally ill, so that you cannot have a normal life - use this in legal contexts or in descriptions of people who lived in the past 【正式】精神错乱的;精神失常的;疯狂的[尤用于法律语境或指过去的人] the man, who has attacked 13 women, was judged to be insane. 这名男子袭击了13名妇女,他被诊断为患有精神失常。go insane become seriously mentally ill 精神失常 sometimes i thought i was going insane. 有时候我觉得自己快疯了。 mad british crazy especially american /mæd, ˈkreɪzi/ [adjective] mentally ill - use this in conversations or stories, but not in formal, medical, or legal english 疯的;发疯了的[用于会话或故事,不用于正式、医学或法律文章中] we soon realized that the old man was completely mad. 我们很快就知道这个老人已经完全疯了。 there's this crazy woman in our town who eats glass. 我们镇上的这个疯女人会吃玻璃。go mad/crazy they say she went mad after her family were killed in a fire. 他们说她的家人都在火灾中丧生后,她就发疯了。 unstable /ʌnˈsteɪbəl/ [adjective] if someone is unstable, their emotional state often changes very suddenly, and they are likely to become angry, violent etc 情绪不稳定的,情绪反复无常的;暴躁的 working with clare every day, i began to realize how unstable she was. 每天和克莱尔在一起工作,我开始了解到她的情绪有多么不稳定。emotionally/mentally unstable he is emotionally unstable, and his aggressive attitude often culminates in violence. 他情绪不稳定,那种好斗的态度常常导致暴力行为。 confused /kənˈfjuːzd/ [adjective] an old person who is confused has become mentally ill so that they cannot remember things or think clearly 老糊涂的;头脑不清的 aunt clara had been so sharp, so witty, but now she is just a sad, confused old woman. 克拉拉姨妈以前那么精明、那么机智,可现在她却只是个闷闷不乐、糊里糊涂的老太太。2. mental illness 精神病 mental illness /ˌmentl ˈɪlnə̇s/ [countable/uncountable noun] an illness of the mind 精神病 depression is a mental illness and can often be treated with drugs. 抑郁是一种精神疾病,通常可用药物治疗。 he had a history of mental illness and alcoholism. 他有精神病史和酗酒史。suffer from (a) mental illness saneline is the first helpline for people suffering from mental illness. “心理健康热线”是首条为帮助患有精神疾病的人而设的电话帮助热线。 madness /ˈmædnɪs, ˈmædnəs/ [uncountable noun] especially british serious and permanent mental illness - used especially in literature, but not used in official or medical contexts 【尤英】[严重而永久的]精神失常;疯狂[尤用于文学作品中,不用于正式或医学文章中] by the end of the book, peter's addiction has led him to madness and suicide. 在这本书的结尾处,彼得的毒瘾导致他发疯并自杀。feign madness pretend to be mad 装疯 some prisoners feigned madness so that they would be released. 有些囚犯装疯以便获释。 insanity /ɪnˈsænɪti, ɪnˈsænəti/ [uncountable noun] formal serious and permanent mental illness - use this especially in legal contexts or in descriptions of people who lived in the past 【正式】精神失常;疯狂[尤用于法律语境或指过去的人] hearing voices inside your head is a common symptom of insanity. 听见脑子里有声音是精神失常的一种常见症状。 hodge was found not guilty by reason of insanity. 霍奇因精神失常被判无罪。 disorder /dɪsˈɔːʳdəʳ/ [countable noun] formal a mental illness - used especially by doctors 【正式】精神失常,紊乱[尤为医生所用] personality/mood disorder children who suffer from personality disorders often receive little or no treatment until it's too late. 患有人格障碍的儿童通常都很少得到或者完全得不到治疗,等到要补救则为时已晚。psychiatric/mental disorder there was no evidence of her having a psychiatric disorder, although it was clear that she had become withdrawn since the breakup of her relationship. 关系破裂后她变得孤僻内向,这一点是显而易见的,但没有证据表明她患上了精神病。 depression /dɪˈpreʃən/ [uncountable noun] a mental illness which makes you so anxious and unhappy that you cannot live a normal life 抑郁[症] suffer from depression he has been suffering from depression since his wife died last year. 自他妻子去年去世后,他就患上了抑郁症。deep/severe depression she suffers from periods of deep depression, when she locks herself away and will speak to no one for weeks. 她患有严重的阶段性抑郁症,发病时她会把自己关在屋内,一连几个星期不与别人说话。 senility /sɪˈnɪlɪti, sɪˈnɪləti/ [uncountable noun] a mental illness that affects old people and makes them unable to think clearly and become confused very easily 年老糊涂,衰老 of all the associated problems to do with getting old, senility is the one she dreads most. 在所有因上了年纪而产生的问题中,年老糊涂是她最怕的一个。3. to become mentally ill 患上精神病 have a (nervous) breakdown /hæv ə (ˌnɜːʳvəs) ˈbreɪkdaʊn/ [verb phrase] to become mentally ill, usually as a result of working too hard or difficult emotional problems, and be temporarily unable to deal with ordinary things such as working or looking after your family 精神崩溃[常因工作过于辛苦或因情感问题所致] after her divorce, dora had a nervous breakdown and was off work for three months. 离婚后,多拉的精神崩溃了,三个月未去上班。 she sounds really bad. i think she's heading for a nervous breakdown. 她的情况听起来很糟糕。我认为她的精神快崩溃了。 crack up /ˌkræk ˈʌp/ [intransitive phrasal verb] informal to suddenly become unable to continue your normal life, especially because you have been working too hard or doing something that is very frightening, dangerous etc 【非正式】[精神上]垮掉[尤指因工作过于辛苦或做了极为可怕、危险等的事情] i think paul's cracking up under the strain of work. 我觉得在这种工作压力下,保罗快垮掉了。 some people can't cope with the death of a loved one, and simply crack up. 有些人无法接受所爱的人去世,于是就精神崩溃了。 go insane also go mad british /go crazy especially american /gəʊ ɪnˈseɪn, gəʊ ˈmæd, gəʊ ˈkreɪzi/ [verb phrase] to become seriously and permanently mentally ill - used in ordinary english, but not official or medical contexts 发疯[用于日常英语] eventually, rejected by hamlet, ophelia goes mad and drowns herself. 由于被哈姆雷特拒绝,奥费利娅最终发了疯,溺水而死了。 i wondered if i was going crazy. everyone seemed to be against me. 我不知道自己是否要发疯了,每个人似乎都在反对我。 conditions on the oil rig are very unpleasant. you'd go insane if you had to stay more than a month or so. 石油钻台上的工作条件非常糟糕。如果要逗留一个月左右的时间,你会发疯的。4. not mentally ill 没有精神病的 sane /seɪn/ [adjective] not mentally ill, so that you are able to make sensible decisions and lead your life in a normal way 神志正常的;心智健全的 of course he isn't mad. he's as sane as you or i. 他当然不是疯了。他的精神像你我一样健全。 no sane person would believe such garbage! 没有一个脑子正常的人会相信这种胡说八道!perfectly sane completely sane 绝对正常 to his neighbours, peter appeared perfectly sane. 彼得在邻居眼里很正常。 sanity /ˈsænɪti, ˈsænəti/ [uncountable noun] when you are mentally healthy 神志正常;精神健全 if you have your health and your sanity, money isn't really important. 如果你拥有健康的身体和健全的心智,钱多钱少也就并不很重要了。 i began to doubt donald's sanity as his story got stranger and stranger. 唐纳德把事情讲得越来越怪异,我开始怀疑他是否正常。 of sound mind /əv ˌsaʊnd ˈmaɪnd/ [adjective phrase] a legal expression meaning not mentally ill and able to be responsible for your decisions and actions 精神健全的[法律用语] you are allowed to vote only if you are over 18 and of sound mind. 如果你过了18岁,精神健全,就有权投票。




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