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单词 impersonal
释义 impersonal adjectiveverbs | adverb verbs➤be, seem冷漠;似乎漠然▸➤become变得没有人情味▸➤find sth发现⋯冷漠◆i find the atmosphere there rather impersonal.我发现那儿的气氛相当冷淡。➤keep sth保持⋯客观◆i think we should keep things entirely impersonal.我认为咱们应该保持对事不对人的客观态度。adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/相当/非常冷淡▸➤totally完全没有人情味▸➤a little, slightly, etc.有点儿/略有些冷漠▸➤coldly冷冰冰◆the law is abstract and coldly impersonal.法律既抽象又没人情味。➤seemingly表面冷淡impersonal (usually disapproving) lacking friendly human feelings or atmosphere; making you feel unimportant缺乏人情味的;冷淡的◆business letters do not always need to be impersonal and formal.商业信函不一定就总得语气正式且缺乏人情味。◆the hotel room looked bare and impersonal.旅馆的房间空荡荡、冷冰冰的。opp personal ⓘ a personal service or action is done for a particular person rather than for a large group of people or people in general; the term is used to suggest a warm and friendly service.以 personal 修饰的服务或行为是针对某一个人,而不是面向群体或大众的。该词常用来形容服务亲切周到、切合个人需要◆we offer a personal service to all our customers.我们为所有顾客提供个性化服务。 impersonal/ɪmˈpɜ:sənl ||; ɪmˈpɝsṇl/adj1. not showing friendly human feelings; cold in feeling or atmosphere 冷漠的;冷淡的: ◇the hotel room was very impersonal. 那个旅馆房间冷冷清清的,一点都不亲切。 2. not referring to any particular person 非专指某个人的: ◇can we try to keep the discussion as impersonal as possible, please? 我们讨论的时候,尽量不要针对个人好吗? impersonalsee ⇨ unfriendly 4 im·per·son·al /ɪm`pɜsṇl; ɪmˈpɜːsənəl/adjnot showing any feelings of sympathy, friendliness etc 不表示同情[友善]的,冷漠的:◇an impersonal letter 一封冷冰冰的信




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