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单词 support
释义 support noun¹ 1help and encouragement帮助;鼓励adjective | verb + support | support + verb | support + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤complete, full, total完全的/充分的/全面的支持➤firm, solid, strong坚定的/可靠的/强有力的支持◆the candidate enjoys the firm support of local industry.候选人受到当地产业界的坚决支持。◆the plan received strong support from farmers.这个计划获得了农民的大力支持。➤considerable, generous, substantial相当大的/慷慨的/大力的支持◆the company's generous financial support of the arts公司对艺术慷慨的财力支持➤good, great, tremendous有力的支持;极大的支持▸➤active, enthusiastic积极的/热情的支持➤loyal忠实的支持➤unconditional, unqualified, wholehearted无条件的支持;全心全意的支持➤massive, overwhelming, unanimous巨大的支持;一致的支持◆the poll revealed massive support for the proposal.民意测验显示了人们对这个提案的大力支持。➤unflagging, unstinting, unswerving, unwavering不懈的/全力的/始终不渝的/坚定不移的支持◆we would like to thank ana for her unwavering support over the years.我们要感谢安娜多年来始终不渝的支持。➤growing, increased, increasing越来越多的支持;甚于以往的支持▸➤continued, continuing, ongoing不断的支持;持续的支持▸➤broad, general广泛的/普遍的支持➤grass-roots, popular, public草根阶层的/民众的/大众的支持➤majority, mass, wide, widespread大多数人的支持;群众的支持;广泛的支持◆the government has lost majority support in the assembly.政府失去了议会多数人的支持。➤community社会的支持▸➤main主要的支持▸➤limited, lukewarm, qualified, weak有限的/不冷不热的/有保留的/无力的支持◆my idea only received lukewarm support from my colleagues.我的想法只得到了同事们不冷不热的支持。➤adequate, sufficient足够的/充分的支持▸➤direct, indirect直接的/间接的支持▸➤long-term长期帮助◆people who need long-term support at home在家长期需要帮助的人➤personal个人的支持◆the proposal has the personal support of the president.该提案得到了总统本人的支持。➤mutual相互的支持◆the parents of the sufferers get together for mutual support.受害者的父母聚在一起,相互支持。➤international国际援助▸➤democratic, labour, liberal, republican, etc.民主党、工党、自由党、共和党等的支持▸➤all-party, bipartisan, cross-party (bre) 所有党派的/两党的/跨党派的支持➤parental父母的支持➤emotional, moral感情上的/道义上的支持◆she took her sister with her to the interview for moral support.她带着妹妹去面试是为了有精神上的支持。➤administrative, economic, electoral, financial, political, practical, technical, etc.行政、经济、选举、金融、政治、实践、技术等支持▸➤federal, government, official, state联邦/政府/官方/国家支持▸➤air, intelligence, logistical, logistics, military, naval空中支援;情报支持;后勤支援;军事支援;海军支援➤customer, tech (= company departments) 客户服务(部);技术支持(部)➤life生命维持(设备)◆he's on life support at the moment.目前他正靠医疗设备维持着生命。◆they turned off her life-support machine.他们关掉了维持她生命的呼吸机。verb + support➤enjoy, have享有/拥有支持◆the policy has the support of the community.该项政策得到了公众的支持。➤derive, draw, get, receive获得支持;得到支持;受到支持◆which groups does the party draw most of its support from?该党派的大部份支持来自哪些群体?➤enlist, find, gain, mobilize, secure, win获得支持;找到支持;争取支持;稳获支持;赢得支持◆campaigners have enlisted the support of the local people.运动领导者已争取到当地人的支持。➤attract, generate吸引/获得支持▸➤drum up, garner, muster, rally, recruit, seek, solicit, whip up竭力争取支持;寻求支持;恳求给予支持▸➤give sb/sth, lend (sb/sth), offer (sb/sth), provide (sb/sth with)给予⋯支持;(向⋯)施以援手;(向⋯)提供支持◆organizations that provide support and advice to small businesses为小型企业提供帮助和建议的机构➤lose失去支持▸➤cut, cut off, withdraw中断支持;撤回援助▸➤need, require需要支持◆she will need a lot of emotional support at this difficult time.在这种艰难时刻,她需要大量的情感支持。➤count on, rely on指望/依靠支持◆can i count on your support?我能指望你的支持吗?➤deserve应该受到支持▸➤announce, confirm, express, pledge, reaffirm, voice宣布/证实/表达/承诺/重申/声称支持◆many tv celebrities have already pledged their support to the appeal.许多电视名流已承诺支持这一呼吁。➤come out in, demonstrate, show公开表达/表明/表示支持◆one of the first scientists to come out in support of 'the origin of species'首批公开表示支持《物种起源》的科学家之一➤acknowledge感谢支持◆i wish to acknowledge the support of my family during the writing of this book.我想感谢家人在我写这本书期间给予我的支持。➤appreciate感激支持▸➤bolster, broaden, build, build up, increase, strengthen增进支持;扩大支持;加强支持◆the government is trying to build popular support for an unwinnable war.政府正在试图促使大众支持一场不可能获胜的战争。➤erode, weaken削弱支持support + verb➤come from sth支持来自⋯◆support came from all sections of the community.支持来自社会各界。➤grow, rise支持率上升/提高◆support for the party has risen to 33%.该党的支持率提高到了 33%。➤fall支持率下降support + noun➤base, network支持基础;关系网◆he had no support base within the party.他在党内没有支持基础。➤group互助小组◆a local support group for single parents当地的单亲父母互助小组➤services, system(地方政府对贫困儿童及其家庭提供的)支持服务;互助体系➤personnel, staff, team人员/员工/团队支持➤function, role功能/角色支持preposition➤in support of支持⋯◆an intense campaign in support of the proposal拥护这一提议的轰轰烈烈的活动➤with... support, without... support有⋯支持;没有⋯支持◆the pipeline is to be built with international support.这条管道将在国际援助下进行建设。➤support against对⋯斗争的支持◆farmers mobilized considerable support against plans to remove import restrictions.农户们争取到了大批支持者来反对取消进口限制的计划。➤support among⋯当中的支持◆the party wishes to broaden its support among professionals.该党希望获得更多专业人士的支持。➤support between⋯之间的支持◆mutual support between local cooperatives当地合作企业之间的相互支持➤support for对⋯的支持◆the president has expressed his support for the project.总统已对该项目表示支持。➤support from来自⋯的支持◆the policy has broad support from industry.这项政策得到产业界的广泛支持。phrases➤a base of support支持的基础◆fears that instability would return gave the government a broad base of support.对不稳定局势再度出现的担心令本届政府获得了广泛的支持基础。➤a cut in support, a decline in support支持率的下降/下滑➤an expression of support支持的表达◆the rebel leader received expressions of support from all quarters.叛军首领得到了来自四面八方的表态支持。➤a lack of support缺乏支持➤a source of support支持的源泉➤support and encouragement支持与鼓励➤throw your support behind sb, throw your support to sb (name) 向⋯提供支持◆she threw her full support behind him.她全力支持他。◆they are now throwing their support to the other candidate.他们现在正向其他候选人施以援手。support noun² 2money to buy food, clothes, etc.生活费adjective | verb + support | phrases adjective➤child, family, social, spousal (especially name) 子女抚养费;家庭赡养费;社会资助;配偶赡养费▸➤income (bre) 低收入补助金verb + support➤claim申领补助◆families earning below a certain amount can claim child support.收入不足一定数额的家庭可以申领子女抚养费。➤pay支付生活费phrases➤a means of support生计来源support noun³ 3sth that carries the weight of sb/sth承重物adjective | verb + support | support + noun | phrases adjective➤firm坚固的支柱▸➤added, additional, extra另外的/附加的/额外的支撑物▸➤back, knee, etc.腰托、护膝等▸➤roof房顶支柱➤structural结构支撑verb + support➤give sth给予⋯支撑◆the piece of wood under the mattress is to give my back extra support.床垫下的木板会使我的背部得到额外的支撑。support + noun➤beam, structure支承梁;支承结构phrases➤hold onto sb/sth for support抓住⋯作支撑◆he held onto his wife for support as he left the hospital.他在妻子搀扶下离开了医院。support verb¹ 1help/encourage/agree with sb/sth帮助;鼓励;赞同adverb | verb + support | preposition | phrases adverb➤overwhelmingly大力支持◆the people of this country overwhelmingly support their president.该国人民非常拥护他们的总统。◆i strongly support the view that education should be available to everyone.我强烈支持每个人都有权接受教育的观点。➤fervently, fully, strongly, wholeheartedly热烈/完全/强烈/由衷支持▸➤unanimously一致赞同▸➤actively, enthusiastically, vigorously积极/热情/大力支持◆the group is actively supported by the administration.这个团体得到了政府的积极支持。➤consistently一贯支持◆he has consistently supported the tax cuts.他一贯支持减税。➤directly直接支持▸➤tacitly心照不宣地支持➤openly, publicly公开/公然支持▸➤loyally忠诚地支持◆he has supported the party loyally for over twenty years.二十多年来他一直对党忠心不二。➤ably大力支持◆the soloists were ably supported by the university singers.这些独唱演员得到了大学合唱团的大力支持。verb + support➤agree to, pledge to, promise to同意/保证/承诺支持◆he promised to support me at the meeting.他答应在会议上站在我这边。➤be prepared to, be willing to乐意/愿意支持▸➤fail to, refuse to没有/拒绝支持preposition➤in在⋯方面支持◆very few countries supported france in its action.没有几个国家支持法国的行动。phrases➤be well supported, be widely supported得到广泛的支持◆these policies were widely supported in the country.这些政策在该国受到广泛支持。➤support and encourage sb/sth支持并鼓励⋯◆teachers should always support and encourage their students.教师应随时随地给予学生支持和鼓励。support verb² 2show that sth is true/correct证实adverb | verb + support | phrases adverb➤strongly, weakly有力地/难以证实◆the evidence strongly supports his claims.这一证据有力地证实了他的说法。➤adequately充分证实◆the sample adequately supports this conclusion.样本充分证实了这一结论。➤directly, indirectly直接/间接证实◆these results indirectly support the hypothesis.结果间接证明了这一假设。➤partially部份证实➤generally普遍支持◆research has generally supported these predictions.调查研究普遍支持这些预测。➤clearly明确支持◆our results clearly support this view.我们得到的结果明确支持这个观点。verb + support➤appear to, seem to, tend to显得/好像/趋向于支持phrases➤be supported by data, be supported by evidence数据/证据支持◆his claim is not supported by any evidence.他的说法毫无证据支持。➤be well supported很好地证明◆he said the figures were questionable and not well supported.他说这些数字有问题,缺乏有说服力的证明。support verb³ 3give sb money资助adverb | verb + support | preposition adverb➤financially财政上支持▸➤generously慷慨资助➤partially部份资助◆this work was partially supported by the government.这项工作由政府提供部份资助。verb + support➤help (to)资助preposition➤through在整个⋯过程中提供资金◆her parents supported her all through college.她的父母供她上完了大学。support /səpɔːt; name -pɔːrt/ verb [transitive] help and encourage sb/sth by saying or showing that you agree with them/it 支持;鼓励;拥护◆if you raise it in the meeting, i'll support you. 如果你在会上提出这个问题,我会支持你。◆managers and employees strongly supported the plan. 管理人和雇员都大力支持这项计划。 help sth/sb by giving it/them money 资助;赞助◆several major companies are supporting the project. 几家大公司为此项目提供资助。 give or be ready to give help to sb/sth if they need it 帮助;援助◆we will continue to support customers still using previous versions of the software. 我们将继续对使用旧版软件的客户提供技术支援。 prevent sth from failing; to help sth continue 支撑;支持◆oil prices are being supported by fears of a shortage. 对短缺的担心使石油价格得到支持。 help to show that sth is true or correct 证实;证明;提供依据◆the decision cannot be supported by the data. 这项决策无法用数据证实。6. (it 信息技术) (about a piece of computer software or equipment, etc.) to allow a particular type of software, equipment or data to be used with it (计算机软件或设备等)支持◆the program supports html formatting. 此程序支持 html 格式。support /səpɔːt; name -pɔːrt/ noun [uncountable] and encouragement that you give to sb/sth by saying or showing that you agree with them/it 支持;鼓励;拥护◆support for union leaders 支持工会领导人◆there is strong support for the merger from shareholders. 股东大力支持合并。◆the restructuring program has the full support of employees. 重组计划得到雇员的全力支持。◆the ceo spoke in support of the proposal. 首席执行官表示支持这一提议。⨁ broad / unanimous / widespread support广泛/一致/广泛支持 ⨁ to give / lend / offer / pledge / withdraw your support给/给予/提供/保证/撤回你的支持 ⨁ to declare / express / indicate your support声明/表示/表明你的支持 ⨁ to gain / get / receive / secure / win support 获取/得到/获得/取得/赢得支持 that is given to sth/sb in order to help it/them become successful 资助◆a german media group provided €85 million in financial support to the firm. 一家德国媒体集团向公司提供了 8 500 万欧元的财务资助。⨁ to give / provide support给予/提供资助 ⨁ to look for / receive / seek support寻找/接受/寻求资助 that is given to sb/sth or available if needed 帮助;援助;救助◆we are committed to providing the best after-sales support to customers. 我们致力于向顾客提供最好的售后支援服务。⨁ to offer / provide support提供帮助 4.the act of preventing sth from failing or helping sth to continue 支撑;支持◆there will be no official support for the dollar until it has fallen further. 美元进一步下跌之前,官方不会再支持美元。⨁ to give / provide support给予/提供支撑 5.evidence that helps to show that sth is true 证据;依据◆the statistics offer further support for our theory. 这些统计数据为我们的理论提供了进一步的支持。⨁ to give / offer / provide support提供依据 price support ◇ technical support ◇ tech support ☞ support☞ supportsupport verb 1➤support a party/policy拥护一个政党/政策➤support the weight of sth支撑某物的重量  ➡ see also the entry for in favour另见 in favour 条support ♦︎ vote ♦︎ back ♦︎ stand for sth ♦︎ second ♦︎ champion ♦︎ side with sbthese words all mean to help or encourage a person, idea, policy, etc. by saying that you agree with them/it.这些词均表示支持、拥护。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to support / vote for / back / side with sb in sth◆to vote / side with sb against sb / sth◆to support / back / stand for / champion an idea◆to support / vote for / back / champion a measure◆to support / back / champion reform◆to support / vote for / back / second a proposal / plan / motion / resolution◆to support / vote for / back a move / scheme◆to support / back / champion a cause◆to support / back / stand for a policy◆to openly / publicly support / back / side with sb / sth◆to overwhelmingly / unanimously support / vote for / back sth■ support [transitive] to help or encourage sb/sth by saying or showing that you agree with them/it支持;拥护;鼓励◆if you raise it at the meeting, i'll support you.如果你在会上提出这个问题,我将支持你。◆these measures are strongly supported by environmental groups.这些措施得到环保组织的大力支持。opp oppose → oppose  ➡ see also advocate → recommend 1 ▸ support noun [uncountable] ◆there is strong public support for the change.公众大力支持这一变革。◆only a few people spoke in support of the proposal.只有几个人发言支持这一提议。◆the idea has met with widespread support.这个观点已得到广泛支持。■ vote [intransitive, transitive] to show formally by marking a paper or raising your hand which person you want to win an election, or which plan or idea you agree with投票;表决;选举◆they all voted for the new tax.他们都投票赞成这个新税项。◆over 60% of members voted in favour of the motion.60% 以上的成员对这一动议投了赞成票。◆we'll listen to the arguments on both sides and then vote on it.我们将先听取双方的论点,然后再表决。◆we voted democrat in the last election.上次选举我们投了民主党的票。■ back [transitive] to give help or support to sb/sth帮助;支持◆her parents backed her in her choice of career.她父母支持她的职业选择。◆doctors have backed plans to raise tax on cigarettes.医生们对提高烟草税的计划给予了支持。ⓘ back is often used when it is sb in an influential, powerful or more senior position who is giving their support. * back 常用于指有影响力、有权力或职位更高的人给予支持。▸ backing noun [uncountable] ◆the police gave the proposals their full backing.警方对这些提案给予了全力支持。  ➡ see also backing → investment ■ stand for sth -->phrasal verb(stood, stood)(especially of an organization) to support a particular idea, belief or policy(尤指组织)支持,主张(某种观点、信仰或政策)◆i hated the organization and all it stood for (= the ideas that it supported).我讨厌那个组织,也讨厌它的一切主张。■ second [transitive] to state officially at a meeting that you support another person's suggestion so that it can be discussed and/or voted on(会议中)支持,赞成(建议);附议◆any proposal must be seconded by two other members of the committee.任何提案都必须有其他两位委员附议。 ➡ see also propose → propose ■ champion [transitive] to fight for or speak in support of a group of people or a belief为⋯而斗争;捍卫;声援◆he has always championed the cause of gay rights.他一直在为争取同性恋者的权利而斗争。■ side with sb -->phrasal verbto support one person or group in an argument against sb else支持某人,和某人站在一起(反对⋯)◆the kids always sided with their mother against me.孩子们总是和妈妈站在一起,跟我唱对台戏。support verb 2➤support a party/policy拥护一个政党/政策➤support the weight of sth支撑某物的重量support ♦︎ hold sb/sth up ♦︎ bear ♦︎ hold ♦︎ prop sth up ♦︎ carrythese words all mean to hold sth in position so that it does not fall.这些词均表示支撑、承载。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to support / bear / hold / carry the weight of sb / sth■ support [transitive] to hold sb/sth in position; to prevent sb/sth from falling支撑;支承;支护◆the platform is supported by concrete pillars.这个平台是用混凝土支柱来支撑的。◆support the baby's head when you hold her.你抱婴儿时要托着她的头。◆she walked carefully down the stairs, supported by her grandson.她在孙儿的搀扶下小心地走下楼梯。▸ support noun [uncountable] ◆she held on to his arm for support.她抓住他的胳膊以免摔倒。 ➡ see also support → post noun ■ hold sb/sth up phrasal verb(held, held) [often passive] to support or raise sb/sth and stop them from falling搀扶;支撑;举起;抬起◆his baggy grey trousers were held up with a piece of string.他那宽松的灰裤子靠一根带子系着。◆he held up his hands (= raised his arms) in a gesture of innocence.他举起双手,做了一个表示无辜的姿势。■ bear (bore, borne) [transitive] (rather formal) to support the weight of sb/sth支撑;承受(重量)◆the ground was too soft to bear his weight.地面太软,承受不住他的重量。■ hold [transitive] (held, held)to support the weight of sb/sth支撑;承受(重量)◆i don't think that branch will hold your weight.我觉得那根树枝撑不住你的重量。note 辨析 bear or hold?these words have the same meaning, but bear is slightly more formal. bear can also be used figuratively, but hold is not used in this way.这两个词含义相同,但 bear 稍正式些。bear 也可用于比喻,hold 则不这样用◆ (figurative) he seemed unable to bear the weight of his reponsibility.他似乎承担不了这种重任。◆he seemed unable to hold the weight of his responsibility. ■ prop sth up -->phrasal verb(-pp-)to prevent sth from falling by putting sth under it to support it撑起;支起◆they had to prop up the tree with long poles under the branches.他们得用一些长杆子支在树枝的下面把树撑起。■ carry [transitive] to support the weight of sth, especially sth that is moving支撑,承载(尤指移动的物体)◆a road bridge has to carry a lot of traffic.公路桥必须承载很多来往车辆。support [transitive] to help to show that a claim or theory is true or correct帮助证实;(为说法或理论)提供依据◆the witness's story was not supported by the evidence.目击者的叙述与证据不符。 ➡ see also support → evidence noun support [uncountable] evidence that helps to show that a theory or idea is true or correct(理论或想法的)证据,依据◆the statistics offer further support for our theory.这些统计数据为我们的理论提供了进一步的依据。 ➡ see also support → confirm verb 1 support [transitive] to provide money for sth in order to help it to be successful资助;赞助◆several major companies are supporting the project.几家大公司在资助这个项目。▸ support noun [uncountable] ◆local businesses have provided financial support.当地企业提供了财政资助。support [uncountable] sympathy and help that you give to sb who is in an unhappy or difficult situation帮助;救助;援助◆we'll need to give her lots of support when she comes out of hospital.她出院时,我们要多帮帮她。◆he needed constant emotional support.他时常需要安慰。◆friends came to the lecture to give me moral support (= encouragement).朋友们来听演讲,给我精神上的鼓励。▸ supportive adjective◆my sister was very supportive when my baby was ill.宝宝生病时,姐姐给了我很大帮助。◆a supportive family理解支持自己的家人support [transitive] to give or be ready to give help to sb if they need it, especially by being kind to them in a difficult or unhappy situation帮助,援助,关怀(尤指身处困境的人)◆she supported her husband through many difficult times.她陪伴丈夫渡过了许多难关。◆the organization supports people with aids.该组织为艾滋病患者提供帮助。support [countable] a thing that holds sth and prevents it from falling支撑物;支柱;支座◆the supports under the bridge were starting to bend.桥下的支柱开始弯曲。 ➡ see also support → support verb 2 support [transitive] to provide for sb financially over a period of time; to provide the money or conditions necessary for sth to exist or continue资助;扶养;赡养;维持◆mark has two children to support from his first marriage.马克得扶养他第一次婚姻所生的两个孩子。◆he turned to crime to support his drug habit.他为了维持吸毒的恶习走上了犯罪的道路。◆the atmosphere of mars could not support life.生物无法在火星的大气环境下生存。▸ support noun [uncountable] ◆she has no visible means of support (= no work or income).她没有明确的生计来源。support [transitive] to help or encourage sb/sth by saying or showing that you agree with them/it支持;拥护;鼓励◆if you raise it at the meeting, i'll support you.如果你在会上提出这个问题,我将支持你。◆these measures are strongly supported by environmental groups.这些措施得到环保组织的大力支持。opp oppose → oppose  ➡ see also advocate → recommend 1 ▸ support noun [uncountable] ◆there is strong public support for the change.公众大力支持这一变革。◆only a few people spoke in support of the proposal.只有几个人发言支持这一提议。◆the idea has met with widespread support.这个观点已得到广泛支持。support [transitive] to hold sb/sth in position; to prevent sb/sth from falling支撑;支承;支护◆the platform is supported by concrete pillars.这个平台是用混凝土支柱来支撑的。◆support the baby's head when you hold her.你抱婴儿时要托着她的头。◆she walked carefully down the stairs, supported by her grandson.她在孙儿的搀扶下小心地走下楼梯。▸ support noun [uncountable] ◆she held on to his arm for support.她抓住他的胳膊以免摔倒。 ➡ see also support → post noun supportnoun [uncountable] ◆local businesses have provided financial support.当地企业提供了财政资助。supportnoun [uncountable] ◆she has no visible means of support (= no work or income).她没有明确的生计来源。supportnoun [uncountable] ◆there is strong public support for the change.公众大力支持这一变革。◆only a few people spoke in support of the proposal.只有几个人发言支持这一提议。◆the idea has met with widespread support.这个观点已得到广泛支持。supportnoun [uncountable] ◆local businesses have provided financial support.当地企业提供了财政资助。supportnoun [uncountable] ◆she has no visible means of support (= no work or income).她没有明确的生计来源。supportnoun [uncountable] ◆there is strong public support for the change.公众大力支持这一变革。◆only a few people spoke in support of the proposal.只有几个人发言支持这一提议。◆the idea has met with widespread support.这个观点已得到广泛支持。support¹/səˈpɔ:t ||; səˈpɔrt/verb[t] 1. to help sb by saying that you agree with him/her/it, and sometimes giving practical help such as money 支持;支援;资助: ◇several large companies are supporting the project. 几家大公司在资助这项工程。◇which political party do you support? 你支持哪一个政党? 2. to give sb the money he/she needs for food, clothes, etc 赡养;供养;扶养: ◇jim has to support two children from his previous marriage. 吉姆得抚养和前妻所生的两个孩子。 3. to carry the weight of sb/sth 承重;支撑: ◇large columns support the roof. 几根巨柱支撑着屋顶。 4. to show that sth is true or correct 证明;肯定: ◇what evidence do you have to support what you say? 你有什么证据支持你的话? 5. to have a particular sports team as your favourite 支持或拥护某体育队伍: ◇which football team do you support? 你支持哪一支足球队? support²/səˈpɔ:t ||; səˈpɔrt/noun1. [u] support (for sb/sth) help and encouragement that you give to a person or thing 帮助;支持;鼓励: ◇public support for the campaign 公众对这次运动的支持◇steve spoke in support of the proposal. 斯蒂夫发言支持这项建议。 2. [c,u] something that carries the weight of sb/sth or holds sth firmly in place 支撑物;支架;支柱: ◇a roof support 屋顶支柱◇she held on to his arm for support. 她抓住他的胳膊稳住身子。 3. [u] money to buy food, clothes, etc 生活费: ◇she has no job, no home and no means of support. 她没有工作,没有地方住,生活没有着落。 moral support→moral¹supportto agree with or help somebody/something1 to agree with an idea/person/political party2 someone who supports a person/political party/idea3 to give money or help to a person/group/plan4 the money or help that you give when you support someone5 to support someone against someone else6 to persuade someone to support youto stop somebody/something from falling down7 to support something or someone so that they do not fall down8 to use something to support yourself9 something that is used to support something elserelated wordsto support a team or player 支持一个球队或球员 sport/game (11),see alsoagree,help,1. to agree with an idea/person/political party 同意某个观点/某个人/某个政党 support /səˈpɔːʳt/ [transitive verb not in progressive] to agree with an idea, plan, political party etc, and want it to succeed 支持 i have always supported the democrats. 我向来支持民主党。 she wrote a newspaper article supporting the idea of a minimum wage for workers. 她在报纸上发表了一篇文章,支持为工人设最低工资的设想。strongly support plans for a new school were strongly supported by local residents. 建造一所新学校的方案得到了当地居民的大力支持。support somebody in something public opinion in america supported gandhi in his struggle for an independent india. 美国的公众舆论支持甘地为实现印度独立而斗争。 support [uncountable noun] the president could not get involved in the conflict without the support of the american people. 总统若是得不到美国人民的支持,就不能介入这场冲突。support for there is growing support for environmental pressure groups such as friends of the earth and greenpeace. 人们对“地球之友”和“绿色和平”等环境压力团体给予越来越大的支持。 be in favour of british /be in favor of american /biː ɪn ˈfeɪvər ɒv/ [verb phrase] to support a plan or suggestion because you think it is a good idea 赞成,支持[某计划或建议] most un delegates are in favour of the new peace plan. 联合国多数代表都支持这一新的和平方案。be in favour of doing something some teachers were in favour of retaining the existing system. 有些教师支持保留现行制度。be all in favour of something especially spoken completely agree with 【尤口】完全支持某事 i'm all in favour of people having smaller cars. 我完全赞成人们使用小型汽车。 pro- /prəʊ/ [prefix] pro-democracy/pro-government/pro-independence etc supporting democracy, the government etc 拥护民主/拥护政府/支持独立等 the pro-independence group has been attacked and suppressed. 支持独立的团体受到了攻击和压制。 pro-western forces 亲西方势力 the ‘pro-choice’ group believes in the right to abortion. 主张自由选择人工流产的组织认为人们有人工流产的权利。 be in sympathy with/sympathize with /biː ɪn ˈsɪmpəθi wɪð, ˈsɪmpəθaɪz wɪð/ [verb phrase] to think that someone's aims or ideas, especially political ideas, are right and that you should support them 赞同,支持[某人的目标或观点,尤指政治观点] many democrats were in sympathy with reagan's policies on nicaragua. 许多民主党人士都支持里根对尼加拉瓜的政策。 soldiers were punished severely if they were suspected of sympathising with student agitators. 军人如果有同情学生鼓动者的嫌疑,就会受到严厉的惩罚。 endorse /ɪnˈdɔːʳs/ [transitive verb] to show publicly that you support a plan or action, especially by voting for it [公开]支持[某一计划或行动方案,尤指通过投票] the convention endorsed the peace programme. 这次会议支持这个和平方案。 the president's position was endorsed by a large majority of the senate. 总统的立场得到了参议院绝大多数人的支持。fully endorse i fully endorse the measures taken to improve safety standards. 我完全赞成为提高安全标准所采取的这些措施。 endorsement [uncountable noun] before a bill can become law it has to have the full endorsement of both houses of parliament. 议案立法之前必须得到上下两院的全数支持。 advocate /ˈædvəkeɪt/ [transitive verb] formal to publicly support a plan or way of doing something, especially one that you have suggested yourself 【正式】主张,提倡,倡导[尤自己提出的计划或做某事的方法] they advocated state control of all public services. 他们主张由国家控制所有的公共服务事业。 some extremists are now openly advocating violence. 部分极端分子现在公开提倡使用暴力。 be with /biː ˈwɪð/ [verb phrase] if you are with someone, you agree with what they are trying to do, and you are willing to help them 支持,拥护[某人] we need people now for the anti-government march. are you with us or against us? 我们现在需要有人来参加反政府示威游行,你是支持还是反对我们?be with somebody all the way support someone fully 全力支持某人 when you are fighting an election campaign, you need to feel that your party is with you all the way. 参加竞选活动的时候,你需要感觉到你的政党一直在全力支持你。2. someone who supports a person/political party/idea 支持某个人/政党/观点的人 supporter /səˈpɔːʳtəʳ/ [countable noun] someone who supports a person, political party, or idea 支持者 she had always been one of the prime minister's strongest supporters. 她一向是首相最热烈的支持者之一。 a labour party supporter 工党的一名支持者supporter of supporters of women's rights are protesting against the court's decision. 妇女权利的支持者在抗议法院的判决。staunch supporter (of) very strong supporter 坚定的支持者 mill was a strong supporter of political reform. 米尔是坚定的政治改革支持者。 support /səˈpɔːʳt/ [uncountable noun] all the people who support a person, group, or plan 支持者[统称],支持力量 the party's support has always been in the big cities. 该党的支持者一向是在大城市里的。 carter had seen his support dwindling in the southern states. 卡特看到他在南方诸州的支持力量削弱了。 sympathizer also sympathiser british /ˈsɪmpəθaɪzəʳ/ [countable noun] someone who supports the ideas of a political organization but does not belong to it, especially an organization that is illegal [某政治组织的]赞同者,支持者[指不属于该组织的人;尤指该组织为非法的] his opponents accused him of being a nazi sympathizer. 他的对手指控他是纳粹支持者。 money for the group's terrorist activities was supplied by sympathisers in the us. 该组织用来从事恐怖活动的钱是它在美国的支持者提供的。 follower /ˈfɒləʊəʳǁˈfɑː-/ [countable noun] someone who supports the ideas of a political or religious leader [政治或宗教领袖的]追随者;支持者;信徒 some of biko's followers resented his friendship with a white journalist. 比科的一些追随者痛恨他和一名白人记者的友谊。follower of the followers of mahatma gandhi 圣雄甘地的追随者 following /ˈfɒləʊɪŋǁˈfɑː-/ [countable noun usually singular] all the people who support a person or organization 拥护者,追随者[统称] the civil rights movement attracted a large following in the northern cities. 民权运动在北方城市吸引了大批的拥护者。 in both states, o'reilly has a loyal following among hard-line conservatives. 奥赖利在这两个州的铁杆保守派人士中都拥有一批忠实的追随者。3. to give money or help to a person/group/plan 资助或帮助某人/某个团体/某个计划 support /səˈpɔːʳt/ [transitive verb] to give help, encouragement, money etc to someone because you want them to succeed 支持[指给某人帮助、鼓励、钱等] the rebels were supported by a number of foreign governments who provided arms and money. 叛军得到了一些外国政府在武器和资金上的支持。 employers support the training program by offering places for young people. 雇主们支持这个培训计划,为年轻人提供职位。 back /bæk/ [transitive verb usually in passive] to support a person or plan by providing money or practical help - use this especially to talk about governments or other powerful groups that support something 资助;帮助,支持[尤指由政府或势力强大的团体所提供] several major insurance companies have agreed to back the healthcare reforms. 几家主要的保险公司已经同意支持医疗制度改革。 the plans for a new shopping mall are backed by the city council. 新的购物中心的建筑方案得到市政委员会的支持。 in support of /ɪn səˈpɔːʳt ɒv/ [preposition] if you do something in support of someone or something, you do it to show that you support them 以支持[某人或某事] the miners came out on strike in support of the nurses. 矿业工人举行罢工支持护士。 a big demonstration in support of democratic reforms 支持民主改革的大游行 be behind /biː bɪˈhaɪnd/ [verb phrase] to support and encourage someone in what they are trying to achieve 支持[某人并鼓励他们] my parents were behind me from the start, and bought me my first violin when i was just 3 years old. 父母一开始就支持我,在我只有三岁的时候就给我买了我的第一把小提琴。 maisha struggled for years trying to make it as an artist, but her husband, rudy, was always behind her. 玛伊莎为了成为一名成功的艺术家而奋斗多年,她丈夫鲁迪一直支持着她。be behind somebody all the way be ready to continue supporting them until they succeed 全力支持某人 just do your best and remember that we are behind you all the way. 你只要尽力而为,别忘了我们会全力支持你。 back somebody up /ˌbæk somebody ˈʌp/ [transitive phrasal verb] to support someone by saying that you agree with them or by giving information that shows they are right 支持某人;为某人作证 i was relying on you to back me up, why didn't you? 我指望你来支持我,可你为什么不帮我呢? eventually, after my impassioned pleas, backed up by my mother, dad agreed to let me go to the concert. 经过我的苦苦哀求,加上母亲的支持,爸爸终于同意让我去听音乐会了。 throw your weight behind /ˌθrəʊ jɔːʳ ˈweɪt bɪˌhaɪnd/ [verb phrase] to use all your influence and ability to make sure a person, group, or plan is successful 全力支持[某人、某群体或计划] faced with a crisis, the party united and threw its full weight behind the president. 在危机面前,全党团结一致全力支持总统。 please throw your full weight behind us in our fund raising effort. 请全力支持我们筹措资金。4. the money or help that you give when you support someone 支持某人时给予的金钱或帮助 support /səˈpɔːʳt/ [uncountable noun] the help and encouragement that you give to someone when you want them to succeed 支持,援助,帮助 i couldn't have finished my degree without the support of my family. 如果没有家人的支持,我不可能完成学位。financial support money given to support something 财政支持,资金援助 private companies should not rely on financial support from the government. 私人公司不应该依赖政府的财政援助。 backing /ˈbækɪŋ/ [uncountable noun] money or practical help given to support a person or plan, especially by a government or other powerful group [尤指政府或其他有影响力的组织给予的]资助;帮助,支持 does this policy have government backing? 这项政策得到政府的支持吗? the company failed to get sufficient financial backing, and never got off the ground. 公司在资金上得不到足够的援助,一直未能顺利发展。backing of chairman robert eaton said he has the backing of the vast majority of the company's major shareholders. 董事会主席罗伯特·伊顿说,他得到了公司绝大多数大股东的支持。5. to support someone against someone else 支持某人而反对另一人 be on somebody's side /biː ɒn somebodyˈs ˈsaɪd/ [verb phrase] to support one person or group against another in an argument, war etc 站在某人一边,支持某人 why did you keep agreeing with them? i thought you were on my side. 你为什么总是赞成他们?我还以为你是站在我这一边的呢。 with most of the newspapers on their side, they have a good chance of winning the election. 大多数报纸都站在他们那一边,他们当选的机会很大。 whose side are you on? 你支持哪一方? side with /ˈsaɪd wɪð/ [transitive phrasal verb not in passive] to support one person or group against another in an argument, especially in a way that seems unfair [在争论中]支持;偏袒 why do you always side with lucy? 你为什么总是站在露西那一边?side with somebody against somebody you wouldn't expect the union to side with the employers against their own members, would you? 你不会想到工会站在雇主一边和自己的会员对抗吧? take sides /ˌteɪk ˈsaɪdz/ [verb phrase] to support one of the two sides in an argument when it would be fairer not to support either of them [为公平起见应保持中立时]支持某一方,偏袒某一方 i don't mind you two arguing, but don't ask me to take sides. 你们俩要吵我不管,可别来叫我帮哪一边。 the chairwoman managed to stimulate a lively debate without taking sides herself. 主席促使了一场热烈的讨论,而她自己则保持中立。6. to persuade someone to support you 说服某人支持你 enlist support /ɪnˌlɪst səˈpɔːʳt/ [verb phrase not in passive] formal to talk to people and persuade them to support you 【正式】谋求支持 enlist the support of should you attempt to take your employer to court alone, or enlist the support of your trade union? 你是要单枪匹马把雇主送上法庭,还是要寻求工会的支持?enlist support for he spent the whole month enlisting support for his reforms. 他花了整整一个月的时间争取人们支持他的改革。enlist support from the labour party hoped to enlist support from the middle classes by promising not to raise income tax. 工党向中产阶级保证不提高所得税,希望以此获得他们的支持。 drum up support /ˌdrʌm ʌp səˈpɔːʳt/ [verb phrase not in passive] to try to get a lot of people to support you 争取广泛支持 pop stars and tv personalities were brought in to publicize the campaign and drum up support. 流行歌星和电视名人都被请来为这场活动做宣传工作,争取支持。drum up support for drumming up support for a children's play group proved harder than she had expected. 争取支持成立儿童戏剧组没有她想象的容易。7. to support something or someone so that they do not fall down 撑住某人或某物不让其掉下来 support /səˈpɔːʳt/ [transitive verb] unfortunately, the branch was too weak to support his weight. 可惜树枝太脆弱,承受不住他的重量。 the ceiling was supported by huge stone columns. 天花板由巨大的石柱支撑着。 sitting at a table in the coffee shop, her chin supported by her hands, she was deep in thought. 她坐在咖啡店的一张桌子旁,双手托着下巴,正在沉思。 her body was so weak that she had to be supported by two nurses. 她身体太虚弱,得由两名护士搀扶。 support [uncountable noun] the bridge fell down because it didn't have enough support. 这座桥因为没有足够的支撑而倒塌了。 supporting [adjective only before noun] the roof was held up by supporting beams that ran right through my attic bedroom. 屋顶由承重梁支撑,这些横梁直穿我在阁楼上的卧室。 hold up /ˌhəʊld ˈʌp/ [transitive phrasal verb] to support the weight of something and prevent it from falling down. hold up is more informal than support 支撑[某物使它不会掉下;hold up没有support正式] hold up something we can't knock that wall down. it's the one that holds up the house. 我们不能把那道墙拆掉,那是房子的承重墙。 these poles hold up the outer part of the tent. 这些杆子支撑帐篷的外部。hold something up why don't we use some of these pieces of wood to hold it up? 我们为什么不用这些木头来撑一撑呢? the only thing holding the wall up was a frail-looking section of scaffolding. 唯一撑着这墙的是一个看来摇摇欲坠的脚手架。 bear /beəʳ/ [transitive verb] formal to support all the weight of something, especially something heavy 【正式】承受[重物] the baby's narrow neck looked too fragile to bear the weight of its head. 婴儿细细的脖子看上去好像脆弱得承受不住头的重量似的。 the tunnel would have needed to be extremely strong to bear the full weight of the earth above. 隧道本来就要特别牢固,才能承受得住上面泥土的全部重量。 carry /ˈkæri/ [transitive verb] if something carries a particular weight, it is able to support it, especially because it has been designed to 支撑,承受[一定的重量,尤指某物是为此而设计的] the bridge could only carry up to two cars at a time. 这座桥至多只能同时承受两辆汽车的重量。 the pillars have been specially strengthened in order to carry the weight of the new ceiling. 为了承受新的天花板的重量,这些柱子都特别加固了。 front tyres tend to go down more quickly than back ones, because they carry more weight. 前胎一般比后胎更容易破,因为它们承受的重量更大。 take somebody's/something's weight /ˌteɪk somebodyˈs/somethingˈs ˈweɪt/ [verb phrase] to support the weight of someone or something - use this especially to say whether or not something is strong enough to do this 承受得住某人/某物的重量[尤用于指某物是否够坚固] i hope the ice is strong enough to take my weight. 我希望这冰足够结实,能承受得住我的重量。 i'm not sure if this table can take the weight of all these books. 我不知道这张桌子能否承受得住所有这些书的重量。 prop up /ˌprɒp ˈʌpǁˌprɑːp-/ [transitive phrasal verb] to stop something from falling by putting something else against it or under it 支撑,撑住 prop up something the builders have propped up the walls with steel beams. 建筑工人得用钢梁把墙壁撑住。prop something up i sat down and propped my feet up on the edge of the desk. 我坐下来把脚翘在书桌的边缘。 shore up /ˌʃɔːr ˈʌp/ [transitive phrasal verb] to support something such as a wall or a building that has been damaged or is in bad condition by putting big pieces of wood or metal against it 撑住[受到破坏或很破的墙或建筑物等] shore up something the fence was shored up with sheets of old iron. 篱笆用旧铁板撑着。shore something up our huts were falling down, so we used branches to shore them up. 我们的小屋要塌了,所以我们用树枝把它们撑住。8. to use something to support yourself 用某物支撑住自己 lean /liːn/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to support your body or part of your body by putting it on or against a surface such as a wall or a table 靠;使倚靠[在墙或桌子等表面] lean against joe was leaning against the school wall, smoking a cigarette. 乔靠在学校的围墙上,抽着一根香烟。lean on she leaned on the railings and looked out at the sea. 她凭栏眺望大海。lean your head/arms/elbows etc on it's sometimes considered bad manners to lean your elbows on the table when you're eating. 吃饭时双肘支在桌子上有时被视为是不礼貌的。lean back on/against something i leaned back on the pillows and closed my eyes. 我靠在枕头上,闭上眼睛。 rest /rest/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to support your body or part of your body by putting it lightly on or against something [轻轻地]倚,靠 rest on her head rested gently on his shoulder. 她把头轻轻地靠在他肩上。 john rested his head on the back of the car-seat. 约翰把头靠在汽车座位的后背上。rest against i rested against a wall for a minute in order to tie up my shoe laces. 我靠一会墙来系鞋带。 prop yourself up /ˌprɒp jɔːʳself ˈʌpǁˌprɑːp-/ [verb phrase] to help yourself stand or sit straight by supporting your body against something, especially when you are ill or injured 把自己撑起来站直[坐直][尤指在生病或受伤时] the soldier tried to prop himself up again using his crutches. 这名士兵再一次试图用拐杖撑着站直。prop yourself up against/on i propped myself up against a wall and took a deep breath. 我撑起来靠在墙上,深深地吸了口气。 support yourself /səˈpɔːʳt jɔːʳself/ [verb phrase] to prevent yourself from falling by using a stick or by holding onto someone or something, especially because you are injured or weak 支撑自己[尤因受伤或身体虚弱] they walked out together, the old man supporting himself with his stick. 他们一起走了出去,老人拄着拐杖来支撑自己。 jessica managed to support herself by putting her arm around gary's neck. 杰茜卡勾住加里的脖子来支撑自己。 for support /fəʳ səˈpɔːʳt/ [adverb] if you use something such as a stick or another person for support, you use it or hold onto them in order to prevent yourself from falling [用棍子或另一人等]作支撑 as he fell over he grabbed at the table for support. 他摔倒的时候伸手抓住桌子作支撑。 she moved towards andrew, seeking his arm for support. 她移向安德鲁,想借他的胳膊撑一撑。 he's able to walk around on his own now, although he has to use a cane for support. 他现在已经能自己走路,不过还需要挂拐杖。9. something that is used to support something else 用于支撑某物的东西 support /səˈpɔːʳt/ [countable noun] an object or structure that is used to support the weight of something else 支撑物 tall plants need supports to stop them being blown down. 长得高的植物需要支撑,免得被风刮倒。 the supports for the roof had fallen down, and the roof hung down on one side. 屋顶的支撑物倒了,有一边垂了下来。 prop /prɒpǁprɑːp/ [countable noun] a wooden stick or other object that is placed under something to support it 支柱,支撑物 the pit props were placed only a foot or two apart, to support a mile of rock above them. 矿井里每隔一两英尺就有一根支柱,用来支撑上面一英里厚的岩石。 the clothes prop had fallen down, and the washing was trailing in the mud. 晾衣服的撑竿倒了,洗过的衣服都拖在烂泥里。☞ support¹☞ support²




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