诗画浙江 惊艳全球

    周丰 赵来








    欢乐春节 ??让百万观众点赞





    在埃及开罗,中国文化中心于1月24日、28日和2月6日,在中心社交媒体平台分别推出《锦绣钱塘》大型杂技魔术晚会、《诗画浙江 · ?江南韵》经典管弦乐音乐会和《浙江舞韵》江南风格舞蹈展演等三场晚会,向埃及民众展现浙江豁达、富足、细腻、柔婉的“江南风格”。



    “浙里”故事 ??说什幺怎幺说


    “诗画浙江”是浙江对外文化交流的品牌之一。2020年举办的“世界看见:诗画浙江海外推广文旅金名片展示周”活动,以浙江文化和旅游产品为依托,征集国际艺术家创作的浙江题材艺术作品,借助高科技手段,线上线下多方位展示浙江文旅资源,立足本土,面向世界发声。近百名来自51个国家的驻华使节及外国友人出席开幕仪式并观展。展览线上曝光量超过10万人次。此次活动在由全球知名垂直媒体Campaign主办的活动营销大奖EMA(Event Marketing Awards)评选中获最佳展示奖,是中国内地唯一入选并最终获奖的省级旅游目的地品牌。

    “云上浙江”万象馆,让浙江与东南亚越走越近。2021年11月24日, “云上浙江”万象馆东南亚发布仪式分别在马来西亚、新加坡、越南三个国家举行。中国驻马来西亚大使欧阳玉靖,马来西亚旅游、艺术和文化部部长南希 · 舒克里亲临现场出席发布会并致辞。新加坡国家旅游局局长陈建隆和越南国家旅游总局副局长何文超在线上发表视频致辞。“云上浙江”万象馆线上展览共分为“山水间”“博物志”“百工巷”“绕梁音”“江南味”五大篇章,从风光、历史、非遗、艺术、美食五个方面向观众详尽展示了浙江的全貌。上线一日,观看量达到近60万。


    2021“相聚浙里”国际人文交流活动闭幕仪式精彩纷呈,由浙江交响乐团带来的开场表演——交响乐作品《诗路寻音》片段和浙江民乐《采茶舞曲》,奏响了浙江国际文化交流强音。其中《诗路寻音》片段取自好莱坞音乐大师马克 · 夏泰去年专门为浙江创作的交响乐作品《诗路寻音》。“诗画浙江”友好使者、来自意大利的着名钢琴家乔万尼 · 维塔莱蒂和刘涛为现场观众联袂演绎了罗西尼歌剧《塞维利亚的理发师》选段《快给大忙人让路》,将闭幕式推向高潮。



    历史文化 ??金名片再度擦亮




    2021年10月31日晚,精心准备一年之久的“良渚揽秀 · 诗路寻音”诗画浙江主题推广活动在杭州运河文化发布中心举行。活动站位高远,形式丰富,创意新颖,真正做到了“讲好中国故事,传播好中国声音,展示真实、立体、全面的中国”。

    “良渚揽秀 · 诗路寻音”诗画浙江主题推广活动,分为交响乐《诗路寻音》音乐作品全球首演和《良渚揽秀》跨界表演两大篇章,均取材于浙江文旅元素,中西交融,采用现代、时尚、国际化的语言阐释浙江人文精华。

    《诗路寻音》,是一台体现浙江山水人文特色又兼具国际风范的交响乐。该音乐作品由世界顶尖音乐奖艾美奖和泰利奖获得者、美国好莱坞音乐家Mark Chait在诗路文化带采风后创作而成。大型服装秀《良渚揽秀》,共30套服装,由中国着名服装设计师、“盖娅传说”品牌创始人熊英女士精心创作。她在设计时提取了“良渚文化”中最具代表性的“神徽图腾”纹样、玉器、符号等元素,再融入了江南特色的花木鸟兽图案和人文景观,展现出浙江独有的山水气韵,为观众带来极为震撼的视觉盛宴。




    Poetic and Picturesque Zhejiang Goes to the World

    By Zhou Feng ??Zhao Lai

    Despite the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, Zhejiang’s international cultural exchanges have been flourishing in the past few years, and a series of events and festivals have already been held since the start of the 2022.

    The “Happy Chinese New Year” festivity, co-organized by Zhejiang Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, dozens of Chinese embassies and China Cultural Centers around the world, is still in full swing. Between January 27 and the end of February, the events of the festivity were broadcast on the national TV stations in various countries, and the official websites and social media accounts of Chinese embassies and consulates, reaching over one million people and winning praise from home and abroad.

    Liang Zhu, a symphony presented by the Zhejiang Symphony Orchestra, was played twice on a TV channel in Bogota, capital of Colombia on the night of February 1, impressing more than 150,000 local spectators with its salute to the Neolithic civilization of Liangzhu, which was discovered in Hangzhou, capital city of Zhejiang province. The symphony was also aired on TV channels in Mexico on February 14, as part of the celebrations commemorating the 50-year anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Mexico. Home among Lucid Waters and Lush Mountains: Traditional Architecture in Zhejiang, an exhibition curated by Zhejiang Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, was displayed online via the Facebook account of Mexico’s National Museum of World Cultures as well.

    After Zhejiang Dance Rhythm — Jiangnan Style Dance Performance was aired by the Zhejiang Conservatory of Music through Facebook, invitations were sent from the International Theater Festival of the Caribbean, and the Colombian cities of Ibagué and Cali for it to be played at the local Chinese Culture Festival this year.

    In Cairo, Egypt, the Chinese Cultural Center broadcasted the acrobatics and magic gala Stories from Zhejiang, Joy for China, the Picturesque Zhejiang, Charm of Jiangnan: Spring Festival Concert and the Zhejiang Dance Rhythm — Jiangnan Style Dance Performance on January 24, January 28 and February 6 respectively via social media, presenting an open, wealthy and gentle Zhejiang to the Egyptian people.

    Meanwhile, Contemporary Art on Original Chinese Myths and Legends, an exhibition curated by Zhejiang Art Museum, was brought online to the Costa Rican audience between January 20 and February 19. Borrowing on the classic Chinese text Classic of Mountains and Seas (Shanhai Jing), a great source of Chinese mythology, the exhibition treated the local people with a feast “oriental wisdom and imagination” through 3D images and new media technologies.

    Down under in Australia, apart from the acrobatics and magic gala Stories from Zhejiang, Joy for China, local audiences also enjoyed the dance performance Wind from the Sea, produced by the Zhejiang Performing Arts Group, during the Chinese New Year period.

    Indeed, to better tell the story of Zhejiang and present it to the world has always been one of the top priorities for those devoted to its international cultural exchanges.

    A series of events were organized in 2021 in the “Poetic and Picturesque Zhejiang” campaign, one of Zhejiang’s most recognizable tourism marketing brands. With a collection of Zhejiang-themed artworks by international artists, A Show to the World: Picturesque Zhejiang Exhibition Week of Dynamic Zhejiang Culture and Tourism was held to showcase the province’s rich history and beautiful scenery to attract more visitors from around the world. Nearly 100 China-based foreign diplomats and representatives from 51 countries attended the opening ceremony and the online version of the exhibition garnered over 100,000 visits. The event eventually won the “Best Arts and Cultural Event” in the 2021 Event Marketing Awards.

    Another event, Virtual Exhibition of Zhejiang, has brought the province closer to Southeast Asia. Divided into five sections, namely Charm of Landscape, Collection of History, Alley of Craftsmanship, Echo of Sounds and Taste of Jiangnan, the virtual exhibition offered a comprehensive and panoramic view of the natural beauty, rich history, intangible cultural heritage, fantastic art and local delicacies of Zhejiang. The Chinese Ambassador to Malaysia Ouyang Yujing Malaysia’s Tourism, Arts and Culture Minister Nancy Shukri attended the launch ceremony, which was held in Malaysia, Singapore and Vietnam on November 24, 2021, while Tan Kean Loong, CEO of the Singapore Tourism Board, and Ha Van Sieu, vice chairman of Vietnam’s National Administration of Tourism, delivered speeches via video link.

    “Focus on Zhejiang” International Cultural Exchange Activities is a “window” that helps the world listen to the voice of Zhejiang, experience the culture of Zhejiang and enjoy the beauty of Zhejiang. Since it was launched in Wenzhou in May 2021, a host of international cultural exchanges and experience activities have been carried out.

    The event opened with a bang during the opening ceremony when In Search for Melody along Poetry Road, a music work composed by Mark Chait, winner of Emmy and Telly Awards, was played. Giovanni Vitaletti, a famed Italian pianist and a “Poetic and Picturesque Zhejiang” ambassador, performed together with Liu Tao, the winner of the Bel Canto of the 13th Chinese Golden Bell Awards for Music and a teacher from Zhejiang Conservatory of Music, an excerpt from Rossini’s opera The Barber of Seville.

    Lou Sheng, the winner of the 30th Plum Performance Award and a famous Wuju opera actor, and Liu Tao also brought a feast of Chinese and Western art to Chinese and foreign guests at the event. An experience team, made up of expats living in the province and experts in the field of international cultural exchanges, visited the Ou River and appreciated the majestic beauty depicted in ancient poetry.

    At the closing ceremony of “Focus on Zhejiang”, 13 organizations became “international cultural exchanges bases”, including the China Academy of Art, the Zhejiang Museum of Art and University of Nottingham Ningbo China. Currently a total of 20 organizations have been awarded the title.

    As Zhejiang’s “treasure”, the province also spent a lot of efforts showcasing its long, profound and rich history and culture to the world in 2021, which is all the more important in the context of modernization. A series of seven documentaries, dubbed “Zhejiang Cultural Symbols”, were introduced, through which international audiences were able to feel the charm of the Chinese culture.

    The Liangzhu Archeological Site is one of the ruins of early human culture, dating back to 5,000 years ago in the Neolithic Age. On July 6, 2019, it was officially inscribed on the World Heritage List, symbolizing international recognition of China’s Neolithic Age culture. In recent years, Zhejiang’s cultural exchanges with foreign countries have focused on ancient cultures, one of which is the Liangzhu Culture. Zhejiang curated and produced The Waterborn Kingdom: Liangzhu Online Exhibition, and showcased it in Hamburg, Germany and Milan, Italy with a series of online and offline events. Together with 43 Chinese Culture Centers across the world, the exhibition was launched simultaneously for overseas audiences on January 1, 2021. More than nine million people have visited the exhibition through online channels.

    On October 31, 2021, Showcasing Quintessence of Liangzhu Civilization and Searching for Melody along Poetry Road was held in Hangzhou, which not only witnessed the global premiere of Searching for Melody along Poetry Road, the music work composed by Mark Chait, but also a fashion show that had integrated the patterns and symbols of the Liangzhu Culture. More than 120 representatives from home and abroad attended the event in person and over 200 representatives from the cultural and artistic circles in France and Italy enjoyed the show online, which was broadcast live to a global audience through the online arms of media platforms like China Central Television and Xinhua, as well as YouTube. At least four million viewers watched it within 24 hours.

    In particular, efforts to better preserve and integrate the Song dynasty (960-1279) culture into everyday life and into the current times, including the establishment of a research center on the Song dynasty culture, the Song dynasty culture festival, the building of a museum on the Southern Song dynasty (1127-1279), are making it into one of Zhejiang’s most distinct features.

    In 2022, Zhejiang will witness more international cultural exchange events, and the Asian Games and the Asian Paralympic Games will provide more impetus to the “ambassadors” of Zhejiang’s international cultural exchange, to “attain to the broad and great while addressing the delicate and minute”.


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