春风又绿江南岸 诗画浙江悦五洲
春天是江南最好的季节。1100 多年前,唐代诗人白居易留下了脍炙人口的《忆江南词三首》:“江南好,风景旧曾谙。”“江南忆,最忆是杭州。”杭州的美,首推是西湖。这里有青山远黛、杨柳依依,有花团锦簇、游人如梭,有碧波荡漾、醉卧扁舟,有知音相伴、千古佳话,还有历代文人骚客吟咏不绝的无边春色……
杭州的美,不止于景,还在于景中的人和事。比如在西湖边茅家埠诞生了一代织锦魂、着名爱国实业家都锦生,比如 20 世纪 30 年代中国报业巨子、《申报》总经理史量才与妻子沈秋水在秋水山庄写下爱怨痴嗔,比如中国现代美术教育奠基人之一林风眠亲自设计和建造了一栋法式宅院,又比如西湖边坐落着国学大师马一浮的蒋庄、着名京剧表演艺术家盖叫天的燕南寄庐、知名作家郁达夫的风雨茅庐、一代儒商汪自新的青白山庄等,正所谓“湖山人物各千秋”。
浙江的美,不止在杭州,还在于浙江绵密深厚的文化底蕴,在于浙江人期盼与五洲人民共享中华文化、共赏中国之美的真诚热情和包容开放的心态。这个春天,浙江全面开启“云外事”,独具匠心地以“温婉江南 +数字浙江”融合的线上线下对外文化交流方式,在云端秀出中国优秀传统文化的新活力,让世界上更多人看见这一映衬出豁达、富足、精致、柔婉、文明“江南风格”的浙江之窗、中国之宝。
Spring Breeze Brings Green again to the South Shore Poetic and Picturesque Zhejiang Sends Joy to All
Spring is the best season in Jiangnan (south of the Yangtze River). The striking beauty of the area in this period can be especially found around the West Lake in Hangzhou, capital of East Chinas Zhejiang province. Verdant hills, lush willows, blooming flowers, hustling visitors, rippling water, and of course all the classic poetry.
The beauty of Hangzhou lies not only in the scenery, but also in people. For example, Du Jinsheng, a famous industrialist and a pioneer of modern silk production, Shi Liangcai, a Chinese newspaper magnate and owner of the newspaper Shun Pao, and his love story with his wife Shen Qiushui in the 1930s, Lin Fengmian, one of the founders of Chinese modern art education, Ma Yifu, master on traditional Chinese culture, Ge Jiaotian, one of the foremost Beijing Opera performers, Yu Dafu, a famed contemporary Chinese author, and many others.
The beauty of Zhejiang is also in its rich traditional spirit and cultural heritage, as well as in the sincere, enthusiastic and open attitude of the Zhejiang people to share Chinese culture with the world. In this spring, Zhejiang has launched a “cloud” campaign to showcase its charming landscape and digital dynamism to international audiences through a series of online events and onsite activities.
In this season of new life and new beginnings, may you, dear readers, always find the beauty around you, and may all the good things knock on your doors as promised.