The Individual Participation: Let the Chinese Teaching "Move up"WANG Lian-wen(3)

    The Strategies of Contrast Analysis in Chinese Class Questions BracketsWANG Zhi-cheng (5)

    Arousing Students Interest Should Go First before the Composition Teaching and Evaluation

    XIANG Xiao-lu (9)

    A Study on the Present Situation and Countermeasures of Chinese Vocabulary Teaching in Middle

    SchoolsWANG Xiao-meng (11)

    The "Breaking the Stereotype" and "Creating the New" of Speculative Teaching in The Biography of

    Mr. WuliuTAO Yu-ping TAO Shao-bing (15)

    The Aesthetic Appreciation of the Landscape Prose

    --A Case Study of Jiangnan 's WinterWU Jun(17)

    Reading and Understanding of "Excellent Cuisine"WANG Jian-long (21)

    Using Reading Strategies Improve Reading AbilitiesYANG Liang (23)

    The Word "Imprison" Containing a Variety of Meanings

    --A Probe into the Reading of Imprisoning the GreeneryDAI Yan-mei (27)

    The "Tailor Made" and "the Right Medicine" in the Poetry Teaching

    --An Attempt on Teaching Strategies of Classic Poetry in Middle SchoolsYUAN Hai-feng (29)

    True Damsel's Emotions Written by a Talented Woman

    --On the Artistic Charm of LI Qing-zhao 's Song PoetryCHEN Si-hai (31)

    The Exploration of The "Point" in WritingWEI Yun-bin(33)

    On the Composition Teaching in the View of "Life is Education" in Junior Middle Schools

    ZHANG Fei(37)

    The Training Tactics of Speaking Ability for Students in Rural Senior Middle Schools

    WANG Yong-luo(41)

    A Textual Research on CHEN Chang-zhi's Edition of Origin of Chinese Characters

    HU Yong-peng(43)

    The Meanings of "Dogsleep" in Chinese Ancient LiteratureLV Chuan-wen(48)


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