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标题 腭皱法与传统法比较正畸治疗前后上颌牙弓宽度变化的临床研究

    李玉珍 王凡涛 宋岩 刘媛媛 孙雪丽 宋岩 董昭辉 刘明月





    [中图分类号]R783.5? ? [文献标志码]A? ? [文章编号]1008-6455(2020)02-0085-04

    Abstract: Objective? To compare the changes of maxillary arch width before and after treatment of tooth extraction and non-tooth extraction in orthodontic patients by palatal wrinkle measurement and traditional measurement, and to detect and compare the clinical effects of the two measurement methods. Methods? According to the standard selection of orthodontic patients into and out of 40, divided into two groups according to the tooth extraction way, tooth extraction group? and the tooth extraction group ,respectively, using traditional between teeth (C-C),(P-P) between premolar and molar buccal tip (M-M) between the width of the measurement method and in palatal wrinkle before (A) and (B) as the reference measurement method of buccal teeth width measurement before and after orthodontic treatment for maxillary dental arch width gypsum model. The obtained data were analyzed by SPSS 22.0 software, and paired t-test was performed between the tooth extraction group (group 1) and the non-tooth extraction group , before and after correction, and P<0.05 was used to determine that the difference was statistically significant. Results? ①In the tooth extraction group, the change of arch width measured by palatal wrinkling method (A1) was significantly smaller than that measured by traditional method between c-c1, and the difference between the two groups before and after treatment was statistically significant. The change of the arch width of B1 with palatal wrinkle method was significantly greater than that between m-m1, and the difference before and after treatment and between groups was statistically significant (P<0.05). ②In the non-tooth extraction group, there was no significant difference between the changes in the maxillary arch width of B2 measured by the palatal wrinkle method and the changes in the arch width of m-m2 measured by the traditional method, and the differences before and after treatment and between the groups were statistically significant (P<0.05). The changes in arch width of A2 measured by palatal wrinkle in non-tooth extraction group were not significantly different from the changes in arch width of c-c2 in the upper jaw measured by traditional method, and the differences between the two groups before and after treatment were statistically significant (P<0.05). ③After the end of orthodontic treatment, tooth extraction and non-tooth extraction were used for orthodontic treatment. In addition to the slight decrease in the intermaxillary molar width of the tooth extraction group obtained by traditional methods, the arch width of the maxillary teeth was increased. Conclusion? The two methods can be used to measure the change of arch width. The measurement method with palatal crease as the mark point in the treatment of tooth extraction is more able to reflect the change of arch width. The two methods can be used in the treatment of non-tooth extraction. Both tooth extraction and non-tooth extraction affect the change of maxillary arch width before and after correction, and will not cause the anterior maxillary arch narrowing, affecting the aesthetic smile.

    Key words: orthodontic tooth extraction; arch width; palatal wrinkle measurement; models to measure


    1? 材料和方法

    1.1 样本收集与筛选:选择2017年1月-2018年1月在潍坊医学院附属医院口腔正畸科完成正畸治疗的40例患者为研究对象,分为拔牙组与非拔牙组,其中拔牙组20例,男8例,女12例,年龄15~35岁,平均年龄(21.3±2.5)岁;非拔牙组20例,男9例,女11例,年龄15~33岁,平均年龄(21.2±1.8)岁。两组患者的一般资料差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),具有可比性。分别使用两种方法测量矫治前后上颌牙弓宽度变化。

    1.2 纳入及排除标准:纳入标准:①年龄≥15岁;②骨性Ⅰ类错牙合畸形(0.7°≤∠ANB≤4.7°);③牙齿发育正常, 第三磨牙未萌出或已拔除, 上頜牙列完整, 且无正畸治疗史和正颌手术史;④患者及其家属知情同意, 已签署知情同意书, 自愿配合本研究。排除标准:①存在多生牙、缺失牙者,有异位牙者;②合并遗传性或系统性疾病者;③前磨牙及磨牙牙齿扭转≥15°;④颌面部畸形、外伤;⑤有牙周炎病史及口呼吸不良习惯者。

    1.3 模型测量:测量患者治疗前后石膏模型,要求石膏模型牙列清晰完整,黏膜转折处清晰可见。在上下颌模型尖牙牙尖点,前磨牙颊尖点以及第一磨牙近中颊尖点做标记,用电子游标卡尺(精度0.01mm)和直尺测量以下指标,每个测量指标测量三次取平均值,均由一人完成。传统法(见图1):①尖牙间宽度(C-C):上颌双侧尖牙牙尖之间的距离;②前磨牙间宽度(P-P):上颌双侧前位前磨牙颊尖之间的距离;③磨牙间宽度(M-M):上颌双侧第一磨牙近中颊尖之间的距离。如果石膏模型存在牙尖损耗情况,则应以磨损处的中心位置为测量点[3-4]。腭皱法(见图2):采用腭皱襞作为参照点测量牙弓宽度,以确保正畸治疗前后测量在牙弓宽度的一致性,其中A是腭皱前宽度,位于切牙乳头的远中;B为腭皱后宽度,位于第三腭皱内侧,不在同一矢状位的以远中侧为测量位置。

    1.4 统计学分析:收集的数据采用SPSS 22.0软件分析,进行拔牙组与非拔牙组组间及矫治前后组内的配对t检验,以P<0.05有统计学意义。

    2? 结果

    2.1 拔牙组中,腭皱法测得的牙弓宽变化量A1(0.27±0.30)明显小于传统法测得的C-C1间牙弓宽变化量(1.45±0.53),腭皱法B1牙弓宽度变化量(1.92±0.39)明显大于M-M1间牙弓宽度变化量(0.55±0.22)。

    2.2 非拔牙组中腭皱法测得的B2的上颌牙弓宽度变化量(1.92±0.79)与传统法测得的M-M2间牙弓宽度变化量(1.95±0.97)差异不大;非拔牙组中腭皱法测得的A2牙弓宽度变化量(1.59±0.66)与传统法测得的上颌C-C2牙弓宽度变化量(2.01±1.67)差异不大。

    2.3 正畸治疗结束后,采用拔牙、非拔牙矫治,除传统方法得到的拔牙组上颌磨牙间宽度轻微减少外,上颌牙弓宽度均增加。治疗前后与组间差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.05),见表 1~2。

    3? ?讨论


    正畸治疗前后,笔者需要对牙齿的位置及牙弓形态进行对比分析,但由于牙弓本身的弧形形态,通常将其转换为线性测量指标,以往对牙弓宽度的测量研究多使用尖牙间、前磨牙间或磨牙间牙尖宽度的测量[4,11,15-18],而近年来,Meyer 等提出过去对牙弓宽度的测量方法无法体现牙齿在颌骨矢状向变化而产生的牙弓宽度变化的影响。以腭皱为测量标志点的研究由来已久,从腭皱之间的相互运动关系到腭皱位置与牙齿移动关系,腭皱作为标志点逐渐被正畸医生所使用[19-22]。Hoggan等[1]对腭皱褶位置与牙齿移动关系的研究中发现,第三腭皱内侧端是评价磨牙和切牙运动的合适参考点,普盼军等[23]也在研究中以腭皱为参照点评估牙齿的移动。本研究中,在定位第三腭皱的同时,定位了腭皱前缘,即切牙乳头后缘,可以为牙弓前端宽度提供稳定的参考位置。






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