标题 | 正交试验法优选潜阳育阴颗粒水提醇沉工艺 |
范文 | 张芹 蒲维娅 钱芳![]() ![]() ![]() 摘要:目的 优选潜阳育阴颗粒的水提醇沉工艺。方法 以二苯乙烯苷含量和干膏率的综合评分为指标,采用正交试验法,考察加水量、提取次数、提取时间对水提工艺的影响,考察水提液相对密度、醇沉浓度、静置时间对醇沉工艺的影响。结果 优选的水提工艺为:加12倍量水,提取2次,每次1 h;优选的醇沉工艺为:水提液浓缩至相对密度1.10(60 ℃),醇沉浓度60%,静置48 h。结论 优选的工艺稳定可行,可用于该制剂的工业化生产。 关键词:潜阳育阴颗粒;水提醇沉;正交试验;二苯乙烯苷 DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1005-5304.2016.12.025 中图分类号:R283.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-5304(2016)12-0103-04 Optimization of Water Extraction and Alcohol Precipitation Technology for Qianyang Yuyin Granules by Orthogonal Test ZHANG Qin, PU Wei-ya, QIAN Fang (Jiangsu Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Nanjing 210029, China) Abstract: Objective To optimize water extraction and alcohol precipitation technology for Qianyang Yuyin Granules. Methods With composite score of the content of stilbeneglycoside and dry extract yield as indexes, effects of the amount of water, extraction times and time on extraction technology were investigated by orthogonal test; the effects of relative density of concentrated liquid, the concentration of alcohol precipitation and standing time on alcohol precipitation technology were also investigated. Results Optimum extraction process was as following: extracting 2 times with 12 times the amount of water, 1 hour each time; Optimum alcohol precipitation technology was as following: the relative density of concentrated liquid 1.10 (60 ℃), the concentration of alcohol precipitation 60%, standing time 48 hours. Conclusion The optimum method is stable and feasible, which is suitable for industrial production of the preparation. Key words: Qianyang Yuyin Granules; water extraction and alcohol precipitation; orthogonal test; stilbeneglycoside 潜阳育阴颗粒为本院院内制剂,由制何首乌、鬼针草、山萸肉、川牛膝等6味中药组成,具有补益肝肾、活血通络的功效。本试验综合考虑与功能主治相关的主要有效成分理化性质,并结合临床用药基础、水溶性颗粒剂成型需要,以二苯乙烯苷含量和干膏率的综合评分为评价指标,优选水提及醇沉工艺,为该制剂的规范化生产提供依据。 1 仪器与试药 Agilent1100液相色谱仪,包括四元泵(G1311A)、柱温箱(G1316A)、VWD检测器(G1314A)、工作站(Chemstation);BP-211D型十万分之一电子分析天平,德国Sartorius;KQ-1000E医用超声波清洗器,昆山超声仪器公司;101-1A电热鼓风干燥箱,南通 通讯作者:蒲维娅,E-mail:pwy1974@126.com 沪通制药设备厂;HH-4数显型恒温水浴锅,金坛荣华仪器制造公司;Millipore-Q纯水机,美国Millipore公司。 二苯乙烯苷对照品(批号110844-201006,含量测定用),中国食品药品检定研究院;乙腈为色谱纯,水为超纯水,乙醇为分析纯。制何首乌、鬼针草等饮片购于江苏省药材公司,由江苏省中医院刘志辉主任药师鉴定,符合2015年《中华人民共和国药典》各药材项下规定。 2 方法与结果 2.1 二苯乙烯苷含量测定 2.1.1 色谱条件 色谱柱:Hedera C18柱(4.6 mm×250 mm,5 μm);流动相:乙腈-水(19∶81);检测波长:320 nm;柱温:30 ℃;流速:1.0 mL/min;进样量:10 μL[1]。 2.1.2 对照品溶液的制备 精密称取二苯乙烯苷对照品17.90 mg,加稀乙醇溶解,制成每1 mL含二苯乙烯苷0.179 mg的对照品溶液。 2.1.3 供试品溶液及阴性对照溶液的制备 精密吸取样品2 mL,置25 mL棕色量瓶中,加稀乙醇,超声(功率280 W,频率50 Hz)20 min,放冷,再加稀乙醇至刻度。摇匀,过滤,取续滤液,即得。取不含制何首乌的阴性样品,同法制得阴性对照溶液。 |
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