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标题 显微手术治疗额叶胶质瘤患者手术室舒适护理的 实施效果




    [摘要] 目的 探顯微手术治疗额叶胶质瘤患者应用手术室舒适护理中的效果。方法 便利选取2015年4月— 2017年6月该院收治的84例额叶胶质瘤患者,将其随机分为对照组和观察组两组,各42例,针对对照组,采取常规手术室护理措施,观察组需在手术室常规护理的基础上,实施手术室舒适护理,对比分析两组患者的护理满意度及IL-6水平与皮质醇、收缩压等指标。结果 观察组在实施舒适护理干预后,患者的IL-6水平(165.3±15.4)ng/L、皮质醇(8.6±2.8)g/dL、收缩压(127.9±17.9)mmHg、舒张压(71.8±12.6)mmHg,明显较低于对照组患者的IL-6水平(180.7±14.2)ng/L、皮质醇(11.8±2.3)g/dL、收缩压(139.9±15.3)mmHg、舒张压(86.4±11.1)mmHg,差异有统计学意义(t=4.761、5.723、3.152、3.929,P<0.05);观察组的护理满意度为97.6%,明显高于对照组83.3%,差异有统计学意义(χ2=4.974,P=0.029<0.05)。结论 针对额叶胶质瘤患者,在采取显微手术治疗的过程中,舒适护理干预措施的运用,能够明显改善手术效果,稳定患者的各项指标,从而创建良好的护患关系,提高了护理满意度,值得大力推广。

    [关键词] 显微手术;额叶胶质瘤;手术室护理;舒适护理;有效率

    [中图分类号] R47? ? ? ? ? [文献标识码] A? ? ? ? ? [文章编号] 1674-0742(2019)11(c)-0159-03

    [Abstract] Objective To explore the application effect of comfortable nursing in the nursing of frontal glioma operating room with microsurgery. Methods Convenient selected 84 patients with frontal glioma from April 2015 to June 2017 were randomly divided into control group and observation group, each with 42 cases. For control group, routine operating room nursing measures were taken, and the observation group was required on the basis of routine nursing in the operating room. The comfort nursing in operating room was carried out, and the nursing satisfaction, IL-6 level and cortisol and systolic pressure were compared and analyzed.Results After the implementation of comfortable nursing intervention, the patients in the observation group had IL-6 levels (165.3±15.4)ng/L, cortisol (8.6±2.8) g/dL, systolic blood pressure (127.9±17.9) mmHg, and diastolic blood pressure (71.8±12.6)mmHg, significantly lower than IL-6 levels (180.7 ± 14.2) ng/L, cortisol (11.8 ± 2.3)g/dL, systolic blood pressure (139.9 ± 15.3) mmHg, diastolic blood pressure (86.4 ± 11.1) mmHg, the difference was statistically significant(t=4.761, 5.723, 3.152, 3.929, P<0.05); the nursing satisfaction of the observation group was 97.6%, significantly higher than the control group 83.3%, the difference was significant Statistically significant(χ2=4.974, P=0.029<0.05). Conclusion For patients with frontal glioma, the use of comfortable nursing interventions in the process of microsurgery can significantly improve the surgical results and stabilize the patient's indicators, thus creating a good relationship between nurses and patients, and improved Care satisfaction is worth promoting.

    [Key words] Microsurgery; Frontal glioma; Operating room care; Comfortable care; Effective



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