标题 | 安宁疗护在结肠癌晚期患者中的应用效果分析 |
范文 | 蒋嘉萍 [摘要] 目的 分析安宁疗护在结肠癌晚期患者中的应用效果分析。方法 方便选取2017年10月—2019年10月该院结肠癌晚期患者48例为研究对象,随机单双数法将其划分为对照组24例常规护理,观察组24例进行安宁疗护,对比患者生活质量、满意度。结果 护理前患者生活质量评分差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);护理后观察组患者功能性评分(31.08±2.96)分、症状评分(32.57±1.52)分、单项评分(38.24±1.57)分高于对照组(25.38±3.50)分、(27.94±1.68)分、(34.21±1.57)分,差异有统计学意义(t=6.092、10.012、8.892,P<0.05);观察组患者症状管理效果评分(29.67±1.49)分、护理态度评分(28.67±2.78)分、护理专业度评分(26.62±3.20)分高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(t=8.257、5.303、5.466,P<0.05)。结论 结肠癌晚期患者安宁疗护后生活质量、家属满意度更高,有临床应用价值。 [关键词] 安宁疗护;结肠癌晚期;生活质量;护理态度;单项评分;症状评分 [中图分类号] R473.73? ? ? ? ? [文献标识码] A? ? ? ? ? [文章编号] 1674-0742(2020)08(a)-0128-03 Analysis of the Effect of Anning Therapy on Patients with Advanced Colon Cancer JIANG Jia-ping Department of Oncology, Yixing People's Hospital, Yixing, Jiangsu Province, 214200 China [Abstract] Objective To analyze the effect of hospice in the treatment of advanced colon cancer. Methods From October 2017 to October 2019, 48 patients with advanced colorectal cancer in the hospital were conveniently selected as the research objects. They were randomly divided into control group 24 cases for routine nursing, observation group 24 cases for hospice therapy, to compare the quality of life and satisfaction of patients. Results There was no statistically significant difference in the quality of life scores of patients before Nursing(P>0.05); the functional score (31.08±2.96)points, symptom score (32.57±1.52)points and single item score (38.24±1.57)points of observation group patients after nursing were higher than between the control group (25.38±3.50)points, (27.94±1.68)points and (34.21±1.57) points,The difference was statistically significant(t=6.092, 10.012, 8.892, P<0.05); the score of the symptom management effect of the observation group (29.67±1.49) points, nursing attitude score (28.67±2.78) points, nursing professional degree score (26.62±3.20)points were higher than the control group, the difference was statistically significant (t=8.257, 5.303, 5.466, P<0.05) . Conclusion The quality of life and family satisfaction of patients with advanced colon cancer after hospice treatment are higher, which has clinical application value. [Key words] Hospice therapy; Advanced colon cancer; Quality of life; Nursing attitude; Individual score; Symptom score 結肠癌为消化道肿瘤常见消化系统恶性肿瘤疾病,主要治疗方式为手术,但晚期患者治疗效果较差,生存期较短。且多数患者常会出现:胃潴留、高位肠瘘以及肠梗阻等各种并发症,同时也会因癌症扩散引发疼痛加剧,严重影响患者生存期质量。为提升患者生存质量便需选取有效护理方式,降低患者应激反应和并发症,但各种护理方式效果有限。常规性护理多为止痛干预,帮助患者降低痛苦,但多数患者无法接受现实,为护理工作增加较高难度,且患者家属对护理满意度也较低。有学者[1]提出安宁疗护可为患者提供生理、心理、精神和社会层面支持,协助患者渡过术后时光。为提升患者家属满意度和患者生活质量,现方便选取2017年10月—2019年10月该院48例结肠癌患者,分析不同干预方式效果,现报道如下。 |
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