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标题 外科治疗同时性多原发肺癌的临床分析

    黄伟钊 吴颖猛 叶红雨 吴汉明 胡荣贵 梁毅 姜海明







    Clinical analysis of surgical treatment of synchronous multiple primary lung cancers HUANG Wei-zhao.WU Ying-meng,YE Hf Hng-yu,et at、Sun Yat-sen People's Ho.spital(.Sun Yat-sen University Affiliated .Sun Yat-sen HaspitaI),Zhongshan 528403. China

    【Abstract】Objective To analvze and summarize the clinicopathological characteristics and prognosisof surgical treatment of svnchronous multiple primary lung cancers, and guide clinical practice. Methods Theclinical data of 72 patients with svnchronous multiple primary lung cancers who underwent surgical treatment wereretrospectively analvzed, the surgical methods of all patients were recorded. and the postoperative pathologicalresults. overall survival curve and influencing factors of the first primary cancer patients were analvzed.Results The first primarv cancer was treated bv lobectomv in 29 cases, segmental resection in 15 cases. andwedge resection in 28 cases. The second primarv cancer was lobectomy in 20 cases, segmental resection in4 cases. and wedge resection in 48 cases. The third primary cancer was treated hv Iobectomv in 2 cases, segmentresection in 2 cases. and wedge resection in 7 cases. Other primary cancers was treated by lobectomv in l case.segmental resection in l case. and wedge resection in 3 cases. The first primary cancer of 65 cases (90.3%) wasadenocarcinoma. and the second primary cancer was also mainly adenocarcinoma.a total of 68 cases(94.4%).Among them, 63 patients (87.5%) had the first primary cancer as adenocarcinoma and the second primary canceras adenocarcinoma. and its second primary cancer suhtypes include: 25 cases of invasive adenocarcinoma.22 cases of microinvasive adenocarcinoma. and 16 cases of adenocarcinoma in situ. First primary cancerpathological stage: 48 cases in Tl stage and 24 cases in T2 stage. Lymph node stage: 60 cases in NO stage,4 caseswere Nl stage, and 6 cases in N2 stage. Survival analvsis showed that the 3-and 5-year survival rates were 91.7%and 72.2%. respectively. Single factor analvsis showed that the diameter,T stage and N stage of the first primarycancer were all the factors influencing the long-term survival rate of the patients (P<0.05). Conclusion Thediagnosis of synchronous multiple primary lung cancers should be combined with clinical manifestations, imagingfeatures, and pathological diagnosis. lts prognosis is significantly related to the diameter and stage of the firstprimary cancer.

    【Key words】Synchronous multiple primary lung cancers; Surgical treatment: Thoracoscopy; Prognosis

    全球范围内肺癌的发病率不断上升,多原发的肺癌也变得日益常见,据统计,高达80%的非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)是多发病灶的[1,2];而在接受外科手术的非小细胞肺癌患者中有2.6%~7.9%患有同时性多原发肺癌(synchronous multiple primary lung cancers,SMPLC) [3-5],并且这种趋势正在增加[5]。手术切除已成为同时性多原发肺癌治疗的主要手段,5年生存率为34.4%-77.6%[6-8]。目前关于多原发肺癌的诊断、治疗尚无统一标准,本研究通过对一组接受外科治疗的同时性多原发肺癌患者进行回顾性分析,以指导临床的决策。












    诊断上的挑战。肺内同时发现多个结节,需要鉴别是同时性多原发肺癌还是单发肺癌合并肺内转移。目前诊断标准主要以Martini-Melamed标准和美国胸科医师协会(American College of Chest Phvsician,ACCP)标准,各有侧重点。前者以临床和病理学为诊断标准,后者则结合了分子遗传学,同时也强调了需要综合临床表现、影像学表现、病理类型及亚型、分子遗传学特征等作出诊断。然而多数的同时性多原发肺癌是相同的病理类型,鉴别诊断仍存在一定难度。本组病例中第一原发癌为腺癌的共65例(90.3%),其中为63例(87.5%)合并不同浸润程度的腺癌,属于相同病理类型,为鉴别诊断增加了难度。尽管目前有多重关于分子遗传学特征的检测方法[11,12],但仍存在不少争议,难以临床推广。但一般认为不同亚型的腺癌、多个磨玻璃样结节最不可能为肺内转移[13]。本组同时性多原发肺癌患者的诊断也是参考Martini-Melamed标准,结合了临床病史、影像学特征及术后病理结果等,结果显示预后较好,累计5年生存率为72.2%,可能是归因于肺内转移得到了排除。




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