标题 | 教学实施报告 |
范文 | 赵瑞 魏纪秋 中圖分类号:G4文献标识码:A文章编号:(2020)-34-408 一、教学整体设计 (一)教学分析 1.教学内容分析 English is the public basic course of vocational school. This book has 10units, and each unite has reading, language study, comprehensive language skill and summing up. Status and Function: First, to train students' basic language skills. Second, to satisfy the professional study. Third, to promote students' vocational development. This class is the third lesson of Unit One. The text is about Travel. After learning this lesson, students can use the phrases and sentences to introduce some of places of interest,such as The Great Wall and achieve the emotional aims to love our mother land and our traditional culture. 2.学情分析 Students characteristics(学生特点): Most of my students are quite outgoing and talkative, they are eager to express themselves. But they are poor in basic language; they have difficulty in oral English. Knowledge storage(知识储备): Students have learned the new words before class and master some reading skills as well. 3.教学目标分析 (1)听说课目标 Knowledge objectives: ①Master the spelling of useful words and expressions. ②Learn some oral English about asking and telling the way. Ability objectives: ①Understand the meaning of the English statement about the places of interests in Beijing. ②Improve the communication skills about asking and telling the way on the basis of the phrases and sentences. Emotional objectives: ①To cultivate students to increase historical and cultural literacy. ②To strengthen students service consciousness. (2)读写课目标 Knowledge objectives: New words: heaven, rebuild, dragon, province, brief, introduction, locate, period, protect, force, link, extend, population, condition, carry, total, length, list, site, climb, ancient Expressions: pick up, be famous for, be located in, by hand, be forced to do sth. Sentences: It is located in the north of….? ? ? It is said that…. It takes/took sb. some time to do sth. Ability objectives: ①To learn and master reading skills and methods. ②To express their opinions on the basis of the phrases and sentences. ③To write a passage about your hometown. Emotional objectives: To let students know about the history of the Great Wall, and to strengthen students national self-respect and pride. (3)实践课目标 Ability objectives: ①To introduce the background of the Great Wall to the tourists. ②To improve the students oral English, this can benefit to their further professionalism. Emotional objectives: To cultivate students to love our mother land and traditional culture. 4.教学重点、难点分析 (1)听说课 Teaching keys: ①Understand the welcome words and expressions . ②Get the missing words and can fill the blanks correctly. ③Master and utilize the common speaking English . Teaching difficulties: Use expressions to make situational dialogues and communicate excellently . (2)读写课 Teaching keys: ① Master the new words, expressions and some important sentences. ② Cultivate the reading skills. Teaching difficulties: Learn to use different kinds of reading skills to obtain and deal with the information about the text. (3)实践课 Teaching keys: ① How to introduce the Great Wall in pure English. ② Cultivate the speaking skills. Teaching difficulties: Learn to use pure English to introduce the Great Wall. 5.教学策略 在本次课程的教学过程中,我们根据新课程改革的需求以及中职生职业发展的需求,以英语学科核心素养的内容出发,采用现代化的教学手段和设备,例如微课、钉钉以及多媒体课件等等,从而将具体的旅游和观光的内容呈现给学生,使得学生更好的了解不同地区的人文、地理文化,从而培养学生的自主学习能力、跨文化理解能力、思维差异感知能力以及职场语言沟通能力等。 二、教学实施过程 (一)教学实施设计基本思路 为了能够使得整个课程教学更有层次,所以教师在教学的过程中要使得课程内容逐渐深化和递进,首先要夯实学生的英语学习基础,让学生了解迎接游客、与游客沟通或者是游览名胜古迹时常用的词汇、句型等等,之后能够灵活地运用所学词汇表达出自己的想法和意思,提高学生的语言表达和理解能力。最后由教师带领学生进行实践,在具体的名胜古迹中去感受不同文化的力量,也能够在具体的实践中灵活运用自己所学知识。所以,本次课程的设计思路基本上为:通过听说课为学生打好基础,通过读写课巩固学生的学习效果,最后通过实践来学生的学习情况,丰富学生的情感经验。所以,本次教学实施过程会按照“听说课——读写课——实践课”的顺序开展。 三、学习效果 在整个教学的过程中,学生在教师的有效引导下掌握和学习了大量的英语文化知识,获得了很大的提高,具体如下: (一)夯实了学生的英语学习基础 在本节课的教学中,教师首先会根据教学内容引导学生掌握相关的英语词汇、句型等,例如,heaven, rebuild, dragon, province, brief, introduction, locate, period, protect, force, link, extend, population, condition, carry, total, length, list, site, climb, ancient,pick up, be famous for, be located in, by hand, be forced to do sth.等等。這对于学生之后的英语学习和语言表达有着重要的作用,进而有效的夯实了学生的英语学习基础。 (二)提高了学生的阅读理解能力 在本节课的教学中,教师开展各种各样的阅读活动,传授给学生科学的阅读技巧和方法,学生们在这个过程中,有效的提高了自身的阅读能力和理解能力,能够通过自主阅读获取和归纳信息,进而,有效的提高了学生的英语学习能力和自主学习能力。 (三)增强了学生的服务意识,加深学生对我国历史文化的理解 在本节课的教学中,教师为学生介绍中国名胜古迹的相关的历史文化,例如故宫、长城等等,让学生通过学习和阅读了解这些名胜古迹的历史,进而加深学生对民族文化的理解,丰富学生的文化素养,增强学生的民族自信心。此外,在课堂教学中,教师还带领学生模拟小小导游,向游客介绍名胜古迹的相关情况,使得学生的服务意识以及与人沟通的能力得以增加。 四、反思改进 在互联网飞速发展的今天,教师的职责不是一味地灌输知识,而是指导课堂。学生不是要被动地接受知识,而是要成为学习的主人。在这节课中,我打破了传统的教学方式,利用丰富的信息资源,为学生构建多样化的英语课堂,学生的学习兴趣得以有效的激发,学生们积极参与。通过这种方式,提高了学生听、说、读、写的能力,增强学生对本民族文化以及世界文化的理解和认识,培养学生的大局意识。此外,它也有助于发展学生的专业能力,使得学生在未来有一个更好的发展和提高。但是在课堂教学中,教师利用信息技术手段的能力和水平还有待提高,因此,在之后的教育教学工作中,教师要不断地提高自身的能力,提高自身的信息素养,进而不断地优化中职英语课堂,促进英语课堂教学的可持续发展。 |
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