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标题 耳穴压豆联合营养干预治疗对晚期膀胱癌伴厌食患者血清瘦素和食欲素A水平的影响及疗效

    李静静 叶玉平 柯莽




    [摘要] 目的 探討耳穴压豆联合营养干预治疗对晚期膀胱癌伴厌食患者血清瘦素和食欲素A水平的影响及疗效。 方法 选取2016年1月至2019年8月我院内科门诊或住院就诊的晚期膀胱癌伴厌食患者72例,采用随机数字法将患者分为联合组(n=36)和单用组(n=36)。单用组患者予以营养支持治疗,联合组患者在单用组基础上予以耳穴压豆治疗。两组患者均连用8周。比较两组患者治疗前后血清瘦素、食欲素A水平的变化,并比较其临床效果。 结果 治疗8周后,联合组患者血清瘦素水平较治疗前明显下降,血清食欲素A水平较治疗前明显上升(P<0.05),且治疗后联合组患者变化幅度高于单用组(P<0.05);联合组患者临床总有效率(94.44%)高于单用组(77.78%)(χ2=4.180,P<0.05)。 结论 耳穴压豆联合营养干预治疗用于晚期膀胱癌伴厌食患者的效果明显优于单纯的营养干预,能促进患者进食,提高食欲,其作用机制可能与其能调节血清食欲调节因子,降低血清瘦素,提高食欲素A水平密切相关。

    [关键词] 晚期膀胱癌;厌食;营养干预;耳穴压豆;瘦素;食欲素A

    [Abstract] Objective To explore the effect of the therapy of auricular point pressing with beans combined with nutritional interventions (NI) on the levels of serum leptin and orexin-A in the patients with advanced bladder cancer (ABC) complicated with anorexia. Methods A total of 72 patients with ABC complicated with anorexia admitted to the outpatient service or hospitalized in Department of Internal Medicine of our hospital from January 2016 to August 2019 were selected and divided into the combined therapy group(n=36) and the monotherapy group(n=36) through random number method. The patients of the monotherapy group were given nutritional support, while the patients of the combined therapy group were treated with auricular point pressing with beans on the basis of what was given to the monotherapy group. For both groups of patients, the respective treatment lasted 8 weeks. The changes in the levels of serum leptin and orexin-A before and after treatment in the two groups of patients were observed and compared, and the clinical effects were also compared. Results After 8 weeks of treatment, the level of serum leptin in the patients of the combined therapy group was significantly lower than that before treatment,while the level of serum orexin-A was significantly higher than that before treatment(P<0.05), and the range of changes in the patients of the combined therapy group was more obvious than that of the monotherapy group after treatment(P<0.05).Meanwhile,the total clinical effective rate in the patients of the combined therapy group(94.44%) was superior to that of the monotherapy group(77.78%)(χ2=4.180, P<0.05). Conclusion The effect of the therapy of auricular point pressing with beans combined with NI on the patients with ABC complicated with anorexia was obviously better than the monotherapy of NI. It can promote patients′ eating and increase their appetite. Its mechanism may be closely related to its ability to regulate appetite regulating factors in the serum, reduce the level of serum leptin and improve the level of orexin-A.

    [Key words] Advanced bladder cancer; Anorexia; Nutritional interventions; Auricular point pressing with beans; Leptin; Orexin-A


    1 资料与方法

    1.1 一般资料


    1.2 方法

    单用组患者予以营养支持治疗,先全面评估患者的营养状况,营养目标为100~120 kJ/(kg·d),对目标热量未达标者予以饮食调整、口服营养补充、鼻饲肠内营养支持或肠外营养支持。联合组患者在单用组基础上予以耳穴压豆治疗,选耳穴为神门、胃、脾、皮质下、三角上,先利用探棒找出疼痛阳性点,按压片刻标记压痕,将事先贴粘有王不留行籽的耳贴对准压痕进行贴敷,压实贴紧,用中等力度进行揉捏、按压,使患者感觉热、麻、微疼为宜,每个穴位20~30 s,3~5次/d,两耳交替进行,2 d改为对侧耳穴,双耳交替进行。两组均连用8周。

    1.3 观察指标及评价标准


    1.3.1 血清瘦素和食欲素A水平? 采集空腹肘静脉血3~5 mL,300 r/min,低温离心机分离后取血清标本,于冰箱-70℃保存。采用酶联免疫吸附法测定血清瘦素和食欲素A水平,试剂盒由北京冬歌生物科技有限公司提供。

    1.3.2 疗效评估标准[10]? 食欲分级,1级:食量正常;2级:食量略差;3级:食量为正常的1/2;4级:食量<正常的1/2;5级:几乎不能进食。根据治疗前后食欲分级变化情况评估其临床效果。有效:治疗食欲分级较前进步≥1级;稳定:治疗食欲分级较前无明显变化;无效:治疗食欲分级较前下降≥1级。总有效包括有效+稳定。

    1.4 统计学处理

    应用SPSS 18.0统计学软件进行数据处理。计量资料用均数±标准差(x±s)表示,采用t检验;计数资料用[n(%)]表示,采用χ2检验,P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。

    2 结果

    2.1 两组患者治疗前后血清瘦素和食欲素A水平比较


    2.2 两组患者治疗后疗效比较


    3 讨论






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