标题 | 三法英译习语数字一二三 |
范文 | 杨科 毛里林 中图分类号:G4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:(2021)-21- 一般而言,人们运用三种方式来英译汉语中的数字。方式一:“数字等同翻译法”,如:百里挑一(one in a hundred);方式二:“数字变化翻译法”,如:三个女人一台戏(Something is bound to happen when several women get together);方式三:“数字回避翻译法”,如:九牛二虎之力(tremendous effect)。同样的道理,笔者借用上述三种传统而实用的方法来英译汉语习语中的数字一二三。 一、数字等同翻译法 “数字等同翻译法”是指将汉语数字对等地翻译成英语数字的翻译方式,也称“数字对应翻译法”。如:“一箭双雕”译成“shoot two eagles with one stone/kill two birds with one stone”;“一心不可二用”译成“do not attend to two things at one time”;“三个女人一台戏”译成“three women together make a good stage play”。 1. 一把钥匙开一把锁 该语源自民间俗语,指一把钥匙只能开一把锁,不能打开其他的锁,寓意用不同方法解决不同问题。因此,直译为one is just for one lock;也可意译为different methods to solve problems, 用作小句、宾语、定语等。例如: 一把钥匙开一把锁, 只有他妈才能劝说像他这样的顽固男孩。One is just for one lock. Only his mother can persuade such a stubborn boy like him. (小句) 绝大多数人认为,老师应该运用“一把钥匙开一把锁”的方式来教育个性不同的学生。Most people hold the view that teachers should take one is just for one lock to deal with different students. (宾语) 2. 一是一,二是二 该语出自清代俞万春的长篇小说《荡寇志》,形容说话老老实实,毫不含糊,亦理解为实事求是。因此,直译为one is one, two is two;也可以意译为call a spade a spade,用作小句、主语、宾语、谓语等。例如: “一是一,二是二”是我老爸的行事风格。It is my fathers style that one is one, two is two. (主语) 这位00后办起事来一丝不苟,一是一,二是二,从不打折扣。The boy, born in the 2000s, is always doing things earnestly and carefully and has never called a spade a spade. (谓语) 3. 三分钟热度 该语系汉语成语,形容做事情没有恒心,没有毅力,或寓意有热情,但持续很短。因 此, 直译为three-minute enthusiasm;也可以意译为short-lived enthusiasm,用作谓语、宾语、定语等。例如: 我认识的这位教练不愿意辅导那些只有三分热度的人。The coach I know is unwilling to give private lessons to these three-minute-enthusiasm persons. (定语) 他只是一个有三分热度的人,对任何一件事情都不能保持长久兴趣。He is a man with short-lived enthusiasm and can never keep interested in anything for long time. (介词宾语) 二、数字变化翻译法 “数字变化翻译法”是指将汉语数字不等同地翻译为英语数字的翻译方式,亦称“数字非对称翻译法”。如: “再三考虑”译成“on second thoughts”, “三心二意”译成“flit from one thing to another”, “三五成群”譯成“in threes and fours”。 1. 三个臭皮匠胜过诸葛亮 该语出自明朝罗贯中的长篇历史小说《三国演义》,指三个才能平庸的人,如能同心协力、集思广益,也能提出比诸葛亮还周到的计策。因此,译为Four eyes see more than two或Two wits(or heads) are better than one等,用作小句、宾语、同位语等。例如: 她完全赞同名言:三个臭皮匠胜过诸葛亮。She is completely in agreement with the saying that two heads are better than one. ?(同位语) 当面临经济问题时,他们觉得三个臭皮匠胜过诸葛亮,于是决定共商办法,为家贡献更多收入。Faced with financial issues, they felt that two heads are better than one and decided to come up with ideas to contribute more income to the family. ?(宾语) 2. 乱七八糟 该语出自晚清曾朴的著名谴责小说《孽海花》,形容毫无秩序及条理,乱糟糟的样子。 因此,译为at sixes and sevens,用作谓语、定语、补语等。例如: 在结构上,这篇文章乱七八糟,谁也看不懂。The articles structure is at sixes and sevens,with no one able to understand it. ?(与动词be构成合成谓语) 她不辞而别,而且将我的书房弄得乱七八糟,这让人十分生气。She took a French leave,leaving my study at sixes and sevens, which made me pretty angry. ?(補语) 3. 不二价 该语出自《后汉书·逸民·韩康传》,指价格一律,没有讨价还价的余地; 没有第二种 价格。因此,译为one price,用作定语、表语、谓语等。例如: 我们这里都是执行不二价政策。We are encouraged to follow the one price policy. ?(定语) 甲:你能便宜一点卖吗?--- Can you come down a little? 乙:对不起,不二价。 --- Sorry, its one price for all. ?(表语) 三、数字回避翻译法 “数字回避翻译法”是指英译汉时不涉及任何数字的翻译方式, 亦戏称为“数字消失翻译 法”。 如:“有一说一,有二说二”译成“speak the bold truth/call a spade a spade”,“没二话”译成“have no different opinion/be indisputable”,“眼观六路,耳听八方”译成“have sharp eyes and keen ears/be observant and alert”。 1. 四面八方 该语出自宋朝释道原的灯录作品《景德传灯录》,“四面”指东西南北四个方向;“八方”是东、西、南、北以及东南、东北、西南、西北八个方向。简言之,各个地方或周围各地。因此,译为all directions, far and wide, all over the country等,用作定语、宾语、状语等。例如: 很快,这个激动人心的消息就传遍了四面八方。It was very soon that this exciting news spread all over the country. ?(状语) 自这位医生出名后,四面八方的人都来找他看病。Ever since the doctor made his reputation, patients from far and wide came to visit him. ?(定语) 2. 一家人不说两家话 该语源自民间谚语,指自家人不是外人,不必说话客气,或指自己人之间应该互帮互助, 有求就说,不必顾虑。因此,译为Family members and close friends dont need to stand on ceremony, Theres always room for family等, 用作小句、谓语、主语、宾语等。例如: 常言道:“一家人不说两家。” 我愿意帮你做点事。As the saying goes, “Theres always room for family.” I am willing to do something for you. (宾语) 打从小学起,我们就是好朋友,你有什么事情尽管开口,我能帮则帮。Dont need to stand on ceremony in that we have been close friends since primary school. (小句) 3. 数一数二 该语出自清代曹雪芹的章回体小说《红楼梦》,指不算第一也算第二,形容非常突出。 因此,译为 count among the best,rank very high等, 用作谓语、定语、宾语等。例如: 只论个人技术,他在国家足球队里是数一数二。Only in terms of personal skills can he count among the best in the national football team. ?(谓语) 据统计,湖南省会长沙有好几家数一数二的大企业。According to statistics,there are several enterprises, ranking very high,in the city of Changsha, Hunan Province. (定语) 参考文献 [1]杨金华(主编),《汉英双解常用习惯用语词典》,上海译文出版社,2011年 [2]毛里林 “七条被误传千年的俗语的英译”,《英语学习》2018年 第11期 |
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