标题 | 教学案例 Module1CulturalCornerALetterfromaSeniorHighStudent |
范文 | 曹娟 【中图分类号】G642 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2018)32-0254-02 一、教学内容分析 课题来源:新课标高一必修一Module 1 Cultural Corner A Letter from a Senior High Student 学习内容: Reading and vocabulary 重要性:通过这节课了解中国美国中学的区别和共同点 二、教学目标 1.Know about American school systems by using reading skills (了解美国教育体制) 2.Find the key phrases and understand language learning:cover多义;the first of which 3. Learn the form of an English letter. 三、学习者特征分析 1. 学生对中国中学有一定的了解,但是对美国中学不太了解,对相对应的英语表达知道甚少。 2. 学生多数喜欢自主学习及讨论学习的方式。 3.结合学生平时的这种讨论学习的风格以及这篇课文的教学特征,决定采取任务教学的教学方式并结合学生自主表达,学生质疑答疑,互评总结的过程。 四、教学策略选择与设计 基本理念是以学生自主交流展示,讨论表达为主,教师进行组织,评价,点拨。主要采取任务教学和小组讨论的方法。 五、教学重点及难点 重点及难点:掌握一定的阅读技巧,能在有限时间内,学生有效的找到阅读信息。 六、教学过程 1.Warming up(热身)。 (1)What do you know about the high school system in the US? (2)通过设问让学生自由口头英文表述,锻练学生说的能力。 2.Lead in(导入)。 (pictures education ladder and activities in American High school) (1) 导入(有关美国中学生活特征的表达) US Education ladder: kindergarten elementary school high school college Elementary school 6 years High school Junior high and Senior High Their classes are lively and interesting. Their after-school activities are colorful. (2)让学生初步了解美国中学的概况。 3.出示目标。 (1)Know about American school systems by using reading skills ;(了解美國教育体制) (2) Find the key phrases and understand language learning: cover多义;the first of which (3)Learn the form of an English letter. 目的让学生明确学习目标 4.完成学习目标。 目标一:Task 1 Fast reading (1)Read the letter and answer the questions ①How long does secondary school cover in the US? ② Which grades are high school? ③How many semesters are there in the school year? ④What is the main idea of this paragraph? Task 2Careful reading (2)Read again and fill in the table. Things to compare between US secondary school system and Chinese secondary school system Years : School diploma: First semester (time): Second semester (time): After-school activity : Summer vacation: School schedule: 目的是检查学生的预习情况 目标二:课文短语自学检测 (3)检查学生预习情况。 说出下列短语: 中学包括7年 在...末尾获得高中学历 被分成上大学 暑假参加 各种各样的课外活动打乒乓球 目的是检查学生预习的情况,以及对词汇短语的记忆。 目标三任务分配 (4)Task 1 Group 1书信正确格式 Group2 1-12月份的正确读法写法 Group 3 序数词1-10 正确读法写法 Group4序数词11-20 正确读法写法 Group5 语言点1 How is it going? Group6 cover 语言点例句 Group7总结归纳cover用法 Group8语言点3 分析句子和区别divide 和separate Group 9 目标检测 让同学们明确了解自己在本节课的任务。 (5)Task2: Discussion讨论各自的任务,并记录归纳用法, 提醒学生积极参与讨论并板书整齐 提醒学生积极参与讨论并板书整齐 (6)Task 3:质疑答疑和问题聚焦 ①问题聚焦1 1.How is it going? =How is everything going? =How are you doing? =How are you going? 2. It couldn't be better. It couldn't be worse. I can't agree more. I have never seen a better film. (2)问题聚焦2 cover多义 vt覆盖;掩饰;走了……路;读了……书;占地……;报道;涉及、提及、包括; n 封面,套子 (3)问题聚焦3 the first of which is…引导的是非限制性定语从句。 这是由“名词/代词/数词+of+关系代词”引导的定语从句。 some/any/both/all/none/neither/each/most/few/the first/ one/two/half of which/whom eg. In our school there are about 200 teachers, thirty percent of whom are women. I was given three books on cooking, the first of which I really enjoyed. there are 57 students in our class, half of whom wear glasses. 你能说出它们的不同吗? I bought some books from the bookstore, three of which were English books. I bought some books from the bookstore, and three of them were English books. 引導学生就学生们的质疑进行思考,探究,通过典例分析典例讨论,一题多解,学生进行自主表述。 5.目标检测。 (1)说出下列短语。 ①包括7年 ②在...末尾 ③获得高中学历 ④被分成两个学期 ⑤上大学 ⑥暑假 ⑦中学 ⑧参加 ⑨各种各样的(课外活动) ⑩占地面积… (2)定语从句检测。 ①In Sydney Olympic games,the Chinese team got 28 gold medals, 16 of were won by women. ②China has thousands of islands, the largest of is Taiwan. ③There are 57 students in our class, most of are friendly. ④I have a book ,the cover ofis red. 检测学生对本节课重点的记忆和难点的理解 6.Summary 课堂总结。 (1)本节课从内容方面我们学了哪些知识点? (2)本节课同学们每个小组的课堂表现、参与度如何? 学生小组间互评,老师总评课堂最后学生小结,老师总结 7.Homework(作业)。 (1)根据课文内容写封回信介绍中国的教育体制。 (2)读课文,整理笔记。 8.板书设计。 Module 1 Module 1 Cultural Corner A Letter from a Senior High Student Learning Aims: (1)Know about American school systems by using reading skills (2)Find the key phrases and understand language learning: cover多义;the first of which (3)Learn the form of an English letter. Group 1书信正确格式 Group2 1-12月份的正确读法写法 Group 3 序数词1-10 正确读法写法 Group4序数词11-20 正确读法写法 Group5 语言点1 How is it going? Group6 cover 语言点例句 Group7总结归纳cover用法 Group8语言点3 分析句子和区别divide 和separate Group 9 目标检测 9.教学反思。 本节课的基本理念是以学生自主交流展示,讨论表达为主,教师进行组织,评价,点拨。重点及难点是掌握一定的阅读技巧,能在有限时间内,学生有效的找到阅读信息,反思如下: (1)本节课的情感目标是通过这节课了解中国美国中学的区别和共同点。 (2)知识目标是掌握重点词,短语句子的用法cover多义;the first of which。 (3)能力目标是让学生能用英语口头表述中美中学的区别及阅读能力。 (4)学生多数喜欢自主学习及讨论学习的方式。 (5) 结合学生平时的这种讨论学习的风格以及这篇课文的教学特征,决定采取任务教学的教学方式并结合学生自主表达,学生质疑答疑,互评总结的过程。 (6)不足之处及需要改进的地方:应加强课堂师生英文表述。 |
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