标题 | 用顺“藤”摸“瓜”法解事实细节题 |
范文 | 卢娇 事实细节题一般是对文中的时间﹑地点﹑原因﹑人物﹑事件﹑目的等具体信息进行提问。这类题在高考阅读各类题中占的比例最大,且属于基础题,相对较易得分,所以大家务必吃下这块“肥肉”。 解答这类题,可用顺“藤”摸“瓜”法。 何为“藤”?题干中的关键词即为“藤”,“瓜”则为阅读题的答案信息。顺“藤”摸“瓜”即根据题干中的关键词句到文中去找相同或相近的关键词句,再顺着文章中这些关键词句从文中找答案。一般来说“瓜”主要在关键词句的后面,若后面的信息不是“瓜”,我们就往前去摸。文章中的“瓜”与选项中的“瓜”一般以同义表达或近义表达形式出现。即原文中的原话一般会换成同义或近义表达出现在选项里。 这种方法特别适用于英语基础薄弱的同学,哪怕在阅读文章上存在障碍,但只要根据题干中所透露出的关键信息回到原文去找相同或相似的表达即可。 [例1](2013年广东卷) Imagination and fantasy can play an important role in achieving the things we fear. Children know this very well. Fred Epstein,in his book If I Make It to Five,tells a story he heard from one of friends about Tom(藤),a four-year-old boy with a cancer in his back bone. He came through several operations and a lot of pain by mastering his imagination.(瓜) 26. What do we know about Tom? (藤) A. He was seriously ill. B. He was a dishonest boy. C. He was crazy about magic. D. He was Dr. Epsteins patient. 解析:题干中的专有名词Tom可确定为“藤”,通过寻读,在原文中找到这根“藤”about Tom,顺着这根“藤”往下就可以摸到“瓜”a four-year-old boy with a cancer in his back bone. He came through several operations and a lot of pain by mastering his imagination,此信息与选项中A的说法相一致,即为答案。 [例2](2013年广东) The day before his third trip to the operating room(藤),Tom was terribly afraid. “Maybe I could go as Superman,”(瓜)he whispered to his mom. Hearing this,the mother hesitated for a while. She had avoided buying the expensive costume(戏装),but finally she agreed. The next day Tom appeared as the powerful Superman(瓜),showing off through the hospital halls and coolly waving his hand to the people greeting him along the way. And Tom, with the strength of his fantasy, successfully made it through the operation. 28. When Tom went for the third operation, he _______.(藤) A. pretended to be painful B. acted like a superhero C. appeared in poor spirits D. argued with his mother 解析:题干中的third operation为“藤”,寻读,在原文中找到这根“藤”his third trip to the operating room,然后顺着这根“藤”往下就可以摸到“瓜”Maybe I could go as Superman和The next day Tom appeared as the powerful Superman,此信息与选项B的说法一致,即为答案。 [例3](2014 广州) As I said, we were at a dinner party. There must have been a dozen other guests, but I broke an important rule of politeness(藤). I ignored everyone else and talked four hours to the botanist.(瓜) 27. Which of the following does the writer describe as a rule of politeness(藤) at dinner parties? A. Avoiding discussion about politics and religion. B. Listening carefully to what another guest says. C. Arriving and leaving at the appropriate time. D. Giving attention to all those in attendance. 解析:题干中rule of politeness为“藤”,通过寻读,在原文中找到这根“藤”broke an important rule of politeness,顺着这根“藤”往下就可以摸到“瓜”I ignored everyone else and talked four hours to the botanist,此信息与选项D的说法恰恰相反,结合前句中的broke,可知作者描述的礼貌规则是“关注所有参与的人”,故D正确。 [即时练习] 请用以上方法解答以下试题。 1. (2014 广州一模) But One problem is that friends and family have been so amazed with the “tweet treat” machine that they have started sending tweets to Toby too. So Nat has had to restrict feeding time to make sure Toby doesnt turn into Tubby...so I had to limit it to between 9 a.m and 9 p.m....just to make sure hes not putting on too much puppy fat. Why has Nat decided to limit the feeding machines operating time? A. He doesnt want Toby to get too fat. B. He fears the machine will run out of food. C. He wants his friends to stop feeding Toby. D. He doesnt want Toby to be woken up at night. 2. (2014 广州一模) Then, for the first 90 minutes of a five-hour break, half of the participants were required to stay awake while half were asked to sleep. What happened to the participants during the break? A. Half of them were woken up when they started to dream. B. Half of them were asked to dream about the maze. C. All of them were asked to describe their thoughts. D. Half of them were asked to sleep for 90 minutes. 3. (2014 广州一模) Most striking is the similarity in their backgrounds. They were born in the early 1940s to middle class families--not wealthy but comfortably off, with a commitment to academic excellence and public service. Which of the following describes a similarity in Hawkings and Dawkings backgrounds? A. They were both from wealthy families. B. They studies the same subject university. C. They graduated from the same secondary school. D. They both came from families that valued good education. 参考答案与解析 1. A 题干中的limit the feeding time为“藤”,寻读,在原文中找到这个“藤”restrict feeding time,然后顺着这根“藤”往下就可以摸到“瓜”to make sure hes not putting on too much puppy fat ,此信息与选项A的说法一致,即为答案。 2. D 题干中的break, participants为“藤”,寻读,在原文中找到这个“藤”break ... participants,然后顺着这根“藤”往下就可以摸到“瓜”half were asked to sleep,此信息与选项D的说法相一致,即为答案。 3. D 题干中的backgrounds为“藤”,寻读,在原文中找到这个“藤”,然后顺着这根“藤”往下就可以摸到“瓜”with a commitment to academic excellence(致力于学业优异),此信息与选项D的说法相一致。 结束语 顺藤摸瓜法简单易懂实用高效,一学就会,一用就对。当然,笔者还是建议同学们,不要心存侥幸,以为方法就是灵丹妙药,高考成功的关键在于踏实备考,稳扎稳打。 (作者单位:肇庆市广宁第一中学) 责任编校 蒋小青 |
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