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    写作要点如下:以约120个词就“节俭”的话题谈谈你的想法,内容包括:(1) 对你来说,节俭是什么?(2) 你认为节俭是否重要?为什么?(3) 就生活中如何做到节俭提一些建议。以下是写作指导建议:



    (Para. 1) never liked to waste money; living within my budget;

    (Para. 2) throw away money on unnecessary things;

    (Para. 3) deeply in debt; stressed about money;

    (Para. 4) being smart with; enjoy ... to its fullest; love recycling, teaching ... about eco-friendly and responsible living


    写作要点(1)“对你来说,节俭是什么?” 可通过改写关键词waste, budget, unnecessary, to its fullest来完成:

    I hold the opinion that thriftiness means taking our budget into consideration and making the best use of money, in which case we are able to avoid waste on unnecessary expenses.

    写作要点(2)“你认为节俭是否重要?为什么?” 可通改写关键词deeply in debt;stressed about money,smart,eco-friendly, responsible完成:

    Being thrifty is of great importance in our daily life. First, it enables us to set aside some money for future use. Second, it is wise/sensible of us to be economical so that we will not get into heavy debt or feel stressed about the financial problem. Furthermore, thriftiness allows us to live in harmony with our environment.

    写作要点(3)“就生活中如何做到节俭提一些建议”,可通过改写关键词recycling, teaching, eco-friendly, responsible完成:

    In order to do our part, we are encouraged to buy products that are environmentally friendly. We can also recycle or reuse waste in our daily life, and more importantly, shouldering our responsibility to raise peoples awareness of contributing their effort in this way.

    观点的联想能力需要靠日常的培养和锻炼,学生还可以利用学习课文或平时阅读的机会,多注意积累一些话题的观点。积累时,只需要关注句子中的关键词或短语。若原封不动地摘抄,不利于记忆背诵。人教版第六模块第四单元Global Warming的一篇阅读文章(课文第30页)What can we do about global warming? 便有很多观点可借用到本次考试的写作的第(3)点——就生活中如何做到节俭提一些建议。首先,找出有助于写作观点的课文原句,划线部分是改写的关键:

    (1)Its OK to leave an electrical appliance on so long as you are using it – if not, turn it off!

    (2) Motor vehicles use a lot of energy—so walk or ride a bike if you can.

    (3) Recycle cans, bottles plastic bags and newspaper if circumstances allow you to.

    (4) Get your parents to buy things that are economical with energy.

    (5) Talk with your family and friends about global warming.

    接下来就是把课文原句归纳改写为符合考场作文题目的文段:As for how to be economical in our daily life, we are supposed to turn off an electrical appliance when it is not used. Besides, it is suggested we walk or ride a bike instead of taking motor vehicles, which consume a lot of energy. Whats more, it is also a good idea to recycle cans and plastics bags and buy products that are friendly to our environment. Last but not least, we should arouse peoples awareness of the importance of being thrifty.


    1. 挖掘观点。若考生平时没有足够时间完成完整的一篇任务写作,建议可以在阅读文章后,根据写作要求作观点联想的训练。只有多加尝试挖掘、放大合适的关键词,才能提高这一方面的能力。再者,还建议阅读作文的例文,积累例文中提到的、自己未曾想到的观点,以作日后相同话题的作文之用。此外,在阅读英语文章时,也不妨做个积累素材观点的有心人,遇到某一陌生话题时,可摘抄、模仿作者的见解,扩大自己的知识面。

    2. 整理观点。建议学生根据话题积累、整理观点,以提高背诵、记忆的效率。总结研究,近几年高考读写任务,可简单分为学校、生活类(如2008年,谈谈你理想的大学生活;2011年,讲述一次你或你的朋友想家的经;2012年,就老师影响学生的话题谈谈你的想法)和社会热门类(如2009年,就“该不该禁止游客和动物拍照”进行议论;2010年对“用金钱鼓励孩子学习的现象”进行议论;2013年,谈谈对平凡工作的想法)。学生在日常积累时可有意识地把话题相同的观点分类在一起,并合并相同观点,以精简内容并方便记忆。

    3. 润色观点。对同一观点,若运用不同的表达,便体现不同的写作水平。例如,在日常批改作文中,经常有学生使用以下一些观点。如(1)a/an +adj. +thing,如an interesting / important thing (2)learn more,(3)make our life more colorful, (4)make our society better。

    若依次改写为:(1)something +adj. (如something interesting / important等),(2)further ones study,(3)enrich our life或live a more fulfilling life,(4)build up a harmonious society。尽管意思差别不大,但可体现出较高的语言功底和能力。因此建议学生多阅读地道的英语文章,加强语感,避免使用中文思维死板翻译。



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