标题 | “Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball? Period 1 (Section A 1a—2d)”教学设计及设计说明(一) |
范文 | 唐德志 编者按:一般现在时态是初中英语教学中学生接触的第一个时态,掌握好这个时态的用法是学好英语的基础。七年级上册的Unit 5是以“谈论物品所属关系”为主题, 以同学之间谈论各自拥有的物品进行的语言学习活动,目的是使学生能够灵活运用一般现在时态的一般疑问句形式,询问物品所属关系,并做出回答。利用话题谈论让学生掌握生涩、枯燥的语法,体现了人教版教材的编写宗旨,和英语作为语言学科的交际和交流的工具性。为达到以上教学目标,我们将呈现两位教师对同一课时的不同设计,以期从不同的视角探讨教学的多种形式。 〔此课选自人教版义务教育课程标准实验教科书《英语》(新目标2013版)七年级上册。〕 一、教学内容与分析 本单元的话题是运用have的一般现在时及其一般疑问句来谈论物品所属关系。这个话题贴近学生的日常生活,所以很容易提起学生的兴趣,达到流畅交流的目的,这样既能够增加学生学习英语的自信心,又能为今后的英语学习奠定良好的基础。本课是本单元的第一课时,首先要突破单词关,之后,学生之间和师生之间的交流过程会让学生自觉掌握have的一般现在时的一般疑问句。因为话题贴近学生的实际生活,所以利用实物和多媒体的帮助很容易将学生的积极性调动起来。 二、教学目标 1. 语言知识目标: 学习掌握重点四会词汇have,ball,tennis,ping- pong,volleyball,basketball,let,us,late,get等;掌握和运用have一般现在时的一般疑问句形式及其应答来表达物品的所属关系。 2. 语言技能目标: (1)运用Do you have a ...?(Yes, I do. / No, I dont.) 或Does he/she have ...?(Yes, he/she does. / No, he/she doesnt.)对所属关系进行问答。 (2)利用听力材料中的Lets play tennis. 让学生掌握表示邀请和建议的句子。 3. 情感态度: 通过语言的交流学习,让学生能够对其中的一种或几种体育项目产生兴趣,增强体魄,并能了解体育活动中的团结协作精神。 三、 教学重、难点 重点:掌握四会单词和短语,熟练运用have一般现在时态的一般疑问句形式对所属关系进行问答。 难点:在人称数不同的情况下,行为动词have的一般现在时的用法;have与there be的区别。 四、教学方法 情景教学法,任务型教学法。 五、教学手段 实物和多媒体辅助教学。 六、评价方法 英语形成性评价。 七、教学步骤 Step1: Lead in Show some pictures about sports. Point to Picture 1 and ask: T: What are they doing? S: They are playing football. T: Do you like playing football? S: Yes, I do.( No, I dont.) T: Do you have a football? S: Yes, I do. (No, I dont.) (The teacher can help students answer if they dont know how to answer.) Help students learn the new words about the sports according to the pictures and the coversations. (设计说明: 一些常见的体育活动单词学生在小学就已经学过,利用学过的单词来引导学生学习本课的重点四会词汇,很流畅,不会让学生感到学习单词很枯燥,这个环节有些生词需要教师在交际中先读出来,这样可以使学生先掌握单词的准确读音,而图片会帮助他们记忆单词。而且其中的一些句子运用为下面的重点知识学习奠定语言基础。) Step 2: Words and sentences (1) 将Do you have a ... Yes, I do. (No, I dont.) 写在黑板上。Ask students to complete the sentence with the words about sports. Some volunteers can come to the front, others can write on the paper. (2) Show some objects of different kinds of balls. Ask students: Whats this in English? (Its a basketball.) 师生之间或学生之间继续这种练习,进一步巩固本课的重点词汇。 (3) After that, ask one of the students “ Do you have a ping-pong bat?” The student may answer “Yes, I do.” or “ No, I dont. ” Try to let students ask and answer like this. (设计说明:利用完成句子的话题交流和实物展示让学生继续巩固本课所学的四会词汇,并且利用板书将本课的重点词汇和句型醒目地呈现出来,在交流过程中,学生能够意识到这是交际的重点。) Step 3: Practicing (1) Let students look at 1a, match the words with the things in the picure.(Check the right answers:1. a 2. f 3. c 4. e 5. d 6.b) (2)Ask students to look at 1a again, then listen to the tape carefully, circle the words they hear.(Check the right answers: ping-pong bat, ping-pong ball.) (3) Ask studnets take out a piece of paper, draw some pictures like a tennis,ping-pong,volleyball,basketball and so on. Let students work in pairs like this(according to the pictures that they drew.) A: Do you have a volleyball? B: Yes, I do. ( No, I dont.)Do you have a soccer ball? A: Yes, I do. ( No, I dont.) Call several volunteers to act. (4)Call one of the pairs. Ask another student: Does he/she have a ping-pong ball? Lead the student to answer : Yes, he/she does.(No, he/she doesnt. Let studnets know doesnt =does not.)Write the sentences on the blackboard. Show the dialogue several times, then ask students work in groups.(each group at least has three students.) A: Do you have a volleyball? B: No, I dont. (Turn to C)Do you have a volleyball? C: Yes, I do. (Tun to A) Does B have a volleyball? A: No, he/she doesnt. (设计说明:练习1、2根据教材来设计,没有太大的改动,让学生掌握本课的球类名词。3、 4练习的设计目的是将本课的重点和难点体现在话题讨论上,教师给学生做表率,让学生模仿,有前面的内容为基础,全体学生能够明白表达的内容,及时参与进来,体现的是学生的主体地位,让他们做学习的主人,教师在其中只是活动的设计者,过程中要给学生积极的评价。) Step 4: Presenting Put the ping-pong bat on the table, then say: There is a ping-pong bat on the table. Do you have a ping-pong bat? (Lead students to answer: Yes, I do.)Lets play ping-pong. (Lead students to answer: Thats great./ Great./ Thats a good idea. And so on.)The teacher needs to practise the dialogue with some students several times, after that, let students work in pairs like this. (设计说明:此环节的设计目的是为了突破本课的教学难点,使学生有效区分there be 和have的不同用法,另外引出lets +动词原形。这个表示邀请和建议的句式,教师先进行演示,之后让学生完成接下来的练习,这样把难点放在话题的谈论上,不会给学生生硬的感觉,大部分学生会在对话中将难点解决。) Step 5:Listening Ask students to look at 2a, play the recording the first time, call some of them to say out their answers. Check the right answers: 3,1,4,2. Play the recording the second time, students listen and match the pictures in 2a with the balls. Check the answers. 3,2,1,4. (设计说明:本环节是关于听、说的检测环节,教师可根据教材的设计来进行。) Step 6: Work in groups Three students work in pairs. According to the persons and the objects in 2a, ask and answer like this: A: Does Jane have a tennis ball? (turn to B.) B: No, she doesnt. Do you have a tennis ball? (turn to C.) C: Yes, I do. ( No, I dont.)Does Dale have a volleyball? A: No, he doesnt. Call several volunteers to act out. (设计说明:本环节增加了Do you have...这一句型,将教材上的两人改成三人,这样的改动会让学生明白人称数的不同相应的句型结构也有变化,在练习中,本课的难点得以解决。) Step 7: Role- play the conversation(2d) Ask students to read the conversation once, then show some questions to students like these: 1. Does Helen have a baseball? 2. Does Helen have the jacket? 3. Where is Helens hat? 4. Does Bill have a baseball bat? Read the conversation again, then answer the questions. (设计说明:本环节将本课的教学重点集中在一起,通过阅读让学生进一步巩固本课所学内容。增加的一些问题是为了培养学生的阅读能力。) Step 8: Homework Make up a dialogue like 2d with the words and phrases in this lesson. (设计说明:让学生能够熟练运用相关单词和本课所学的知识。) 八、板书设计 (设计说明:利用彩粉笔将本课的重点单词和句型陈列出来,让学生一目了然,知道本课的学习重点。) 〔此课选自人教版义务教育课程标准实验教科书《英语》(新目标2013版)七年级上册。〕 一、教学内容与分析 本单元的话题是运用一般现在时谈论物品所属关系,实现“描述物品是否属于某人”的语言功能,主要是学会用have对物品的所属进行提问以及应答,学会使用do和does引导的一般疑问句,使学生能够谈论自己喜欢哪些球类运动。通过多种学生活动的设计,把文字活化为语言,把教材活化为实际生活,把教学活化为交际。让学生自己动、自己学,在导学与活动中,突出个体与小组在活动中的主体意识,发挥主体性,真正成为活动课的主人。 二、教学目标 1. 语言知识目标: 学习课文中的重点词汇have,ball,tennis,ping-pong,volleyball,basketball,let,us,late,get等,达到听、说、读、写四会;掌握并熟练运用一般现在时态的一般疑问句形式及其应答。 2. 语言技能目标: (1)对所属关系进行问答,如:Do you have a soccer ball? (2)提出建议,发出邀请。如:Lets play soccer. (3)谈论自己的感受。如:That sounds good. 3. 情感态度: 通过各种活动,使学生在个体和小组活动中认识自己的学习目标和合作精神。 三、教学重、难点 重点:在活动过程中实现对重点词汇和短语的掌握,运用导学机制使学生熟练运用一般现在时态的行为动词have和助动词do和does的用法。 难点:如何在活动中引导学生自主实现重点知识的自学和运用。 四、教学方法 任务型教学法、活动教学法、导学法。 五、教学手段 实物、多媒体辅助教学、小组合作。 六、评价方法 综合形成性评价。 七、教学步骤 Step1: Activity 1 Show some kinds of balls to the students. And ask: T: Whats this in English? S: Its a volleyball. T: Whats this in English? S: Its a basketball. T: Whats this in English? S: Its a soccer ball. T: This is my soccer ball. Do you have a soccer ball? (Help the students answer: Yes , I do./ No, I dont.) Sum up: 通过上面的活动,我们学到了有关球类的各种英文表达,他们是 . (设计说明:在课前的free talk中,给学生提供了语言交际的机会,通过让学生说出这些生活中常见的各种球类的英文名称,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生自然地进入英语的学习氛围中,实现了平稳过渡。也使学生认识到了学习和学到的过程和结果的重要性。) Step 2: Activity 2 (1) Make a list of the balls that students said just now on the blackboard. For example: soccer, tennis,ping-pong,volleyball,basketball ... (2) Go on asking students: Do you have a soccer ball? Help students answer: Yes,I do./ No,I dont. (设计说明:利用实物与球类活动相关的重点词汇和短语,熟练运用一般现在时态的一般疑问句形式对所属关系进行问答。) (3) T:Whats this in English ? S1: Its a basketball. T: What color is it? S2: Its brown. T: Whose basketball is it? S3: Its mine. T: Lets play it together. S: That sounds great. (Making the practice in pairs or groups.) (设计说明:课前让学生带来自己的各种球,每种球选一两个拍照片,然后制作成课件展示。这时学生看到自己或是同学带来的球的图片被展示出来,会很兴奋地争着回答问题。) Step 3: Activity 3 (1)Point to the pictures (in the screen) in 1a and ask students what they see. At the same time, let them find out new words and in pairs to learn them.(Chinese meaning and how to read.) (2)Ask students to match the words with the things in the picture. (3) Give the answers in groups. (1.a 2.f 3.c 4.e 5.d 6.b ) (4)Practice the dialogue in desk mates. A: Do you have a ping-pong bat? B: Yes, I do. A: Do you have a ping-pong ball? B: No, I dont. (5)Summing up in groups: 通过上面的活动,我们知道了询问对方是否有某物时,应该表达为_________,这里的___是助动词,用来构成一般现在时的____。它的肯定答语是_____,否定答语是_____。 (Answers: Do you have a/an...; do; 疑问句;Yes, I do; No, I dont.) (设计说明:多媒体的使用加大了课堂容量, 图片与日常活动的结合极大地调动了学生学习的积极性, 学生积极讨论与参与,团结合作,气氛热烈。) Step 4: Listening activity (1) Point to the activities in the picture 1a. Ask students to listen carefully. (2) Students listen and circle the answers. (3) Students check the answers each other. (设计说明:有前面短语和句型的认知和练习做铺垫, 听力任务显得较为轻松, 教师可适当进行听力的指导。通过预习、练习、听力等系列活动,使学生重点知识得以掌握, 难点得以突破。) Step 5: Activity 4 (1)Show pictures to make the students make the dialogue one by one. (2)Summing up in groups: 通过上面的活动,我们知道了询问第三者(单数)是否有某物时,应该表达为_________,这里的______是助动词,用来构成一般现在时的________, 后面要接动词的_______。它的肯定答语是_______,否定答语是________。 (Answers: Does she/he have a/an...;does;疑问句;原形;Yes, he/she does; No, he/she doesnt.) (设计说明:学生在1a和1b的学习之后, 利用本环节的问答练习进行所学知识的巩固和运用。采用one by one的活动形式可关照到每名学生,增强了教学效果。导学案的形式增加了课堂学习的目标性。) Step 6: Listening activity (1)Play the recording the first time, students only number the pictures. (2)Students check the answers each other.( 3,1,4,2) (3)Play the recording the second time, students listen and match the pictures in 2a with the balls. (4)Students check the answers each other. (3,2,1,4) (设计说明:本环节是关于听说的重点学习环节, 采用任务型方法进行设计, 实现“听”的输入 和“说”的输出, 符合学生的认知规律。小组化的问答练习增加了学生活动的频率和能动性。) Step 7: Activity 5 (1) Show tasks: Look at the things in the picture. Ask your partner if he/she has the things in 2c. (2) Ask the students to act out the conversation in pairs. 1) S1: Do you have a dictionary?S2: Yes, I do. S1: Do you have an eraser? S2: No, I dont. 2) S3: Do you have a baseball? S4: No, I dont. But I have a baseball bat. S3: That sounds good. 3) S5: Does Tom have volleyball?S6: Yes, he does. S5: Does Mike have a pen? S6: No, he doesnt. (3) Summing up in groups: 通过上面的活动,我们主要学习了行为动词的_________,用来询问所属关系。表示“有”的两种形式是_______,其中have要借助助动词______来构成疑问,否定助动词是_______; has要借助助动词______来构成疑问句,否定助动词是_______。须要注意的是助动词后面用________。 (Answers: 一般现在时;have/ has; have/has; do; dont ; does; doesnt; 动词原形) (设计说明:本活动在大量的对话练习基础上实现了交际功能,同时,让学生学会在小组合作的基础上自主探究,总结学习重难点,做到有“热闹”,有“认识”。) Step 8: Activity 6 (1)Play the recording and students read the conversation after it together. (2) Role-play the conversation in pairs. (设计说明:本环节重点在于对所学知识的运用上, 以读为主, 实现从听说的输入到实际情景的运用输出。) (3)Let students use the information about their surveys to practice . (设计说明:课前发给每个学生一张调查表(如上图),让学生利用图中的项目进行问答,从机械操练转入意义操练。学生可以在教室内自由走动,与自己的同伴用英语交流,培养学生对体育的热爱,提高学生的语言运用能力,让学生体会成功感。) Step 9: Homework Make up dialogues about “ownership and make suggestions” in pairs. You can do it by using words and phrases in the period. (设计说明:本次作业的设置属于自主探究的活动任务,并非单一的单词和短语的机械背诵和重复, 考查学生对所学知识的运用程度。) 八、板书设计 (设计说明:本节课的板书设计体现了词、短语和句型的核心内容,使其发挥突出重点、指导方法、预防错误的作用。) |
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