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标题 也谈英语书面表达中句子的正确表达


    众所周知,根据所使用的谓语动词的类型的不同,英语简单句可以分成五大基本结构,即主系表结构、主谓结构、主谓宾结构、主谓双宾结构和主谓复合宾语结构,另外还有一个表示“存在有”的There be 结构。他们的共性是每个结构都有一个主语部分和谓语部分,是英语句子的主干部分。



    A. 名词谓语。? 英语往往用主系表结构来翻译,比如:

    今天星期五。(It is Friday today.)

    小伙子高高的个子。(The young man is tall.)

    钟南山福建厦门人。(Zhong Nanshan is from Xiamen, Fujian)

    B. 动词谓语句

    1. 汉语句子中用判断词“是,如,为,有”等作谓语来表示判断,英语往往用主系表结构来翻译,? 比如:

    知识就是力量。(Knowledge is power.)

    好书如挚友。(A good book is a good friend.)

    字如其人。(The style is the man.)

    诚信为本。(Honesty is the best policy.)

    天行有常。(Nature is the true law.)

    人贵有自知之明。(To know oneself is true progress.)


    我是真的告诉他了。(I did tell him about it.此句中“是”用来表示强调)

    开卷有益。(Reading enriches the mind.)

    昨日不会重现。(No one can call back yesterday.)

    2. 汉语句子中实义动词作谓语,英语句子用主谓、主谓宾、主谓双宾或主谓宾补结构来翻译,? 比如:

    吠犬不咬人。(Barking dogs seldom bite.)

    事實胜于雄辩。(Facts speak louder than words.)

    贵人多忘事。(Great wits have short memories.)

    伟大的抱负造就伟大的人物。(Great hopes make great man.)

    他从未向我表示过这种歉意。(He never made me such excuses.)

    我给他找到了一个职位。(I have found him a place.)

    我就把买票的事托付给你了。(Ill leave it to you to buy the ticket.)

    我会让他成为世界之王。(Ill make him king over the world.)

    我希望你不要打扰他。(Id prefer you to leave him alone.)

    联合国号召交战双方遵守停火协定。(The UN has called on both sides to observe the cease fire.)

    3. 对于汉语的形容词谓语句,英语往往用主系表结构来翻译,? 比如:

    良药苦口。(A good medicine tastes bitter.)

    血浓于水。(Blood is thicker than water.)

    创业容易守业难。(It is easy to open a shop but hard to keep it always open.)



    A. 名词非主谓句。? 英语往往用主系表结构来表示,比如:

    我的车呢? (Where is my car?)


    好大的雨啊!(How hard it is raining!)

    两点了。(Its two oclock.)

    十分钟的路程。(Its ten minutes walk.)

    B. 动词非主谓句

    1. 表示命令、要求、建议等含义时,动作由听话人来完成,英语则用祈使句(省略主语you以动词原形开始的句子) 来表示,? 比如:

    随手关门。(Close the door after you.)

    2. 动词非主谓句,表示陈述事情时,英语句子得根据汉语句子含义加上适当的主语,? 比如:

    赢啦。(We have won!)

    下雨了。(It is raining.)

    欢迎光临。(You are welcome. / Welcome.)


    欢度春节。(Happy Spring Festival.)

    请勿拍照。(No Picture.)

    3. 动词非主谓句,表示命令、要求、建议等含义时,动作由听话人和说话人共同来完成,英语则用Lets do sth.来表示,? 比如:

    齐心协力,抗击病毒。(Lets pull together to fight the epidemic.)

    众志成城,共克艰难。(Lets unite as one to overcome difficulties.)

    4. 动宾结构动词非主谓句往往用英语被动句结构来表示。? 比如:

    新加坡讲英语和汉语。(English and Chinese are spoken in Singapore.)

    优先发展科技教育。(The priority should be given to the development of science, technology and education.)

    采取正确的应对措施,疫情爆发就可得到控制。(Outbreaks can be managed with the right response.)

    严格保持社交距离。(Stringent social distancing practices must be adopted.)

    5. 表示某时或某地有什么,或者格言、经验、哲理性的汉语句子,英语用there be 结构来表达。? 比如:

    剩下的米不多了。(There is little rice left.)

    太阳也有黑点。(There are spots in the sun.)

    问题皆有两面性。(There are two sides to every question.)

    家家有本难念的经。(There is a skeleton in the cupboard.)

    人间处处有温情。(There is kindness to be found everywhere.)

    没有长生不老药。(There is no medicine against death.)

    6. 表示存在、消失或出现的汉语句子,英语用倒装结构表示,? 比如:

    老房子里住着一个老人。(In the old house lives an old man.)

    C. 形容词非主谓句。? 英语用祈使句表示,或者加上适当的主语和be动词,比如:

    慢一点。 (Be slower.)

    好极了/太棒了。(Its great.)


    他们以农业为生。(They are reliant on farming.) 这里的“农业”指耕作,所以得用farming,而agriculture是指广义的社会分工。

    学习英语(study English),学习技能(master a skill),学习知识(get / obtain / acquire knowledge),相互学习(learn from each other),学习抗疫英雄(learn from antiepidemic heroes),学习雷锋好榜样 (follow the good example of Lei Feng),学习成绩 (academic records / school performance)。

    确定汉语语义,敲定英语词汇,选定英语结构,就可以把汉语单句正确地翻译成英语句子。 由单句组成的复句,也就不难表达了,不过要加上适当的连词或者用其他结构。比如:发生疫情以来,我们所有的医务人员,面对这场无硝烟的战争,都义无反顾地加入这场与疫情作斗争的保卫战中。(Since the outbreak of the novel coronavirus causing pneumonia, all the medical workers have immediately participated in fighting against the epidemics. / Since the epidemic situation broke out, all our medical staff have never hesitated to participate in the defensive war without gunpowder. / Since the outbreak of novel coronavirus epidemic, medical staff all over the country have devoted themselves to combating it without hesitation.)


    练习? ?把下面的汉语翻译成英语。

    1.? 中國有十足的信心有能力战胜新型冠状病毒疫情。


    2.? 没有消息就是好消息。


    3.? 救援物资正送往灾区。


    4.? 真抠门儿!


    5.? 江山如此多娇,引无数英雄尽折腰。


    6.? 病毒无情人有情。


    7.? 估计需要十万元。


    8.? 活该!


    9.? 不作不死。


    10.? 不要吃亏。


    11.? 那就好。


    12.? 别碎碎念。


    13.? 妈妈总是啰里啰嗦。


    14.? 周末去爬山吧。


    15.? 没有过不去的冬天。


    16.? 待春暖花开,全国人民一起陪你赏樱花。


    17.? 如何预防病毒性肺炎?


    18.? 勤洗手,出门时戴口罩。


    19.? 最让我感动的是每一个中国人都清楚自己在疫情中的角色。


    20.? 要求全员按时参加会议。


    21.? 老实说,如果没有及时采取有效措施就不可能控制这种趋势。


    22.? 禁止学生到校。


    23.? 不在校期间提供远程教育。


    24.? 国情不同,解决方法也不同,但我们可以从中国学到宝贵经验。


    25.? 应当使整个生产过程不受污染。


    26.? 天不错。


    27.? 不经历风雨怎能见彩虹。


    28.? 人之初,性本善。


    29.? 如果每一个人都愿意为社会贡献一份自己的力量,这个世界将会变得越来越好。


    30.? 难以置信。



    1.? China has every confidence and capability to win the fight against the novel coronavirus epidemic.

    2. No news is good news.

    3. The relief? supplies are being sent to the disaster area.

    4.? He is so mean. / How mean he is! / He is so cheap.

    5. This land so rich in beauty has made countless heroes bow in homage.

    6. The virus is merciless but the world is full of love.

    7.? It is estimated that it will cost 100,000 RMB.

    8. He deserves it. / You deserve it.

    9. He asked for it. / She asked for it.

    10.? Dont get the shorter end of the stick.

    11. I am so glad to hear that.

    12. Stop nagging at me.

    13. Mum is always nagging at me.

    14. Lets go hiking in the mountain this weekend.

    15. Theres no winter that cannot pass.

    16.? When spring comes, the whole Chinese people will accompany you to enjoy the cherry blossom.

    17.? How can I prevent viral pneumonia?

    18. Wash your hands as often as possible and wear a mask when you go out.

    19. What touched me most is that every single person knows what role they play in the epidemic.

    20.? Everybody is required to attend the meeting on time.

    21. Honestly speaking,if we hadnt taken useful measures in time, we shouldnt have controlled the trend.

    22. Students are not allowed to go to school.

    23. Online education will be provided during our absence from school.

    24. The resolutions are different in different countries but we can? learn the wonderful lessons from China.

    25. The entire process should be free of contamination.

    26. It is fine.

    27.? 字面意思The rainbow always comes out after the tempest.

    深層含义How can you succeed without undergoing thousand kinds of hardships?

    28. Man on earth, Good at birth. / Man was good in the beginning. / He is good at birth.

    29. If every member is willing to contribute to the society, the world will be better and better.

    30.? I cant believe it.

    参考 《新编汉英翻译教程》






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