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标题 老年人多重用药与衰弱的相关性研究进展

    费春晓 胡松 侯新月 刘佳 毛拥军 邢昂

    [摘要] 老年人多重用药可导致老年综合征的发生,衰弱为老年综合征表现之一。衰弱病人具有不明原因的体质量下降、疲劳感、步速减慢等临床表现,与年龄增长密切相关。衰弱病人容易出现跌倒、谵妄等不良后果,严重影响老年人生活质量,甚至增加老年人死亡风险。目前国内外很多研究表明,应用药物数量可能与衰弱存在联系。本文围绕老年人多重用药、衰弱及二者的联系进行综述,旨在提高对老年人多重用药及衰弱的重视。

    [关键词] 老年人;多种药物疗法;衰弱;综述

    [中图分类号] R453

    [文献标志码] A

    [文章编号] 2096-5532(2020)03-0327-04



    [网络出版];2020-04-18 09:38


    FEI Chunxiao, HU Song, HOU Xinyue, LIU Jia, MAO Yongjun, XING Ang

    (Department of Geriatrics, The Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University, Qingdao 266003, China)

    [ABSTRACT]Multiple drug use in the elderly can lead to the development of geriatric syndrome (GS), and asthenia is one of the major manifestations of GS. Patients with asthenia tend to have the clinical manifestations of unexplained weight loss, fatigue, and slow walking speed, which are closely associated with the increase in age. Patients with asthenia may also experience adverse outcomes such as falls and delirium, which greatly affect their quality of life and even increase the risk of death. At present, many studies in China and foreign countries have shown that the number of medications may be associated with asthenia. This article reviews multiple drug use, asthenia, and their association in the elderly, in order to improve the awareness of multiple drug use and asthenia in the elderly.

    [KEY WORDS]aged; polypharmacy; frailty; review


    1 老年人多重用药



    2 老年人衰弱


    3 老年人多重用药与衰弱





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    (本文編辑 黄建乡)

    [收稿日期]2019-06-18; [修订日期]2020-01-25








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