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标题 320排CT心外膜脂肪体积和冠脉钙化积分与冠状动脉狭窄的关系

    高强 邓克学 程好堂




    [摘要] 目的 探討320排CT心外膜脂肪体积(EATV)和冠脉钙化积分(CACS)与冠状动脉狭窄的关系。 方法 选取2017年10月—2019年4月于安徽省太和县中医院接受320排CT检查的冠心病患者200例作为冠心病组,同时选取接受320排CT检查且未发现冠状动脉狭窄者40例作为对照组。采用Gensini积分系统将冠心病组患者分为低分组(Gensini评分<41分,85例)、中分组(41分≤Gensini评分<64分,65例)及高分组(Gensini评分≥64分,50例)。记录并比较各组EATV及CACS。 结果 冠心病组EATV及CACS均高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。3亚组EATV及CACS比较差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。高分组EATV及CACS均高于低分组和中分组,中分组EATV及CACS均高于低分组,差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。EATV与CACS、病变血管支数、Gensini评分呈正相关(r = 0.332、0.421、0.451,P < 0.05),CACS与病变血管支数、Gensini评分呈正相关(r = 0.359、0.436,P < 0.05)。EATV预测冠状动脉高分患者的曲线下面积(AUC)为0.75(P < 0.05),特异度为65.2%,灵敏度为84.2%,截断值为191.25 cm3;CACS的AUC为0.75,特异度为61.8%,灵敏度为88.3%,截断值为286.05分。结论 320排CT EATV及CACS与冠心病患者冠状动脉狭窄呈正相关,且对预测重度冠状动脉狭窄具有一定价值。

    [关键词] 320排CT;心外膜脂肪体积;冠脉钙化积分;冠状动脉狭窄

    [中图分类号] R543 ? ? ? ? ?[文献标识码] A ? ? ? ? ?[文章编号] 1673-7210(2020)09(b)-0041-05

    [Abstract] Objective To investigate the relationship between epicardial adipose tissue volume (EATV) measurement and coronary calcification score (CACS) with coronary stenosis in 320-row CT. Methods A total of 200 patients with coronary heart disease underwent 320-row CT examination at Taihe County Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of Anhui Province from October 2017 to April 2019 were selected as coronary heart disease group, and 40 patients underwent 320-row CT examination without coronary artery stenosis were selected as control group. The patients in coronary heart disease group were divided into low score group (Gensini score < 41 points, 85 cases), middle score group (41 points ≤ Gensini score < 64 points, 65 cases), and high score group (Gensini score ≥ 64 points, 50 cases) according Gensini score system. EATV and CACS of each group were recorded and compared. Results EATV and CACS in coronary heart disease group were higher than those in control group, the differences were statistically significant (P < 0.05). There were significant differences in EATV and CACS among three subgroups (P < 0.05). EATV and CACS in high score group were higher than those in low score group and middle score group, while EATV and CACS in middle score group were higher than those in low score group, the differences were statistically significant (P < 0.05). EATV was positively correlated with CACS, number of diseased vessels and Gensini score (r = 0.332, 0.421, 0.451, P < 0.05). CACS was positively correlated with the number of vessels and Gensini score (r = 0.359, 0.436, P < 0.05). The area under curve (AUC) of EATV was 0.75 (P < 0.05), the specificity was 65.2%, the sensitivity was 84.2%, and the cut-off value was 191.25 cm3. AUC of CACS was 0.75, the specificity was 61.8%, the sensitivity was 88.3%, and the cut-off value was 286.05 points. Conclusion The 320-row CT EATV and CACS are positively correlated with coronary artery stenosis in patients with coronary heart disease, and have certain value in predicting severe coronary artery stenosis.

    CACS是一种快速简便地测量冠状动脉壁中钙含量的方法,研究显示,在无症状的冠心病患者中,CACS可以用于预测冠心病预后,而与传统的危险因素无关,在有症状的患者中,CACS和冠心病之间的关联具有较高的灵敏度[18-20]。CACS和冠心病相关的心血管事件和死亡率之间的关联已在多项研究中报道[21]。关于CACS在预测冠状动脉狭窄方面的有效性仍存在争议。一些研究显示,CACS在某些年龄组或高危人群中的作用是有限的[22],但Gitsioudis等[22]研究使用64排CT。本研究结果提示冠心病组320排CT CACS显著高于对照组,与既往研究结果相符[23]。此外,高分组CACS>中分组>低分组,差异有统计学意义,提示冠心病狭窄程度与CACS密切相关,且与病变血管支数、Gensini评分均呈正相关,提示随着CACS增加,冠心病患者病变血管及狭窄程度增加。Almasi等[24]研究也证实,CACS与冠心病患者病变血管及狭窄程度呈正相关,与本研究结果相符。本研究还提示CACS对预测重度冠状动脉狭窄具有一定价值。关于CACS用于预测冠状动脉狭窄的研究结果差异较大,有研究认为,它可能是轻度至中度狭窄的良好预测因子[24],而有部分研究认为其预测价值不足[25],可能与CT分辨率、研究病理、个体差异等有关。目前320排CT下CACS和EATV与冠脉狭窄的报道极少,本研究选择320排CT检测CACS和EATV,具有分辨率高、图像清晰、准确度高、非侵入性等优点,本研究病例数充足,但为单中心研究,结果仍需多中心、大样本量研究证实。

    综上,320排CT EATV及CACS与冠心病患者冠状动脉狭窄呈正相关,且对预测重度冠状动脉狭窄具有一定价值,可为临床预测重度冠状动脉狭窄提供指导。


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