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标题 成人MOG抗体相关性脑脊髓炎患者15例临床特点分析



    【摘要】目的 探討成人髓鞘少突胶质细胞糖蛋白(MOG)抗体相关性脑脊髓炎(MOG-EM)患者的临床特点。方法 回顾性分析15例成人MOG-EM患者的临床症状、影像学特点、实验室检查、预后及随访等情况。结果 15例患者中男7例、女8例,起病年龄(39.0±14.7)岁。临床症状以视力下降最多见(7例,7/15),其次为肢体麻木或肢体瘫痪(5例,5/15),部分患者有构音不清、视物重影、行走不稳等脑干、小脑症状或意识障碍、癫痫发作、记忆力下降等急性播散性脑脊髓炎样症状。15例患者行头颅MRI检查,13例(13/15)显示有异常病灶,以大脑皮层及皮层下白质(8例,8/13)、桥脑(4例,4/13)受累多见,丘脑、小脑、胼胝体亦可见受累。9例患者行全脊髓MRI检查,3例(3/9)有异常病灶、均累及颈髓,1例(1/3)累及胸髓。15例患者血清MOG-IgG均阳性,其中11例行脑脊液MOG-IgG检测,5例(5/11) 阳性。8例(8/15) 患者临床复发。10例患者复查血清MOG-IgG,5例(5/10)抗体转阴,其中4例(4/5)无复发;5例(5/10)抗体呈持续阳性,均复发。所有患者经甲泼尼龙及Ig治疗,1例加用吗替麦考酚酯治疗,预后均良好。结论 成人MOG-EM以视神经炎表现常见,大脑皮层、皮层下白质、脑桥易受累,预后较好,临床复发率较高,血清MOG-IgG持续阳性者易复发。



    Clinical characteristics of 15 adult cases of MOG-IgG-associated encephalomyelitis Li Bo, Chen Zhongjie, Xi Lingru, Kuang Zuying, Pan Mengqiu, Ye Jinlong, Qiu Wei, Wang Zhanhang. Department of Neurology, Guangdong 999 Brain Hospital, Guangzhou 510510, China

    Corresponding author, Wang Zhanhang, E-mail: kedafu2005@ sina. com. cn

    【Abstract】Objective To investigate the clinical characteristics of 15 adult patients with myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) immunoglobulin-G (IgG)-associated encephalomyelitis (MOG-EM). Methods The clinical symptoms, MRI features, laboratory examination, clinical prognosis and follow-up of 15 MOG-EM patients were retrospectively analyzed. ResultsAmong 15 patients, 7 cases were male and 8 female. The average age of onset was (39.0±14.7) years. The most common clinical symptoms were visual impairment(7/15), followed by limb numbness and paralysis (5/15). Partial patients presented with relevant symptoms of the brainstem and cerebellum (dysarthria, double vision and unstable walking) or relevant signs of acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, such as consciousness disorder, seizure and memory loss, etc. MRI results detected abnormal lesions in 13 cases (13/15) including 8 cases of cortical/subcortical white matter involvement (8/13) and 4 cases of pontile involvement (4/13). The thalamus, cerebellum and corpus callosum were also involved. Nine patients received MRI of the whole spinal cord. Among them, 3 cases presented with abnormal lesions, all of which were involved with the cervical spinal cord and 1 case of thoracic spinal cord (1/3). All 15 patients were tested positive for serum MOG-IgG. Among 11 cases receiving detection of MOG-IgG in the cerebrospinal fluid, 5 cases were positive for MOG-IgG. Eight (8/15) patients recurred. Ten patients received repeated detection of serum MOG-IgG. Among them,5 cases turned negative and 4 of them did not recur. The remaining 5 cases remained positive and recurred. All patients were treated with methylprednisolone and Ig. One patient was supplemented with mycophenolate mofetil. Favorable clinical prognosis was obtained. Conclusions Adult patients with MOG-EM are primarily manifested with optic neuritis, which is involved with cerebral cortex, subcortical white matter and pons. Relatively favorable clinical prognosis can be obtained. The cliical recurrence rate is relatively high. Patients persistently positive for serum MOG-IgG are likely to recur.

    【Key words】Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein immunoglobulin-G-associated encephalomyelitis;

    Demyelinating disease;Central nervous system;

    Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein;Adult





    收集2017 年 7 月至 2020年4月于广东三九脑科医院住院就诊的15例成人MOG-EM患者的资料,15例均按照2020年新发表的《抗髓鞘少突胶质细胞糖蛋白免疫球蛋白G抗体相关疾病诊断和治疗中国专家共识》的标准重核诊断,并参照以下纳入及排除标准[4]。纳入标准:符合以下所有标准,①用全长人MOG作为靶抗原的细胞法检测血清MOG-IgG阳性;②临床有下列表现之一或组合,a.视神经炎,包括慢性复发性炎性视神经病变,b.横贯性脊髓炎(TM),c.脑炎或脑膜脑炎,d.脑干脑炎;③与中枢神经系统脱髓鞘相关的MRI或电生理[孤立性视神经炎(ON)患者的视觉诱发电位(VEP)]检查结果;④排除其他诊断;⑤年龄> 18岁。排除标准:非炎症性的中枢神经系统脱髓鞘病变。复发标准:在急性期治疗后原有临床症状加重或出现新的症状或体征,影像学检查可见新的责任病灶。

    二、方 法



    使用SPSS 20.0对数据进行统计学描述,符合正态分布的计量资料以表示,非正态分布的计量资料以中位数(四分位数间距)表示,计数资料以例数(相对比)表示。



    15例患者中男7例、女8例,起病年龄(39.0 ±14.7)岁,起病至我院就诊时间32.3(32.2)d。起病前有发热3例,均为上呼吸道感染。8例患者出现复发,复发时间间隔为8.4(6.9)个月。15例中7例为视神经炎,5例为脑干脑炎,7例为脑炎,3例为脑膜脑炎,2例为TM。


    本组15例患者中以视力下降最多见,共7例(7/15),4例(4/15)出现行走不稳,5例(5/15)肢体瘫痪或肢体麻木,4例(4/15)出现行走不稳,2例(2/15)记忆力下降,2例(2/15)构音不清,2例(2/15)精神异常,1例(1/15)视物重影,1例(1/15)意识障碍。6例(6/15)伴有头痛,2例(2/15)伴有头晕, 2例(2/15)伴有呕吐。7例以单发临床症状起病,8例以2组或2组以上临床症状同时起病。

    8例(8/15)患者出现复发,3例(3/8)复发时表现为行走不稳,2例(2/8)表现为构音不清, 2例(2/8)出现精神症状,1例(1/8)出现视野缺损,1例(1/8)癫痫发作,1例(1/8)出现肢体麻木,1例(1/8)再发头痛。


    15例患者均进行了脑脊液检查,4例(4/15)脑脊液压力升高,最高达320 mm H2O(1 mm H2O=0.0098 kPa),11例(11/15)压力在正常范围内;8例(8/15)白细胞增多,均< 100×106/L,细胞学分类以淋巴细胞、单核细胞比率升高为主;5例(5/15)蛋白含量升高,但均< 1 g/L。12例行脑脊液寡克隆抗体检测,均阴性。7例患者行ESR檢测,6例(6/7)升高。2例患者血清抗链球菌溶血素(ASO)明显升高。1例患者合并抗干燥综合征A抗体(抗SSA抗体)、抗核抗体(ANA)阳性。15例患者血清MOG-IgG阳性,其中11例行脑脊液MOG-IgG检测,5例(5/11)阳性。8例(8/15)患者临床复发。10例复查血清MOG-IgG,5例(5/10)抗体转阴,这5例中4例(4/5)无复发,1例(1/5)临床复发,表现为视力下降加重,影像学检查病灶范围扩大;另5例(5/10)血清MOG-IgG持续阳性,均复发,出现新的临床症状。3例(3/15)血清MOG-IgG阳性合并脑脊液抗谷氨酸受体(NMDA型)抗体阳性,均复发。



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