标题 | 探索高中英语词汇整体教学 |
范文 | 1. 引言 英国语言学家D.A.Wilkins说过:“没有语法,能够表达的内容很少;没有词汇,则根本没有可表达的内容。” 因此词汇学习是外语学习者在习得语言时最重要的环节之一。词汇是语言的载体,没有词汇,语言就失去了实际意义。2. 研究设计 对于高中生词汇学习态度、策略及效果,笔者做过调查。调查对象是某普高高二学生,调查结论如下:词汇是学英语的难点,学生花费较多时间精力,但收效不佳,相当多的英语教师在词汇教学时,依据单词表讲解词义和用法,脱离语境进行词汇教学。3. 启示与思考实践 基于此,笔者在探索高中词汇教学上做了一些实践。 理论依据: (1)语义场理论 语义场理论是德国学者特雷尔提出的。他认为,词语不是孤零零地存在于词汇体系中,而是相互联系,相互依存。每个词都身处其亲属概念之间。这些词相互之间构成一个自成系统的整体,具有它们共有的语义成分,体现了它们的核心概念。 (2)新课标强调学生应在语境中理解词汇的意义和词汇的表意功能,而不是单纯学习和记忆词汇本身的含义;用“学会使用”代替以往的“掌握”。 基于上述理论并结合诸多高中英語教师的经验,笔者在围绕单元话题进行词汇整体教学上做了探讨。即围绕某一主题,把原来孤立的词汇关联起来。每单元从句、篇层面设计单词拼写、选词填空、完成句子、翻译句子等。这样做的好处是,一案在手,什么都有。单词记了,完形,阅读,语法填空练了,写作渗透了。 以下是“生物与自然”主题词汇的部分学案: (1)头脑风暴 植物:Branch, fiber, harvest, sow...;动物:insect, dinosaur, worm, pest... 肢体部位:horn, nail, organ, tail...;生物保护:endangered, extinct, survive, die out... 自然地貌:canal, desert, jungle, valley...;相关词汇:attack, feed, give out, take in... (2)综合训练 1. 单词正确形式填空 1) When an animal is under ? ? ? ? ? , it can run away or fight back. 2) I think the birds must have eaten all the seeds I ? ? ? ? ? ?last month! 3) The plants may not ? ? ? ? ? ?the frost. 4) Over-fishing is harmful to the ? ? ? ? ? ?of the sea. 5) The Panama ? ? ? ? ? ?joins the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans. 2. 短语正确形式填空 1) Dinosaurs ? ? ? ? ? ?suddenly about 65 million years ago. 2) Trees ? ? ? ? ? ?carbon dioxide and give out oxygen. 3) During drought, desert elephants are unlikely to? ? ? ? ? ?their young.? 4) Many animals and plants are ? ? ? ? ? ?disappearing forever. 5) Laws were established to ? ? ? ? ? ?the wolves? ? ? ? ? ?people who catch the animals for their fun. 3. 完成短文 Within a nation, mountain ranges become natural resources for settlement areas. In the U.S., major mountain ranges are the Sierra Nevada and the Rocky Mountains. Fresh water sources also ? ?1 ? ?where people settle. Throughout history, people have ? ?2 ? ?near fresh water. Living near a water source helps ? ?3 ? ?that people have the water they need. There was an added bonus, too. Water could be used as a travel route for people and goods. Many people live near popular water sources, such as the Mississippi River and the Great Lakes. Mountains and ? ?4 ? ?have been settled by fewer people. However, they have ? ?5 ? ?resources of their own.4. 结语 在上述层层递进的学练中,通过适当的语言环境和语言实践的机会,学生自己体验、感知、实践、参与和交流,清楚了词汇的意义,明白了恰当使用这些语言形式的时机。这不仅有助于他们掌握词汇,而且能较好地解决遗忘的问题。 作者简介:柴欣(1979-),女,汉族,山东青岛人,本科学历,青岛西海岸新区第五高级中学,中学教师,研究方向:高中英语教学。 (作者单位:山东省青岛西海岸新区第五高级中学) |
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