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标题 赏析Lesson 22: The Giant (II)九年级英语衔接版




    The giant saw a sight.

    Birds were f ? ? ? ? ? about and s ? ? ? ? ? and flowers were through the green grass. The trees were w ? ? ? ? ? their arms softly in the w ? ? ? ? ? wind. Children were r ? ? ? ? ? about and sitting in the b ? ? ? ? ? of the trees.

    It was a ? ? ? ? ?.


    Then the giant saw that many children...


    The giants heart.” How I have been!”he said.”Now I know ? ? ? ? ? -spring would not here!” The giant

    made a decision and went out to his garden.” I will knock down the wall!” he said to himself.

    第三自然段显示巨人态度的变化从对待一个小男孩开始,当孩子们正玩得尽兴的时候,他们突然看见了巨人,其他的孩子都跑掉了,只有一个孩子没跑,作者用了一个词“But”,花园里出现了什么样的场面?作者设下悬念,读者会迫不及待地读下去。But one little boy did ?not because he did not see the giant.这个小男孩正在干什么?He was trying to reach up to the spreading branches of a tree.這句中的正尽力,说明小男孩被大自然的美景所陶醉。正在伸展开的,说明树的繁茂,小男孩在这样美妙的景色中尽情地玩耍,多么愉快!这些细节描写渲染了气氛,为巨人态度的变化做了铺垫。突然,凶恶的巨人出现,但出人意料,巨人这次突然改变了形象,哪个词突现了他的改变?”gently”一词与前面的”in a loud voice”, “Children were so scared, were so frightened and they ran away.”形成强烈的反差。

    当巨人把小男孩用手轻轻地拖起,放到迎风舒展的树枝上,小男孩伸出双臂,搂住巨人的脖子,亲吻了巨人,邪恶变成了温存。At the giant took him gently in his hand, and put him up into the tree. The little boy stretched out with his arms, put them around the giants neck and kissed him.

    立刻地,花园里有了生机:花儿依次开放,一会儿的功夫,花园里鸟语花香,春暖花开,花枝招展,莺歌燕舞。At once the tree broke out in blossoms. The birds came and sang in it.


    When the other children saw the giant was no longer wicked, they came running back. Along with them came the spring. “It is your garden now, little children,” said the giant as he took his great axe and knocked down the wall. Ever since then, the giants garden has been a childrens playground.







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