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    More and more people are trying DIY athome. What is DIY? Read on and find out.

    Last week I visited my friend Pete in the new home where he lives withhis wife and daughter. Pete used to spend his holidays travelling the world,visiting the pyramids in Egypt or scuba diving in the Caribbean. Nowadayshe prefers to spend his holidays and weekends making his house look morebeautiful. Like hundreds of thousands of other British people, he's discovered the joy ofDIY(Do It Yourself), which means if there are any things that need fixing around the house,he will try to do the job himself.

    As he showed me the new kitchen he put together by himself and the newly paintedwalls, I asked Pete where he got his inspiration from. He told me that his favourite sourceof ideas was a DIY programme on TV.

    This got me thinking about the enormous popularity of DIY programmes in the UK.Each major channel has at least one home or garden makeover show and there are evensatellite channels entirely devoted to the subject.

    I suppose it's not really surprising that DIY programmes are so popular. Two commonsayings in Britain - 'an Englishman's home is his castle' and 'there's no place like home' -show how important our houses are to us. With the economic changes of the last decadeor so, many people can't afford to buy a bigger house so they are looking at how they canmake their house better without spending a lot of money. DIY is the perfect option.

    But bewarel I read a report that said over 230,000 people were injured while doinghome improvements in the UK in just one year, including 41,000 who fell off ladders and5,800 who were seriously hurt by hammers. So I won't be going down to the hardwarestore. I'll stick to watching DIY on TV with a nice cup of tea!


    'There's no place like home' is a popular English idiom.

    Complete these idiomatic expressions with 'house(s)' or 'home'.

    1.Charity begins at ________.

    2.They get on like a________on fire.

    3.Come in! Make yourself at________.

    4.The food was nothing to write________about.

    5.My teenage son eats us out of________and________.

    6.People who live in glass________shouldn't throw stones.

    參考答案:1.home 3.home 4.home and home





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