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    例句:The election demonstrates democracy in action.


    Democracy is a bulwark of freedom.


    demonstrate [dem?nstreit] v.證明;演示;示范

    bulwark ['b?lw?k]n.壁垒;保障;防波堤


    social democracy 社会民主主义

    economic democracy 经济民主

    information democracy 信息民主

    mass democracy [法]大民主

    democtatic [dem?'kr?tik] adj.民主的;民主党的;大众的

    例句:If we want to live a peaceful and democtatic life, we must object to wars.



    democratic leadership 民主领导

    democratic centralism 民主集中制

    democratic reforms 民主改革

    Democracy Party 民主党

    我国当前的人民民主主要体现在四个方面: 一、人民代表大会制度的政体

    the people's congress system 人民代表大会制度

    political system 政体


    According to the constitution of China, all the power belongsto people.The organs through which people exercise state poweris the National people's congress and local People's Congressesat various levels.

    constitution [k?nsti'tju:??n]n.宪法

    organ [?:g?n]n.机关

    congress [k??gres]n.代表大会;议会


    the Communist Party of China 中国共产党

    multi-party cooperation 多党合作

    political consultation system 政治协商制度


    Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, democratic parties, people'sorganizations and representatives from various sectors of the community give play to thefunctions such as participating in the deliberation and administration ofstate affairs, democratic consultation and democratic supervision.

    representative [.repri'zent?tiv]n.代表

    sector [sekt?(r)]n.部门

    give play to 发挥

    deliberation [di,lib?'re??n]n.协商

    administration [?d,ministrei?n]n.管理

    consultation [.k?nsl'tei?n]n.咨询

    supervision [sju:p?'vi?n]n.监督


    民族区域自治制度 system of regional autonomy of ethnic moinorities


    China is a multi-ethnic country, practicing regional autonomy of ethnic minorities cannot only guarantee that people are the masters of their own affairs, it's also important forreunification of the motherland and national unity.

    multi-ethnic [m?l'ti'eθnik] adj.多民族的

    regional[ri:d??nl] adj.地区的;局部的

    autonomy [?:t?n?mi]n.自治

    ethnic minorities 少数民族

    guarantee [.g?r?n'ti:]v.保证

    reunification of the motherland 祖国统一

    mational unity 民族团结


    城乡基层群众性 mass charater of urban and rural grass-roots units

    自治组织 autonomous organization

    职工代表大会 worker's congress


    China expands democracy at the grass-roots level,ensuring that people directlyexercise their democratic rights run their own affairs in accordance with the law andcreate their own happiness, which is the broadest practice of socialist democracy.

    the grass-roots level 基层

    democratic rights 民主权利

    in accordance with 按照

    socialist democracy 社会主义民主





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