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标题 The Most Beautiful Angelsin White最美白衣天使





    Since the outbreak of COVID-19 began, the cityof Wuhan has been under a quarantine that is causing1)shortages of food and supplies. Thousands of casesin the city are also putting a 2)strain on its medicalsystem, with two makeshift hospitals and 14 mobilecabin hospitals built and medical professionals arrivingfrom all over the country in an effort to keep up with theoutbreak.

    We can see many photos of female nursesthrough the media getting ready for their first shift in thecoronavirus ward upon being deployed to Wuhanwhich show the extent of the preparationthey have to undergo, including cuttingand even shaving the sides of theirhair so their medical caps can fitsnugly against their heads.

    The medical personnel basedin the epicenter of the virus in Wuhanare currently working nonstop. Theydon't have time to use the bathroom, let

    1) shortage ['fo:tid3] n.短缺

    2) strain [strein] n.压力alone eat a proper meal. Meanwhile, they alsomust wear protective gear that is very heavy andtightly secured to help prevent infection. The suitsand face masks have left many workers of thehospital with sores and blisters on their faces, aswell as their bodies. Many staff members are soexhausted that they fall asleep right on the hospitalchairs and floors before getting up to start yetanother tiresome shift. 3)Exemplifying professionaldedication, all medical workers are saving andprotecting lives around the clock despite the risk ofinfection and exhaustion from overwork. Here aresome stories about frontline nurses.

    Jia Na, a 24-year-old nurse, works in RenminHospital of Wuhan University, recovered fromthe novel coronaviru at her home in Wuhan. She posted her recovery diary on Weibo,gaining over l.7 million followers overnight. She said that day was January 23. At thattime her arms and legs were feeling weak. She thought it was because she was wearinga protective suit, so she didn't think much about it. Later, her 4)colleague suggested doinga CT scan together. As CT scan result came out, saying she had viral pnenmonia. At first,she was in an 5)awful mood and could not sleep.The doctor asked if she needed to stay in hospital.But she thought that beds were in shortage in thehospital and she wanted to save them for otherswho needed it more. So she decided to stay ather own home t0 6)cure herself. She followed

    3) exemplify [ig'zemplifai]v.是……典范

    4) colleague['kDli:g]n.同事

    5) awful ['o:fl]n.糟糕的

    6) cure [kjua(r)]v.治疗the doctor's advice while taking care of herselfand got recovered in just 11 days. She felt likeshe has been given a new chance at life. Nowthat she has gone through these days and gotbetter, she believed that everyone else can7)defeat the virus. She is back working in thefront line on February 9.

    Another story is about a group of nurseswho take care of a special baby. A six-month-old baby 8)diagnosed with the novel coronavirusand quarantined alone at a Wuhan hospitalnow has "nurse moms" taking care of him. Thebaby's mother is a medical professional whocontracted the virus at work. His grandparentshave also been quarantined. The nurses putthe baby to sleep and fed him. Although the nurses have no children of their own, theybecame 9)temporary mothers.

    We are moved by the actions of the doctors and nurses. With the efforts ofdoctors, nurses and all Chinese people, everything will be better soon. Stay strongWuhan!Stay strong China!

    7) defeat[di'fi:t]v.击败 8)diagnose ['daiagnauz] v. 诊断 9)temporary['temprari]adj.临时的












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