标题 | 高三复习课上如何通过“写”的活动促进阅读的深度加工 |
范文 | 宋红靖 摘 要:阅读中常见的问题是学生只获取了文本的表层信息,缺乏对语篇的整体认知和对主题意义的深度理解。针对这一问题,笔者在所教授的高三年级进行了以主题意义为引领、通过恰当的“写”的活动来促进学生深度学习的教学实践,通过案例分析的形式探讨以写促读的可行性。 关键词:主题语境;语篇特点;“写”的活动;深度加工 前言 高三学生不管是在课上课下、校内校外,都会在教师的要求下或者自发地做阅读训练。教师们经常会听到学生抱怨:“我读懂文本了,但是不知道为什么选择题就是没选对。”但当教师让学生转述文本时,就会发现学生只是获取了文本中一些支离破碎的信息,严重缺乏对语篇的整体认知,具体表现为:忽略主题意义和文体特点,没有理解文章主旨,不能厘清文章脉络,对关键信息一知半解,难以深度解读文本字里行间的意义并进行合理的推理判断。导致以上问题的原因包括学生英语能力的欠缺、课时的限制、教学进度的要求不合理、教师的教学理念不正确等。此外,有些阅读课的教学还停留在让学生获取文本的表层信息后就戛然而止或急于让学生进行语言输出。针对这些问题,我校教师在高三年级的阅读复习课上进行了一系列的尝试,旨在通过“写”的活动来促进阅读的深度加工,提升学生的阅读素养。 高三阅读课的整体设计思路 教师围绕特定主题,选择同主题语境下话题不同但有一定逻辑关联的、不同类型的语篇,在读前、读中、读后各个环节设计了一系列体现综合性、关联性和实践性等特点的“写”的活动,激活学生已有的知识储备,引导学生在分析和解决问题的过程中建构主题意义、梳理文体特点、学习和总结话题词汇、输出话题语言等,以此来发展学生的英语学科核心素养。 以“科技发展与信息技术创新、信息安全”的主题为例,教师选取了四篇文章。第一篇是人教版《英语》必修2 Unit 3的主课文Who Am I? ,这篇说明文介绍了电脑的发展、电脑体积的变化以及电脑在不同领域的应用。第二篇和第三篇选用了2015年天津高考试题的阅读B篇和2018年北京市西城区高三第一学期期末试题的阅读A篇。第二篇是科普说明文,描述了在不久的将来,社交类机器人就会进入人们的日常生活并提供更加人性化的服务,但它们并不是替代人力的工具,而是和人类一起为人们的不同需求提供更好服务的工作伙伴。第三篇是应用文,通过广告的形式介绍了一款移动支付应用PayQwiq的优点及下载和操作的方法,强调了它的便捷性和安全性。计算机技术飞速发展并广泛应用于各个领域,互联网的普及在提高人们生活质量的同时,也导致一些信息安全问题的发生。学生应该学会理性地使用科技创新产品,同时了解它们可能引发的问题,掌握一定的自我保护措施,提升安全防范意识。鉴于此,教师还选择了2016年北京市海淀区高三一模试题的阅读D篇作为第四篇文章。这篇议论文主要论述社交媒体带来的积极和消极影响,文末告诫大家要注意安全使用社交媒体。笔者仅以第四篇为例,详细阐述如何以“写”的活动促进学生阅读的深度加工。 1.文本分析 本篇文章共分为六段,篇章结构和内容梳理如下: 第一段:引出话题并总体评价社交媒体的影响; 第二段:社交媒体对不同人群的积极影响; 第三至五段: 社交媒体对人们的消极影响(有些人可能沦为网络欺凌或骚扰的受害者,公司因雇员有网瘾而承受经济损失,个人信息泄露,不当言论影响就业机会和人际关系); 第六段:社交媒体有利有弊,关键是使用者要小心谨慎以确保安全。 本文主题属于科技发展与信息技术创新、信息安全和社会交往等,与学生的生活密切相关。从内容上讲,本文的论述内容有一定的警示作用,引人深思。通过学习这篇文章,学生不仅能清楚地认识社交媒体的利弊,还会思考和讨论如何正确使用社交媒体以扬长避短。从行文上讲,本文结构清晰、观点明确,有助于学生学习 “总—分—总”结构的议论文,分析并论证某种事物的优缺点。从训练阅读技能上讲,由于本文的结构特点及释义、举例等论证方法的使用,有利于训练学生的深层次阅读理解能力,如根据篇章结构、上下文或构词法,猜测与主题相关又不太常见的重点词汇,理解长难句等。从语言学习上讲,由于社交媒体与学生的生活息息相关,学生可以理解、提取、积累和运用关于社交媒体利弊的具体表达,并基于此表达个人观点。同时,学生可将学到的知识迁移到论述其他社交媒介的利弊并提出相关的安全防范措施,从而进一步加深对此类主题语篇特点的理解,提升自己的表达能力。 2.教学目标 通过本课时的学习,学生将能够: (1)通过阅读文章,获取作者对社交媒体的观点,了解篇章结构; (2)通过阅读和對重难点词汇和句子的英英释义或英译汉练习,准确理解语篇各部分之间的语义逻辑关系; (3)阅读和积累关于观点表达、利弊、安全措施等方面的词块、句型,构建和丰富关于社交媒体这一话题的词汇网; (4)通过思考和讨论,反思并迁移所学内容,运用语篇知识和话题词汇进行条理清晰的口头和书面表达。 3. 本节课中“写”的活动及设计意图 (1)读前环节 Write down the vocabularies relevant to the different aspects of social media within three minutes. [设计意图] 在导入“social media”这一话题后,学生预测此话题常见的文体类型和语篇内容,并在三分钟内写下已知的相关词汇,然后通过小组交流丰富个人的话题词汇。这个活动不仅能激活学生已有的知识储备,还为接下来的阅读活动作铺垫。 (2)读中环节 ①Read the text and then draw the mindmap or write the main idea of each paragraph to show the organization of the text. [设计意图] 学生阅读文本,检验预测猜想的同时,用自己的方式梳理出语篇结构,把握行文特征。 ②Read the text again and paraphrase the underlined parts or translate them into Chinese. By now, we are all aware that social media has had a tremendous influence on our culture, in business, on the world-at-large. Social media websites revolutionized ( ) the way people communicate and socialize on the Web. However, aside from ( ) seeing your friends new baby on Facebook, or reading about Justin Biebers latest conflict with the law on Twitter, what are some of the real influences? Social networks offer the opportunity for people to re-connect with their old friends and acquaintances, make new friends, share ideas and pictures, and many other activities. Users can keep pace with the latest global and local developments, and participate in campaigns and activities of their choice. Professionals use social media sites like LinkedIn to enhance ( ) their career and business development. Students can work together with their peers to improve their academic and communication skills. Unfortunately, there are a few downsides ( ) too to social networking. If you are not careful, immoral people can target you for cyber bullying ( ) and disturbance on social sites. School children, young girls, and women can fall victim to online attacks which can create tension and suffering. If you are a victim of cyber bullying, do not take it lying down, but try to take appropriate legal action against the attacker. Many companies have blocked( ) social networks as addicted employees can distract ( ) themselves on such sites, instead of focusing on work. In fact, studies show that British companies have lost billions of dollars per year in productivity because of social media addiction among employees. Also, what you carelessly post on the Net can come back to trouble you. Revealing (泄露) personal information on social sites can make users vulnerable(易受傷害的) to crimes like identity theft, stalking, etc. Many companies perform a background check on the Web before hiring an employee. If a potential employee has posted something embarrassing on social media, it can greatly affect their chances of getting the job. The same holds true for our relationships too, ( ) as our loved ones and friends may get to know if we post something undesirable on social networks. Social media has its advantages and drawbacks as each coin has two sides. It is up to each user to use social sites wisely to enhance their professional and social life, and exercise caution( ) to ensure they do not fall victim to online dangers. [設计意图] 英英释义或英译汉的活动旨在训练学生充分利用语篇知识和构词法,猜测词义和句意,厘清语篇各部分之间的语义逻辑关系,进一步加深对语篇的理解,提升学习策略。仅举一长难句进行说明:“The same holds true for our relationships too, as our loved ones and friends may get to know if we post something undesirable on social networks.” 此句中的“the same”指的是什么?“hold true”又是何意?“as”和“if”引导的是什么从句?由于本复合句中含有分别由“as”和“if”引导的两个从句,学生需要充分把握本段的段落大意和上文的例子,才能正确理解本句。所以,如果教师在检测环节发现学生在文章理解上有困难,还可以通过以下几个问题进行引导: Q1: Whats the topic sentence of this paragraph? (A1. Also, what you carelessly post on the Net can come back to trouble you. ) Q2: What does “the same” refer to? (A2. If a potential employee has posted something embarrassing on social media, it can greatly affect their chances of getting the job.) Q3: What does “hold true” mean? (A3. Still be correct.) Q4: Can you paraphrase this sentence? (A4. If we post something undesirable on social networks, it will affect our relationships because our loved ones and friends may get to know.) ③Read the text for the third time to accumulate the core phrases or sentence patterns according to the organization of the text.(见下表) [设计意图] 这个“写”的活动(学生作品示例见下图)不仅进一步加深了学生对本文的论据和论证方法的理解,还有利于培养学生的词块意识,帮助学生构建和丰富话题词汇网,进而提升学生运用词汇进行准确理解和表达的能力。 (3)读后环节 ①Think and write down your answers to the following questions. Q1: What do you usually use WeChat for? Q2: What are or might be the disadvantages of WeChat? Q3: How can we avoid the disadvantages? Possible answers to the above questions: Q1: ●Re-connect with ones old friends. ●Read about ones friends latest posts. ●Keep in touch / contact with friends. ●Make new friends. ●Give others a video call. ●Send messages or voice mails to others. ●Share ideas and pictures. ●Keep pace with the latest global and local developments. ●Participate in campaigns and activities. ●Work together with ones peers to improve their academic and communication skills. ●Ask teachers or classmates for help when have problems. … Q2: ●Become a target for cyber bullying and disturbance. ●Fall victim to online attacks. ●Be addicted to social networks. ●Reveal (泄露) personal information. ●Be vulnerable to crimes like identity theft, stalking, etc. ●Affect relationship. … Q3: ●Be careful not to reveal personal information. ●Do not post inappropriate comments, pictures, etc. ●Enhance self-discipline. ●Set a complicated password. ●Change the password frequently. … ②Decide the organization of the writing with the title WeChat in my life. Part 1: The general comments on the influence of Wechat in my life. Part 2: My specific usage of it. Part 3: The problems it causes or might cause. Part 4: Measures Ive taken or will take to avoid the problems and the conclusion. ③Write WeChat in my life. [设计意图] 通过这一系列的活动,学生结合自身生活体验,深化对主题意义的理解,再次反思并运用语篇知识和话题词汇来组织篇章结构,用条理分明的内容和准确的语言表达自己的观点。 学生作品如下: WeChat in my life Social media has a tremendous influence on our life. WeChat is one of the representatives, which is an indispensable part of my life. First of all, WeChat promotes my communication with others, reducing the inconvenience caused by time and space. With it, I can read about my friendslatest news and make comments, send messages or voice mails to others, and even give video calls to my aunt who lives abroad, which not only makes it possible for us to talk face to face but also helps save the cost of the international long-distance call. Secondly, as a student, I usually use WeChat to keep in touch with my teachers and classmates to improve my academic performance. When I have problems of study or assignments, I will ask them for help. Often, to fulfill a team project, I will discuss and exchange ideas with my teammates on WeChat. Another widespread function of WeChat is its electronic payment. I dont need to take any cash with me, which brings great convenience to my life. As every coin has two sides, WeChat might cause trouble if we dont use it wisely. To prevent us from falling victim to online attacks or being addicted to it, we must enhance our self-discipline and be careful not to reveal our personal information. In conclusion, it is up to us to exercise caution to ensure that we can take advantage of WeChat and get rid of its drawbacks. 結语 “学生对主题语境和语篇理解的深度,直接影响学生的思维发展水平和语言学习成效。”(中华人民共和国教育部,2018)因此,阅读课应以主题意义为引领,通过创设与主题意义密切相关的语境和提供不同类型的语篇,设计形式恰当并与学生的生活实际相结合的“写”的活动,推动学生从获取表层信息到理解语篇的深层含义,再到探究主题意义。从一个学期的实践效果看,学生在文本解读方面掌握了有效的学习策略:首先,学生能够有意识地根据主题和语篇特点,对文本整体结构和内容进行预测和梳理;其次,在阅读的过程中,学生能关注并利用语篇中的微观和宏观组织结构,促进对文本的深度理解;再次,学生能够设计出与文章主题内容相契合的有价值的问题;最后,学生能够主动进行主题词汇的积累和创造性的迁移运用。 参考文献 中华人民共和国教育部. 2018. 普通高中英语课程标准(2017年版)[S]. 北京:人民教育出版社. |
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