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标题 说鼠




    在中国,传统上对鼠年出生的人在占卜、配星座等方面有着有趣的说法。笔者在美国也发现了一段关于属生肖的文字:You are ambitious yet honest, prone to spend freely, seldom making lasting friendships, most compatible with Dragons and Monkeys, least compatible with Horses.鼠年出生的人有抱负,诚实,好乱花钱,难交知心朋友。与龙年及猴年出生的人最相配,与马年出生的人則最不配。笔者不大相信这些说法,一笑了之。


    A:Under what animal sign were you born? 你属什么?

    B:Mine is the Rat. 我属鼠。



    最常见的谚语莫过于“老鼠上街,人人喊打”,即:A rat crossing the street is chased by all .

    猫儿一跑耗子闹:When the cats away, the mice will play.

    屋倒(船沉)鼠先走,树倒猢狲散:Rats desert (or forsake, leave) a falling house(a sinking ship).

    只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针:A mouse in time may bite in two a cable.

    狡兔三窟:A mouse that has but one hole is quickly taken.

    猫儿腼腆,老鼠翻天:A blate cat makes a proud mouse.

    四肢不勤,一事无成:A cat in gloves catches no mice.

    不管黑猫白猫,能抓住老鼠就是好猫:It doesnt matter whether the cat is black or white as long as it catches mice.

    鼠目寸光:To see no further than ones nose

    投鼠忌器:Dont burn your house to get rid of mouse.

    鼠窜狼奔:To ran away in all directions

    胆小如鼠:As timid as a hare/chicken-hearted/pigeon-hearted


    1. (as) poor as a church mouse:一贫如洗 a drowned mouse (rat):像落水老鼠一样(狼狈)

    3.mouse and man:一切生物;众生 cat and mouse with sb./ play like a cat with a mouse:欲擒故纵

    5.die like a rat:被毒死

    6.have rats in the attic (garret):不安;想入非非 a rat in a hole:像洞中的老鼠;像瓮中之鳖

    8.smell a rat:觉得可疑

    9.the rat race:口语,贬义,指激烈的竞争

    10.(as) drunk as a mouse:大醉

    11.rat on sb. (sth.):告密 rat:卑鄙小人


    mouse 常指“鼠标”。mouselet指“幼鼠”,其中let 是词根,表示“小”。mouse proof指“防鼠的”,其中proof是后缀,表示“防……的”。mouse potato 表示“网虫”。 mouse color指“鼠灰色”。rats 是俚语,指“讨厌”“糟糕”“胡说”等。rat-face 俚语,意指“阴险卑鄙的人”。

    总之,鼠在人们心目中既有不光彩的一面,又有可爱的一面。汉语中一想到“老鼠嫁女”“小老鼠上灯台”时,就会唤醒儿时的记忆,会心一笑。同时,由于老鼠的基因与人类十分类似,老鼠常常作为科学和医药实验动物,用来检验药品的药效和剂量,还可用于教学及解剖等,为人类社会的发展作出了重大贡献。而英语中有可爱的米老鼠(Mickey Mouse)形象,它给全世界的人们,特别是小孩,留下了美好的印象。愿鼠年带给人们好运!






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