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标题 大学生英语写作中的衔接问题及对策









    1. 不使用衔接词或者衔接词使用不当。恰当地使用衔接词能够让读者清楚理解句子之间和段落之间的逻辑关系。如果不使用相应的衔接词,读者理解文章就不会顺畅甚至产生歧义。请对比下表:

    Children nowadays have more problems. Children in general are not as sociable as previous generations of children, who used to spend more time playing with friends. Some children may feel lonelier and more isolated. They may be less imaginative than children in the past. They do not have to invent their own games and they spend less time reading books. Children nowadays have more problems. Firstly,children in general are not as sociable as previous generations of children, who used to spend more time playing with friends. As a result, some children may feel lonelier and more isolated. Besides, they may be less imaginative than children in the past because they do not have to invent their own games and they spend less time reading books.



    The percentage of obese adults rose steadily from 8 percent in 1950 to 15 percent in 1870. There was a slight dip, and then there was a gradual rise until 1990. It rose steeply for the next ten years, and then it leveled off. It has risen even more sharply, and it is projected to peak at 35 percent in 2025 and then it will level off. The percentage of obese adults rose steadily from 8 percent in 1950 to 15 percent in 1970. There was a slight dip, followed by a gradual rise until 1990. After rising steeply for the next ten years, it leveled off. Since then, it has risen even more sharply. It is projected to peak at 35 percent in 2010, and level off thereafter.


    2. 句子结构不通畅。不通畅是指句子表达前后不连贯,很多学生在写完一个句子后往往又想在该句中加一点解释试图让表达更完整,然而加上去的解释又和原句不匹配。如:The fresh water, it is the most important thing of the earth.这句话中the fresh water与逗号后面的句子完全搭不上,it看似指的是the fresh water,但是从结构上看,两个表达并不通畅。可以改为: The fresh water, which is fundamentally precious to human beings, is the most important substance on the earth.

    3. 无法保持一贯或恰当地使用指代。很多学生在写作中由于代词前后使用不一致或者不使用恰当的代词而导致文章衔接不理想。如:Anybody who does not save money for their retirement will have to accept a lower standard of living in later years. 该句中前面使用了单数不定代词anybody,而后面却使用了复数代词their,使得句子前后指代不一致,应该把their改成his or her,这样保持了代词指代的一致性。

    4. 悬垂修饰语使用。所谓悬垂修饰语是指句首的短语和后面句子的逻辑关系混乱不清。这些悬垂修饰语和其所要修饰的名词或代词没有结构上的联系。那个名词或者代词有时甚至不在句中;即使在句中,也不应该被现有的修饰语所修饰。因为用了悬垂修饰语,这种句子就缺少连贯性,自然就无法达到衔接的要求。


    1. 恰当使用衔接词。衔接词的恰当使用能够有效体现文章的逻辑关系。在写作过程中,往往需要体现对比、假设、举例、解释、因果、总结等关系,针对不同的逻辑关系使用相应的衔接词是一种简单高效的方法。

    2. 使用同位语。在写作中,有些句子可以变成同位语嵌套在另一句话中,这样会显得句子更加紧凑和连贯。

    3. 使用连词。这里说的连接词是指并列连词和从属连词。并列连词可以将两个简单句衔接成并列句,从属连词可以将两个简单句衔接成主从复合句,从而使得表达更加连贯紧凑。







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