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标题 EIM Starter Unit 10 Part 1 阅读教学设计及反思




    来源:EIM Starter

    Unit 10? 1+2


    1. 素材分析。

    (1)文本特征。这部分一共两个文本,一篇短文和一个对话,内容都和John White的兴趣爱好有关。

    (2)文本特点。文本篇幅适中,语言较浅显。文章的主人公John White喜欢航海,所以文中出现的词汇大多和大海和天气又关,如:sailing、dolphin、storm等。第一个文本,是对John White这个人的简单介绍,使用的是一般现在时态;第二个文本,John和他妻子Pauline的通话内容,使用的是现在进行时态。

    2. 教学策略。

    3. 学情分析。

    4. 重点和难点。


    At the end of the lesson, students are expected to know about John White and his hobby and learn the new words: journey, take a year off, sail, around the world, dolphin, whale, bathroom, have a shower, make good progress, close, South Africa, a strong wind, start. Be able to use the new words properly in the composition ‘My dads hobby and use the present simple and present continuous correctly.


    Pre- reading Stage

    活动回顾Unit 9 EX 10 Craig and Julia,复习一些9单元新学的运动,并引出hobby这个词,While –reading Stage

    活动1:Get to know John White

    Where are Craig and Julia from? They are from Britain介绍Andy White, He is from Britain, too. Hes in Year 8 like you in a middle school in London. There are three people in his family. Read the first paragraph and complete the chart.(把第一段打在ppt上,并勾出重点内容)

    衔接:Andys father likes sailing. He does it once a year. But this year is different. How is this year different? John is taking a year off from his job and is sailing around the world. And hes doing it alone.


    Think about it everyone, sail around the world-- alone. What do you think of the journey?

    活动3:Does John think it exciting too?(把第二段打在ppt上,并勾出重点内容)学生先回答这个Y/N,然后read it again and complete the chart.

    衔接:Andys father is sailing around the world this year. Where are Andy and his mother? They are at home. How does Andys mother (Pauline) feel when her husband is out sailing alone? How do they contact each other? By telephone. (satellite phone)

    活动4:Complete the conversation, repeat and role play.

    1. Here is a telephone conversation between Andys father John and his mother Pauline. Complete the conversation with the words from the box.

    2. 设计一个活动扫清词汇障碍(连线,选择,填空)。

    3. Listen and repeat

    4. Role play


    Now Andy is coming down to the kitchen. He asks his mother whats the matter with his father. If you were Andy, how do you feel now? What do you think of your fathers hobby? Do you like it or not? What are your reasons?


    1. 给出结构要求。

    Now, you are Andy, write about your fathers hobby and your opinion of it.

    My fathers hobby

    Paragraph 1? ?An introduction of your father.

    Paragraph 2? ?Whats your fathers hobby?

    How often does he do it?

    What is he doing now?

    Paragraph 3? ?What do you think of your fathers hobby? Do you support him or not? Why?

    2. 给出有帮助的词汇及用法。

    Useful phrases:

    like/love/hate doingadjectives to describe ones feelings be doing

    on one hand, on the other hand

    3. 小组内交换互评,然后每个小组选一篇在全班分享。




    1. 文章篇幅要适中。文章太长,一节课不能完成,阅读任务太简单,学生容易失去兴趣。因为10单元Ex. 1篇幅较短,所以笔者把练习2的对话也安排到了这堂阅读课中。

    2. 难易度要适中。要选择比本班学生水平稍高的语言材料,但不能要求太高,否则会挫伤学生学习英语的锐气和积极性,而这次10单元的阅读材料稍显简单。

    3. 有可读性。阅读内容要有趣、有料,这样才能激发学生想读下去的兴趣。


    在针对这次阅读材料设计讨论或思考题时,笔者主要的原则还是基于文本,从学生的英语能力考虑,没有安排灵活性较大的讨论,课后笔者觉得应该更相信学生,应该为他们设定更高的目标,而不是去将就他们。比如,练习1最后一句话是‘John wants to … ,其实真的不应该怕冷场而不给学生思考的机会。再比如,可以把最后的阅读输出活动改成讨论‘What do you think of John Whites decision?


    1. 猜词义。猜词义的方法有很多,比如根据上下文猜单词的意思(常见短语和单词:that is to say,in other words ,such as,for example ,though,however … )以及同义词﹑反义词或词根等。除通过上下文猜词义外还可以根据构词法猜词义。例如,-tion, -ness,等是名词后缀,un-, -less,等表示否定的前后缀,学会了这些,我们就可以很容易地猜出一些词汇的意思。

    2. 扫读(skimming)让学生在短时间内了解作者的写作意图。

    3. 跳读(scanning)训练学生快速捕捉重要信息的能力。

    4. 细读(detailed-reading)让学生仔细阅读文章,深入抓取文章細节内容,了解各段落的主要内容和各段落之间的关系。







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