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标题 An Analysis of Metaphorical Expressions in a Selected Motivational Speech


    【Abstract】Metaphor is both a linguistic phenomenon and a rhetorical device. The purpose of the metaphor is to achieve a particular communicative effect. In this study, the conceptual metaphor theory proposed by Lakoff is applied to analyse the selected Motivational Speech. The researcher sought to explore the usage of metaphors in the speech, and identified how do the metaphors function in the motivational environment.

    【Key words】conceptual metaphor theory; motivational speech; Lakoff; source domain; target domain

    【作者簡介】Linyue, Master degree, Faculty of language and linguistics, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, 202004, Malaysia.


    A motivational speech is usually done by a motivational speaker to inspire audience members to make a change. In the field of motivation, metaphors have been broadly adopted (Weiner, 1991). Lakoff (1993) mentioned that metaphors are based on correspondences of our experience; hence, it can help understand abstract content, create a sense of familiarity, trigger emotions, draw attention and motivate action. In this paper, the researcher attempted to examine the significance of metaphors in afflicting motivation via speeches by identifying the metaphors used and inspecting the incorporation of metaphors to adapt into the motivational setting.


    2.1 Research Design

    Qualitative content analysis is used to go about this paper, with the aid of conceptual metaphor theory by Lakoff and Johnson.

    2.2 Data Collection

    This study focuses on metaphors in a motivational speech featuring Jim Carrey in 2014 on Youtube. The speech is retrieved and transcribed from the official website of Maharishi University of Management.

    2.3 Analytical Framework and Procedures

    Lakoff and Johnsons (1980) conceptual metaphor theory is the fundamental approaches that can be used to examine and analyse metaphorical expressions. It is fairly useful to describe and identify the abstract concept and to relate it to shaping human perception and communication, especially among the audiences involved, both in public speaking and mass media.


    3.1 The effect you have on others is the most valuable currency

    The most notable aspect in the second section of the speech is its appeals to the audience by suggesting that their influence is valuable. The idea implied by the phrase is that INFLUENCE IS CURRENCY. The target domain is INFLUENCE which is referred to in the phrase as “the effect you have on others”. On the other hand, the source domain is CURRENCY which is concrete in nature as it can be materialised in the form of money. The mapping can be done based on the corresponding aspects of the two domains, including acquisition, storage and disposal. For instance, before someone can influence others, he/she needs to acquire experience first, and keep it before sharing it at the appropriate time. The same goes with money; one must first collect it, store it away before it can be used at a suitable time. CURRENCY as the source domain also can highlight the significance of an individuals impact in the world.

    3.2 Because everything you gain in life will rot and fall apart

    Frame-evocation is apparent in this phrase. In this section of the speech, the speaker intends to magnify the reality of life. The “everything you gain in life” part can mean many things; including fame and fortune. However, the usage of the verbs “rot” and “fall apart” associates the target domain ATTAINMENT with the idea of it being temporary and not eternal. The source domain employed could be PLANT considering the verb connotation attached to it. The rhetorical effect here is derived from the implied comparison of both domains concept. From respective of metaphorical application, the target domain aspects would be wealth or reputation. In contrast, the source domain carried the image of a plant that will deteriorate and disintegrate over time. Moreover, the speaker seeks to highlight the importance of another essential lesson; hence, he downplayed the significance of achievement in any form. Due to the educational setting of the location, the speaker intentionally proposed the notion that the lessons learned in life are the most important.

    3.3 And all that would be left of you is what was in your heart

    This ensuing segment primarily demonstrates the main point of the speech, which is inclusive of the concept of immortality. The phrase “what was in your heart” portrays a cardio centric view of the body where the heart plays the vital role in terms of bodily functions. Physiological attributes are also often related to the heart; therefore, this implies that the target domain SENTIMENT is eternal. The speaker wants to highlight how compelling someones internal inspiration is in life because that is what will drive people to push themselves forward regardless of trial and obstacles. On the other hand, the source domain for this context would be HEART. The idea is that sentiment comes from real-life experience, which is then preserved in ones heart. The heart is also located in the centre of the body with the result that any abstract feeling or emotion is said to be in the core of human.

    3.4 Fear is going to be a player in your life

    The distinguished aspect in this section of the speech is the engagement with the audience by suggesting that FEAR is a PLAYER. The target domain is fear. Fear is often linked with everyday existence and is one of the most debilitating emotions to attack the conscious and unconscious mind of a person. This force has found expression in the language that attempts to describe its disabling potency, which feeds on peoples innermost doubts and apprehensions. As an abstract noun, fear can be both explicitly literal or locked in metaphors. On the other hand, the source domain is “player” which is concrete in nature that indicates a person who is very active in games. This particular excerpt mentioned in Jim Carreys speech goes deep into the source and target domains showing the appropriate mappings.

    FEAR IS A PLAYER: The victims correspond to the players/ Risk correspond to loss/ Difficulties in managing fear correspond to obstacles faced in the game/ Manipulations correspond to tactics used in order to cheat and fool other opponents.

    According to K vecses (2000), fear is also known in other forms such as FEAR IS A SERPENT, FEAR IS A DISABLER and FEAR IS EVIL metaphors in order to show how fear blends with other abstract ideas that lead to or result from fear and risk being one of them. In this motivational speech, the speaker meant to highlight the importance of not letting fear control the mind no matter how big the obstacles are. Take risks at times even though things do not go the way one has expected in the first place rather than just being someone afraid of making changes.


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