标题 | 瞻前顾后 词句结构 |
范文 | 单新梅?李玉梅 【摘要】“七选五”的考纲要求学生理解文章的基本结构及整体内容,注意考查上下文的逻辑意义。这对学生综合语言运用能力提出了更高的要求,根据考查内容通常有放在句首的主题句和标题类的句子;放在句中考查承上启下的段中题型;放在段末的设题方式,既进行概括总结,又起着承上启下的作用。因此,该题目在高考中可能会起到成绩分水岭的作用,能否掌握该题型的做题技巧是关乎“锦上添花”还是“雪上加霜”的事情。下面针对不同的题目特点,谈一下破解方法。 【关键词】高中英语教学;七选五破解思路 【作者简介】单新梅,李玉梅,山东潍坊高密三中。 一、语言形式突破法 该方法适合标题类题目,因为段落标题的语言形式多为祈使句或者名词短语。做题时先根据这个语言形式锁定三两个选项,这可大大缩小选择范围,提高得分率。再根据标题的主题概括性功能进行推敲,最终敲定答案。如,2016年全国II卷37题: ?? ? ? 37 Some people may think that a garden is no more than plants, flowers, pattems and masses of color... ?Recall (回忆) your childhood memories Our model of what a garden should be often goes back to childhood... A. Know why you garden B. Find a good place for your own garden 【解析】参考第二个黑标题,锁定AB两个祈使句,将对题率提高到50%,再结合这句话的主题句功能,最终确定答案是A。 二、主题句突破法 此法适合设在段首的段落主题句类题目。此时,需要在复现词、同场词或其他相关线索词的辅助下,概括其大意,然后根据段落一致性的原则进而推断出主题句。如,以下例题: The Ways Lift up Your Mood(情绪) ...... The first thing you should try is to socialize and to think positively... Just try to avoid bad thoughts ... 3? ? ?It could be something you have wanted for along time — a short trip, a coat, ... D. Instead, try to think about the bright side of your life. G. You should also try doing some things only for yourself, something totally selfish. 【解析】根据空后的所举事例及篇章结构的技巧及原词something的浮现等技巧可以锁定G选项。 三、逻辑突破法 段中类题目多用此法。该选项要充分发挥“手拉手”的作用,它往往与上下句之间都有某种紧密的逻辑关系,如解释、并列、转折、因果、顺承、递进等。线索词在该类题目中的作用尤其不容忽略。如,2016全国卷III40题: There are many common methods used to cook fish.? ? 40? ?First, clean it and season it with your choice of spices(调料). Put the whole fish on a plate and steam it in a steam pot for 8 to 10 minutes if it weighs about one pound. (A larger one will take more time.) Then, it's ready to serve. B. The easiest is to steam it. C. This is how you can do it. 【解析】該题可用具体事例的逻辑关系。空前说到鱼有很多普通做法,空后开始列举具体操作步骤,由此推测,空格处应该指众多方法中的一种,也就是说B选项的完整说法其实是The easiest (one) is…,由此锁定选项B。 四、总结概括突破法 适合位于段末需要概括性语句的题目。研读整个段落,搞清楚段落大意,并参考段落首句,选择首尾呼应性概括性较强的选项。在解题的过程中要多关注选项中表示结论、总结及结果等的信号词,如so,therefore,thus等词语。如,2017年全国卷Ⅲ39题: Keep your sleep/wake schedule on weekends. If you're tired out by Friday night, sleeping in on Saturday could sound wonderful. But compensating on the weekends actually feeds into your sleepiness the following week, a recent study found.? 39 ...... E. If the steps you take are working, keep it up. F. Stick to your set bedtime and wake-up time, no matter the day. G. Reconsider the 15 minutes you spend in line at the cafe to get coffee. 【解析】本段首句已经告知段落大意,就是“周末也要坚持自己的作息时间表”,F选项正好总结回扣了这个主题,并且强调“无论哪一天都要坚持”。 五、篇章结构突破法 七选五多为总分结构的说明文,段首往往是主题句,抓住篇章结构特点作为题目的切入点。 如,下面36题和39题: Tourism can be both good and bad. Yes, it brings in money for the local economy and creates lots of jobs locals.? ? 36 One growing problem is tourists who want to prove that they have visited a destination... Another big problem in some places has been tourists disturbing(打扰) the local people... 39? ? ?Walking in large groups without considering others who need to walk by, crossing roads without thinking of local traffic laws, ... The only way to solve the problem of terrible tourists is to make sure that you are not one! ... A. But it may also bring some Problems. E. The number of problems from tourists endless. 【解析】根据该说明文为总分的篇章结构,36题为表示概括总结的句子,39题为本段主题句的特点并承上启下,而且下面各段分别阐述产生的各种问题,再加上it brings... 句式,所以36题锁定答案为A ; 39题就篇章结构的特点one growing ... ,another big problem...紧接着应该还是围绕出现的问题进行,故锁定答案为E。这种题目要求学生必须心有篇章结构感,能从宏观上把握整篇文章,不能单纯只盯空前空后,否则就是死胡同。 六、段内句际关系突破法 宏观上把握段落结构,利用段内句际关系。如,2014年课标卷II: From my experience, there are three main reasons why people don't cook more often: ability, money, and time.? ? 36? ? ? Money is a topic Ill save for another day. So today I want to give you some wisdom about how to make the most of the time you spend in the kitchen. A Try new things. B. Ability is easily improved. C. Make three or four instead. 【解析】該段落是总分结构,空前的主题句中提到ability, money, time三个主要原因,空后提到了money与time, 所以这里应是谈ability, 故选B项。 七、代词指代,半句及相同句式等方面综合考虑来解答问题 如37题: Over the years, there have been a number of different techniques to help designers approach this important point.? ? 37? ?, they can get a little complex.... A. While all of them are useful B. Whatever you're looking for 【解析】空前提到了different techniques,A选项中的them吻合了这个复数指代。结合上下文句际逻辑,应该是尽管都有用,但是未免有点儿麻烦。故锁定答案A。这个题目充分体现了解题时瞻前顾后的重要性。相同句式的考查如篇章结构的第36题it also brings... 提醒学生,灵活掌握先易后难的答题顺序,把各种技巧结合起来,先让有充分依据的选项对号入座,将把握不准的题目留到最后,把它们放在有限的几个选择项中进行对比推敲,从选项差异中找灵感,选最佳,这会大大提高正确率。 |
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