标题 | 英语学科核心素养指向下的阅读教学设计 |
范文 | 魏斐 【摘要】英語学科核心素养的本质就是要在培养学生听、说、读、写等语言能力的同时注重培养学生的思维品格、文化品格和学习能力。本文就针对英语学科核心素养下的阅读教学,以高中英语教材人教版Great Scientists这一单元中John Snow Defeats“King Cholera”的阅读文章为例,设计了教学过程。 【关键词】英语学科;核心素养;阅读教学设计 中图分类号:G633.41文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-7485(2020)31-0116-02 The Teaching Design of Reading under the Direction of the Core quality of English Subject——Take Module5Unit1Reading Lesson as an Example (The First Middle School of Qingshui County,Tianshui City,Gansu Province,China)WEI Fei 【Abstract】The essence of the core quality of English subject is to cultivate the students'language abilities such as listen‐ing,speaking,reading and writing,and at the same time pay attention to cultivate the students'thinking character,cultural character and learning ability.In this paper,according to English reading teaching under the core literacy,in high school English teaching materials are Great Scientists this unit"John Snow Defeats'King Cholera'reading articles,for example,design the teaching process. 【Keywords】English discipline;Core literacy;Reading teaching design 学科核心素养是目前教育工作的中心任务和终极目标。学科核心素养既包括学生的基本知识和技能,也包含学生的情感、态度、价值观和学习能力。因此,培养学生的学科核心素养离不开教师坚持不懈的学习、探索、思考和总结,更离不开教学操作的实践支持。以高中英语教材人教版Module5Unit1Great Scientists这一单元中阅读John Snow Defeats“King Cholera”为例,说明在教学中如何提升学生的听说读写各个方面的语言能力;培养学生思维品质;激发学生文化品格;同时提升学生学习能力。对于本单元的阅读教学,我的课堂教学设计如下: Step1Warming up by asking and discussing some questions. Questions: 1.Have you ever caught a serious flu? 2.How did you feel then? 3.What do you think of and what do you decide to do in the future? 4.Have you ever heard SARS and do you feel scared when you hear it? 可以先让学生分组讨论他们是否曾经感染过严重的感冒或者其他传染病?谈谈他们身体的感受和心里的感受。通过讨论来提升学生的语言能力,了解他们面临传染病和对待传染病的态度和情感。同时启发他们通过学习调查和实践来解决问题的思维品质,激发学生立志成为一名卓越的科学家或者医生的愿望,以便将来更好地造福人类,造福社会。 Step2Fast-reading 经过激烈而充分的讨论,快速阅读文章并且回答一些具体的问题,让学生明白英国医生John Snow在面对霍乱和他人的冷嘲热讽时是迎难而上还是望而却步,明白John Snow最终如何解决了这一难题并最终战胜了这一灾难。通过对上述问题的解答和讨论,要深刻地理解和明白不管在生活中还是人际交往中,又或是学习过程中,一旦遇到困难或者问题,我们一定要勇于面对,勇于探索和调查,勇于研究和实践,从而战胜一切困难和麻烦,成为一名真正的勇士。 Step3Careful reading. Now the students are asked to read the text the sec?ond time.They have to look for and underline the expres?sions within the passage as well as the topic sentence in each paragraph. Answers: Topic sentence of the text:it tells about John Snow and his fight against“King Cholera”. Topic sentence of the1st paragraph:John Snow was a well-known doctor in London. Topic sentence of the2nd paragraph:He got interest?ed in two theories explaining how cholera killed people. Topic sentence of the3rd paragraph:He believed in the second theory but needed to prove he was correct. Topic sentence of the4th paragraph:He looked into the source of the water. Topic sentence of the5th paragraph:John Snow had shown that cholera was spread by germs. Topic sentence of the6th paragraph:Finally“King cholera”was defeated. 這一步骤的主要目的在于让学生在初步了解John Snow勇于面对困难和挑战,勇于探索的科学精神。通过详细的阅读和品味,让学生深刻体会到科学研究需要有勇于探索的精神,实事求是的思维品质,详细周密的研究过程,勇敢无畏的文化品格和探索推理的学习方法和学习能力。具备这些素养,我们才能更好地造福人类,为社会做出我们应有的贡献。 总之,高中英语教材内容包罗万象,题材灵活多变。但是形式和内容的变化始终围绕着一个永恒不变的主线和命脉,那就是英语学科的核心素养。我们要以不变应万变,让英语学科核心素养指引我们的教学,认真学习,积极探索,及时总结,广泛交流,把教学转变成教育,把教会转变成会教,把学会转变成会学,让学生终身受益。 注:本文为甘肃省“十三五”2019年度教育科学规划课题“学科核心素养指向下的高中英语单元整体教学探索与实践研究”(课题立项号:GS[2019]GHB1493)研究成果。 参考文献: [1]张一,吴小燕.学科核心素养下的英语微型课程设计研究——以人教版Module2Unit5Music阅读课为例[J].新东方英语·中学生,2018(06). (责编 林娟) |
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