标题 | 基于“促进学生记忆英语词汇有效途径研究”的案例分析 |
范文 | 王松梅 (此课选自人教版《英语》七年级下册Unit 8 When is your birthday 。) 美国著名作家和教育家L-Ron Hubbar先生的教育学理论认为:影响理解和应用的最重要因素是词汇。在英语学习中掌握词汇数量的多少和运用词汇的熟练程度对语言交际能力、阅读能力和写作能力的培养有着直接的影响。那么如何在课堂上帮助学生更有效地记忆单词呢? 一、理论依据 Our memory is known as short term memory and long term memory, which is our capacity for recall of information minutes, weeks and years after the original input. Information stored in the memory falls into disuse unless it is activated fairly regularly. In other words, we need to practice and revise what we learn otherwise the new input will gradually fade in the memory and ultimately disappear. This is called the decay theory.If memory traces do gradually fade in the memory without regular practice then it is clearly necessary that we create opportunities in the classroom for students to practise what they have learned. Recent trend in methodology have stressed the need for meaningful activities in the classroom. More meaningful tasks require learners to analyse and process language more deeply, which helps the students to commit information to long term memory. A students “personal investment” has a very positive effect on memorisation. 二、案例選材 本课话题为谈论日期,表述自己或家人、朋友的生日以及近期活动安排。 三、案例分析 【Section A活动设计】 新授词汇:12个月 (一)每日一报告 报告人借助日历提示单人汇报,其他学生在听后以相互问答的方式进行反馈。一方面训练学生通过听来捕捉和记录信息的能力,通过汇报和问答的方式训练说和输出信息的能力;另一方面可以激活学生已有词汇,预热主题情境,以便自然进入话题,为学习新单词和讨论新话题打下伏笔。此环节设计是教师半控制下的活动,报告人事先有所准备(语言材料和问题设置),目的是使所呈现的语言材料更丰富和准确,所提出的问题更合理。 1.One student do a daily report in the front and others listen to him or her carefully, then the reporter or the students can ask one or more questions about the report one by one. 2.After that, the teacher can ask the last question “Which month is it now?” At the same time, show the big calendar including twelve months in class to learn twelve months. Activity I Do a daily report Ask and answer about the daily report as much as possible. Eg.1.What day is it today? 2.Whats the date today? 3.Which month is it now? 4.Do you like this month?Why or why not? 5.Hows the weather today? 6.Who is not here today? 7.How many classes do we have today? 8.Are there any activities today? (二)以“话题”为依托,螺旋上升,层层递进 Activity II Talk about birthday 1.When is your birthday? (Work in pairs) The teacher make a conversation with a student as an example, then work in pairs . T:When is your birthday? S:My birthday is in July. 2.When is her/his birthday?(work in groups with 4 students ) S1:When is your birthday? S2:My birthday is in June. S3:When is her/his birthday? S4:Her/His birthday is in June. 3.Is her /his birthday in August?(work in groups with 6 students ) S1:When is your birthday? S2:My birthday is in August? S3:When is her/his birthday? S4:Her/His birthday is in August? S5:Is her/ his birthday in August? S6:Yes, it is./ No, it isnt. Its in September. 學习单词是一个过程。在教师的引导下,首先,通过简单的对话感知12个月的音和意,同时教师纠正发音;然后4人小组会话,由讨论自己的生日延伸到讨论他人的生日,重复新词;最后,6人小组会话,用不同的句式谈论你、我、他的生日,学生自主地运用新词,新旧词汇交替出现,循环往复,但绝不是同一个词的机械重复,而是在使用不同的句式谈论不同的人。当学生能辨认和理解一个词,这个词就成为被动词汇(passive vocabulary),当学生能在听和说中使用它,这个词就从被动词汇变成了主动词汇(active vocabulary),词汇教学的目的就是让最普通的词成为学生的主动词汇。在这个循环往复中,12个月份应该成为学生的积极词汇。 Activity III A guessing game about months. S1:Which month comes before February? S2:January. J-A-N-U-A-R-Y . Which is the hottest month of a year? S3:Do you like swimming? You can swim in this month and its not cold... 男女生PK参与活动,两人背对白板(展示某个月份),下面的同伴描述这个月份,肢体和语言可以并用,还必须适当地用英语交流互动,让台上伙伴猜出这个月份并拼写该单词。这个游戏的设计符合学生的年龄特点,更重要的是抓住了学生的兴趣点,教师大胆放手,学生对12个月的记忆痕迹得到了强化。 此环节是开放性的活动生成部分。在了解一个词的基本音形意后,在语境中循环使用它,扩展相关知识,可以强化对这个词的理解和记忆。 【Section B活动设计】 新授词汇: English test, school trip,party, basketball? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?game, soccer game, School Day, English Day. (三)借图说话,传情达意 Activity I Get to know some events 1.Discuss these pictures T:What can you see in the picture? What are they doing? S:...... (showing some pictures one by one and talking about them as much as possible.) 2.Match the pictures with the events (1)English test? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (6)Book sale (2)School trip? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?(7)English Day (3)Party? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (8)Art festival (4)Basketball game? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (9)Sports Day 改变思维模式,设计开放性活动,换种思维方式处理信息,学生对词汇的学习已经完全脱离书本,主动选择,精心判断,再次通过“用语言做事情”巩固记忆所学词汇。 Activity V Be the owner of my school Finish the following form, then write a notice. Dear students, We have many interesting and fun activities for you to do this term ...... 通过“写”的活动应用所学词汇。学生假设自己是某学校校长,为该校学生安排本学期的活动。学生四人一组讨论方案,在组内完成以上信息表,作为写作提纲,然后以本课通知语篇为模板,写一份学校通知。最后请一名学生朗读,向全班发布。本活动目的是创造性地使用活动名称及日期的表达法,促进语言的形成,同时提高学生的主人翁意識,培养合作精神。通过创造性的活动鼓励学生用自己的想法做事情,这个活动具有很强的交际性,需要团队合作完成,真正体现“用语言做事情”的教学真谛! 通过以上词汇教学中的方法分析,希望能和大家一起交流英语词汇教学的困惑与感悟,改变当下学生低效率的英语学习现状,更希望能引起大家的思考,如何使我们的英语学习在科学的方法引导下取得事半功倍的效果,真正落实新课标实现学生英语学习方式的变革。初中英语词汇教学是一项长期而又复杂的过程,需要英语教师在今后的教学中,根据教学对象的实际情况,取多家之长,灵活采用教学策略,不断提高词汇教学效率,促进学生更好地学习英语。 编辑/李梦迪 |
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