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标题 基于核酸适体修饰的纳米通道分离β雌二醇和雌酮的研究
范文 柳悦等
摘 要 建立了修饰金纳米通道分离β雌二醇和雌酮的新方法。以聚碳酸酯膜为模板,基于模板合成化学沉积原理,在其表面及膜孔内壁均匀沉积纳米金层,得到一定孔径的金纳米通道,利用扫描电镜(SEM)、透射电镜(TEM)等对其进行研究表征,制备得到均一、可靠的金纳米通道膜。在制备好的金纳米通道表面,通过分子自组装的方式将β雌二醇核酸适体修饰在金纳米通道内,得到对β雌二醇具有选择性的纳米通道。β雌二醇较容易通过修饰后的纳米通道,而雌酮不易通过。考察了β雌二醇和雌酮在β雌二醇核酸适体修饰的金纳米通道的迁移特性,以此实现二者的分离。利用50 nm 聚碳酸酯膜沉积金3 h,得到孔径约20 nm金纳米通道膜,在0.5 mmol/L TrisHCl缓冲溶液(pH 7.4)中,进样池浓度为1.76×10Symbolm@@ 5mol/L的β雌二醇和雌酮,分离度达到1.76。关键词 纳米通道膜; 适体; β雌二醇; 分离
Fig.9 Comparison of five estrogenic substances transporting through aptamer modified nanochannels membrane 4 结 论
利用 Au S 共价键在金通道内壁修饰上E2的核酸适体,得到对E2具有特定选择性的金纳米通道膜。基于这种选择性,E2较容易通过修饰后的纳米通道,而E1不容易通过,在一定程度上实现了二者的初步分离。 利用孔径为50 nm的聚碳酸酯膜沉积金3 h,得到孔径约20 nm金纳米通道膜,在0.5 mmol/L TrisHCl缓冲溶液(pH 7.4)中,E2和E1通过修饰上E2的核酸适体的纳米通道分离度达到1.76。
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Aptamerbased AuNanochannels Membrane for
Separation of βEstradiol and Estrone
LIU Yue, DAI GuoShuai, XIE Li, HUANG ShanSheng*
(Life and Environmental Science College, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234, China)
Abstract A new method for separation of βestradiol and estrone by the modified gold nanochannels membrane was described. The gold nanochannels were prepared by chemical deposition of gold on polycarbonate templates membrane. The morphology of the nanochannels, characterized by field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) and transmission electron microscope (TEM), showed that the Au nanochannel wall was smooth and uniform. After being modified by aptamer of βestradiol using a molecular selfassembly method, the nanochannels membranes facilitated the transportation of βestradiol through the membranes while the estrone was not easy to permeate. The transport behaviour of βestradiol and estrone through the gold nanochannels modified with aptamer of βestradiol was investigated. The results showed that the βestradiol aptamer modified nanochannels membrane can be used to separate βestradiol and estrone based on this unique selective nanochannel membrane. A separation efficiency of 1.76 can be obtained when the nanochannels with pore size of 20 nm in the medium of pH from 6.00 to 8.00.
Keywords Nanochannel membrane; Aptamer; βEstradiol; Separation
(Received 9 September 2013; accepted 15 January 2014)
This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 21275100)
15 Gasparac R,Mitchell D T,Martin C R. Electrochimica Acta, 2004, 49(6): 847-850
16 HUANG ShanSheng,YIN ZhiFang,YANG XiaoHai,WANG KeMin,TAN WeiHong,HE XiaoXiao,ZHONG TongSheng. Chinese J. Anal. Chem., 2006, 34(11): 1515-1518
黄杉生, 尹志芳, 羊小海, 王柯敏, 谭蔚泓, 何晓晓, 钟桐生. 分析化学, 2006, 34(11): 1515-1518
17 Kohli P, Harrell C C, Cao Z H, Gasparac R, Tan W H, Martin C R. Science, 2004, 305(5686): 984-986
18 Huang S S,Sheng C,Yin Z F,Shen J. Journal of Membrane Science, 2007, 305(12): 257-262
19 Yu S,Lee S B, Martin C R. Anal. Chem., 2003, 75(6): 1239-1244
20 Inglis D W, Goldys E M, Calander N P. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2011, 50(33): 7546-7550
21 Huang S S, Yin Y F. Anal. Sci., 2006, 22(7): 1005-1009
Aptamerbased AuNanochannels Membrane for
Separation of βEstradiol and Estrone
LIU Yue, DAI GuoShuai, XIE Li, HUANG ShanSheng*
(Life and Environmental Science College, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234, China)
Abstract A new method for separation of βestradiol and estrone by the modified gold nanochannels membrane was described. The gold nanochannels were prepared by chemical deposition of gold on polycarbonate templates membrane. The morphology of the nanochannels, characterized by field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) and transmission electron microscope (TEM), showed that the Au nanochannel wall was smooth and uniform. After being modified by aptamer of βestradiol using a molecular selfassembly method, the nanochannels membranes facilitated the transportation of βestradiol through the membranes while the estrone was not easy to permeate. The transport behaviour of βestradiol and estrone through the gold nanochannels modified with aptamer of βestradiol was investigated. The results showed that the βestradiol aptamer modified nanochannels membrane can be used to separate βestradiol and estrone based on this unique selective nanochannel membrane. A separation efficiency of 1.76 can be obtained when the nanochannels with pore size of 20 nm in the medium of pH from 6.00 to 8.00.
Keywords Nanochannel membrane; Aptamer; βEstradiol; Separation
(Received 9 September 2013; accepted 15 January 2014)
This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 21275100)
15 Gasparac R,Mitchell D T,Martin C R. Electrochimica Acta, 2004, 49(6): 847-850
16 HUANG ShanSheng,YIN ZhiFang,YANG XiaoHai,WANG KeMin,TAN WeiHong,HE XiaoXiao,ZHONG TongSheng. Chinese J. Anal. Chem., 2006, 34(11): 1515-1518
黄杉生, 尹志芳, 羊小海, 王柯敏, 谭蔚泓, 何晓晓, 钟桐生. 分析化学, 2006, 34(11): 1515-1518
17 Kohli P, Harrell C C, Cao Z H, Gasparac R, Tan W H, Martin C R. Science, 2004, 305(5686): 984-986
18 Huang S S,Sheng C,Yin Z F,Shen J. Journal of Membrane Science, 2007, 305(12): 257-262
19 Yu S,Lee S B, Martin C R. Anal. Chem., 2003, 75(6): 1239-1244
20 Inglis D W, Goldys E M, Calander N P. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2011, 50(33): 7546-7550
21 Huang S S, Yin Y F. Anal. Sci., 2006, 22(7): 1005-1009
Aptamerbased AuNanochannels Membrane for
Separation of βEstradiol and Estrone
LIU Yue, DAI GuoShuai, XIE Li, HUANG ShanSheng*
(Life and Environmental Science College, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234, China)
Abstract A new method for separation of βestradiol and estrone by the modified gold nanochannels membrane was described. The gold nanochannels were prepared by chemical deposition of gold on polycarbonate templates membrane. The morphology of the nanochannels, characterized by field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) and transmission electron microscope (TEM), showed that the Au nanochannel wall was smooth and uniform. After being modified by aptamer of βestradiol using a molecular selfassembly method, the nanochannels membranes facilitated the transportation of βestradiol through the membranes while the estrone was not easy to permeate. The transport behaviour of βestradiol and estrone through the gold nanochannels modified with aptamer of βestradiol was investigated. The results showed that the βestradiol aptamer modified nanochannels membrane can be used to separate βestradiol and estrone based on this unique selective nanochannel membrane. A separation efficiency of 1.76 can be obtained when the nanochannels with pore size of 20 nm in the medium of pH from 6.00 to 8.00.
Keywords Nanochannel membrane; Aptamer; βEstradiol; Separation
(Received 9 September 2013; accepted 15 January 2014)
This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 21275100)




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