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标题 4种填料构建海水养殖系统硝化动力学的比较研究

    王琳 孔小蓉 周洋 宋志文

    摘要:在四个模拟海水养殖系统中,分别添加白砂、珊瑚砂、陶粒、菲律宾砂填料和硝化细菌制剂,分析其亚硝化和硝化动力学过程 。结果表明,4个模拟系统亚硝化和硝化过程均呈一级反应,亚硝化降解速率由低到高依次为菲律宾砂、白砂、陶粒和珊瑚砂,硝化速率由低到高依次为白砂、菲律宾砂、陶粒和珊瑚砂。系统中生物膜的生长速率与膜成熟后转化和亚硝酸盐的能力无直接关系。












    1.2.1海水养殖系统硝化功能建立海水养殖系统用50 mg/L碘液浸泡72 h消毒,然后用蒸馏水浸泡24 h,冲洗后,分别加入白砂、珊瑚砂、陶粒、菲律宾砂500 g,添加人工海水20 L和硝化细菌菌剂15 mL。投加NH4Cl使氨氮初始浓度为10 mg/L。实验期间控制系统温度25 ℃,DO>5 mg/L,盐度31‰~32‰,pH 8.0~8.4,避光。定期测定氨氮、亚硝酸盐氮,直至氨氮和亚硝酸盐氮检测不出。

    1.2.2亚硝化过程动力学研究方法系统硝化功能建立后,分别加入NH4Cl使氨氮浓度为5 mg/L,混匀后,每隔1 h采集水样测定氨氮含量。

    1.2.3硝化过程动力学研究方法硝化功能建立后,投加NaNO2使亚硝酸盐氮浓度为3 mg/L,混匀后,每隔1 h采集水样测定亚硝酸盐氮含量。


    氨氮和亚硝酸盐氮测定方法参见文献[10-11]。DO和pH分别采用Orion 835A溶解氧仪和pHS-3C型精密酸度计测定。

    利用Origin 8.0统计软件进行数据统计分析。





    利用Origin 8.0对亚硝化动力学过程进行指数衰减回归分析,参数及拟合动力学表达式见表1。


    研究表明,4种滤料构建海水养殖系统的亚硝化和硝化过程均呈一级反应,氨和亚硝酸盐浓度是其转化过程的限制性因素,这与张俊新[12]等研究结论一致。现有文献[13-15]报道的硝化反应一级速率常数K范围为0.001 1~3 /d,对照表1和表2的数据可知,本研究得到的速率常数高于这一数值。



    在实验过程中发现,4种滤料构建海水养殖系统硝化功能建立的时间存在差异,但硝化功能建立后对氨氮和亚硝酸盐氮的转化速率却较低;珊瑚砂虽然对氨氮和亚硝酸盐氮转化速率最高,但其硝化功能建立所用时间(31 d)却较长。由此可见,硝化细菌在滤料上生物膜的生长速率与生物膜成熟后的硝化能力无直接联系。






    [1] 吴伟,宋志文,于弘路,等.氨负荷对水族箱硝化功能建立过程的影响[J].河北渔业,2010(11):4-7

    [2] 刘冉,周洋,宋志文,等.硝化细菌对海参养殖系统水质的净化效果[J].河北渔业,2012(2):15-18

    [3] 孔小蓉,宋志文,周洋,等.不同基质构建海水水族箱硝化功能建立过程的比较研究[J].河北渔业,2009(12):11-14

    [4] 周洋,孔小蓉,宋志文,等.硝化细菌对海水水族箱硝化功能建立过程的影响[J].河北渔业,2009(3):4-6

    [5] Nijhof M.Bacterial stratification and hydraulic loading effects in a plug-flow model for nitrifying trickling filters applied in recirculation fish culture systems [J].Aquaculture,1995(134):9-64

    [6] 张俊新,魏海峰,何洁,等,用煤渣和沸石处理海水养殖废水的挂膜动力学研究[J].大连水产学院学报,2008,23(3): 205-209

    [7] Zhu S., Chen S.Impacts of Reynolds number on nitrification biofilm kinetics [J].Aquacultural Engineering,2001(24):213-229

    [8] 何洁,刘长发,吴钰.三种载体上生物膜硝化作用动力学初步研究[J].应用与环境生物学报,2003,9(5): 546-548

    [9] Chen S., Ling J., Blancheton, et al.Nitrification kinetics of biofilm as affected by water quality factors [J].Aquacultural Engineering,2006(34):179-197

    [10] 国家海洋局《海洋监测规范》编辑委员会.海洋监测规范,第一版[M].北京:海洋出版社,1991

    [11] 国家环保局《水和废水监测分析方法》编委会.水和废水监测分析方法(第四版)[M].北京:中国环境科学出版社,2002

    [12] 张俊新,魏海峰,何洁,等.用煤渣和沸石处理海水养殖废水的挂膜动力学研究[J].大连水产学院学报,2008,23(3): 205-209

    [13] Yamaguchi T.,Moldrup P.,Rolston D E,et al .Nitrification in porous media during rapid unsaturated water flow[J] .Wat Res,1996,30 (3):531-540

    [14] Kors L J ,Moorman H N ,Wind A P M,et al .Nitrification and low temperature in a raw water reservoir and rapid sand filters[J] .Wat Sci Technol,1998,37(2):169-176

    [15] Delgado S.,Elmaleh S.,Dlaz F.,et al .Ammonia removal in a deep reclaimed wastewater reservoir before agricultural reuse[J].Wat Sci Technol,2001,43(10):125-132

    [16] 宋奔奔,刘鹰.海水封闭循环水养殖系统中生物滤器填料的选择与应用[J].农业技术与装备,2008,156 (12): 04-06

    [17] 叶剑锋.废水生物脱氮处理新技术[M].北京: 化学工业出版社,2006

    Abstract:In this study, 4 kinds of substrates, i.e.white sand, coral sand, Philippines sand and Ceramsite were chosen as substrates in mariculture systems and their nitrification kinetics were comparatively analyzed.The results showed that the ammonia oxidation process and nitrite oxidation process of mariculture systems that were established by four kinds of substrates are all in first order reaction.The degradation rate of ammonia nitrogen is in the sequence of coral sand>ceramsite>white sand>philippines sand.And the degradation rate of nitrite nitrogen is in the sequence of coral sand>ceramsite>philippines sand>white sand.There is no direct relationship between the biofilm formation speed and the transformation ability after its mature.

    Key words:substrate;nitrification;kinetics;degradation rate


    [1] 吴伟,宋志文,于弘路,等.氨负荷对水族箱硝化功能建立过程的影响[J].河北渔业,2010(11):4-7

    [2] 刘冉,周洋,宋志文,等.硝化细菌对海参养殖系统水质的净化效果[J].河北渔业,2012(2):15-18

    [3] 孔小蓉,宋志文,周洋,等.不同基质构建海水水族箱硝化功能建立过程的比较研究[J].河北渔业,2009(12):11-14

    [4] 周洋,孔小蓉,宋志文,等.硝化细菌对海水水族箱硝化功能建立过程的影响[J].河北渔业,2009(3):4-6

    [5] Nijhof M.Bacterial stratification and hydraulic loading effects in a plug-flow model for nitrifying trickling filters applied in recirculation fish culture systems [J].Aquaculture,1995(134):9-64

    [6] 张俊新,魏海峰,何洁,等,用煤渣和沸石处理海水养殖废水的挂膜动力学研究[J].大连水产学院学报,2008,23(3): 205-209

    [7] Zhu S., Chen S.Impacts of Reynolds number on nitrification biofilm kinetics [J].Aquacultural Engineering,2001(24):213-229

    [8] 何洁,刘长发,吴钰.三种载体上生物膜硝化作用动力学初步研究[J].应用与环境生物学报,2003,9(5): 546-548

    [9] Chen S., Ling J., Blancheton, et al.Nitrification kinetics of biofilm as affected by water quality factors [J].Aquacultural Engineering,2006(34):179-197

    [10] 国家海洋局《海洋监测规范》编辑委员会.海洋监测规范,第一版[M].北京:海洋出版社,1991

    [11] 国家环保局《水和废水监测分析方法》编委会.水和废水监测分析方法(第四版)[M].北京:中国环境科学出版社,2002

    [12] 张俊新,魏海峰,何洁,等.用煤渣和沸石处理海水养殖废水的挂膜动力学研究[J].大连水产学院学报,2008,23(3): 205-209

    [13] Yamaguchi T.,Moldrup P.,Rolston D E,et al .Nitrification in porous media during rapid unsaturated water flow[J] .Wat Res,1996,30 (3):531-540

    [14] Kors L J ,Moorman H N ,Wind A P M,et al .Nitrification and low temperature in a raw water reservoir and rapid sand filters[J] .Wat Sci Technol,1998,37(2):169-176

    [15] Delgado S.,Elmaleh S.,Dlaz F.,et al .Ammonia removal in a deep reclaimed wastewater reservoir before agricultural reuse[J].Wat Sci Technol,2001,43(10):125-132

    [16] 宋奔奔,刘鹰.海水封闭循环水养殖系统中生物滤器填料的选择与应用[J].农业技术与装备,2008,156 (12): 04-06

    [17] 叶剑锋.废水生物脱氮处理新技术[M].北京: 化学工业出版社,2006

    Abstract:In this study, 4 kinds of substrates, i.e.white sand, coral sand, Philippines sand and Ceramsite were chosen as substrates in mariculture systems and their nitrification kinetics were comparatively analyzed.The results showed that the ammonia oxidation process and nitrite oxidation process of mariculture systems that were established by four kinds of substrates are all in first order reaction.The degradation rate of ammonia nitrogen is in the sequence of coral sand>ceramsite>white sand>philippines sand.And the degradation rate of nitrite nitrogen is in the sequence of coral sand>ceramsite>philippines sand>white sand.There is no direct relationship between the biofilm formation speed and the transformation ability after its mature.

    Key words:substrate;nitrification;kinetics;degradation rate


    [1] 吴伟,宋志文,于弘路,等.氨负荷对水族箱硝化功能建立过程的影响[J].河北渔业,2010(11):4-7

    [2] 刘冉,周洋,宋志文,等.硝化细菌对海参养殖系统水质的净化效果[J].河北渔业,2012(2):15-18

    [3] 孔小蓉,宋志文,周洋,等.不同基质构建海水水族箱硝化功能建立过程的比较研究[J].河北渔业,2009(12):11-14

    [4] 周洋,孔小蓉,宋志文,等.硝化细菌对海水水族箱硝化功能建立过程的影响[J].河北渔业,2009(3):4-6

    [5] Nijhof M.Bacterial stratification and hydraulic loading effects in a plug-flow model for nitrifying trickling filters applied in recirculation fish culture systems [J].Aquaculture,1995(134):9-64

    [6] 张俊新,魏海峰,何洁,等,用煤渣和沸石处理海水养殖废水的挂膜动力学研究[J].大连水产学院学报,2008,23(3): 205-209

    [7] Zhu S., Chen S.Impacts of Reynolds number on nitrification biofilm kinetics [J].Aquacultural Engineering,2001(24):213-229

    [8] 何洁,刘长发,吴钰.三种载体上生物膜硝化作用动力学初步研究[J].应用与环境生物学报,2003,9(5): 546-548

    [9] Chen S., Ling J., Blancheton, et al.Nitrification kinetics of biofilm as affected by water quality factors [J].Aquacultural Engineering,2006(34):179-197

    [10] 国家海洋局《海洋监测规范》编辑委员会.海洋监测规范,第一版[M].北京:海洋出版社,1991

    [11] 国家环保局《水和废水监测分析方法》编委会.水和废水监测分析方法(第四版)[M].北京:中国环境科学出版社,2002

    [12] 张俊新,魏海峰,何洁,等.用煤渣和沸石处理海水养殖废水的挂膜动力学研究[J].大连水产学院学报,2008,23(3): 205-209

    [13] Yamaguchi T.,Moldrup P.,Rolston D E,et al .Nitrification in porous media during rapid unsaturated water flow[J] .Wat Res,1996,30 (3):531-540

    [14] Kors L J ,Moorman H N ,Wind A P M,et al .Nitrification and low temperature in a raw water reservoir and rapid sand filters[J] .Wat Sci Technol,1998,37(2):169-176

    [15] Delgado S.,Elmaleh S.,Dlaz F.,et al .Ammonia removal in a deep reclaimed wastewater reservoir before agricultural reuse[J].Wat Sci Technol,2001,43(10):125-132

    [16] 宋奔奔,刘鹰.海水封闭循环水养殖系统中生物滤器填料的选择与应用[J].农业技术与装备,2008,156 (12): 04-06

    [17] 叶剑锋.废水生物脱氮处理新技术[M].北京: 化学工业出版社,2006

    Abstract:In this study, 4 kinds of substrates, i.e.white sand, coral sand, Philippines sand and Ceramsite were chosen as substrates in mariculture systems and their nitrification kinetics were comparatively analyzed.The results showed that the ammonia oxidation process and nitrite oxidation process of mariculture systems that were established by four kinds of substrates are all in first order reaction.The degradation rate of ammonia nitrogen is in the sequence of coral sand>ceramsite>white sand>philippines sand.And the degradation rate of nitrite nitrogen is in the sequence of coral sand>ceramsite>philippines sand>white sand.There is no direct relationship between the biofilm formation speed and the transformation ability after its mature.

    Key words:substrate;nitrification;kinetics;degradation rate





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