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标题 花椰菜新品种‘春雪3号’

    姚星伟 牛国保 文正华 张小丽 赵前程 孙德岭


    摘 ? ?要:‘春雪3号为适宜春季栽培的花椰菜新品种,是以胞质雄性不育系‘11K-45为母本,自交亲和系‘10ZF-46为父本杂交选育而成的胞质雄性不育新品种。春季栽培55~60 d成熟。株形直立、紧凑,叶片深绿色,合抱护球性优。花球高圆、紧实、雪白、细嫩、平整。单球质量1.51 kg,平均产量43 180 kg · hm-2。


    中图分类号:S635.3 ? ? ? ? ?文献标识码:A ? ? ? ? ? DOI 编码:10.3969/j.issn.1006-6500.2020.02.002

    A New Cauliflower Cultivar 'Chunxue NO.3'

    YAO Xingwei, NIU Guobao, WEN Zhenghua, ZHANG Xiaoli, ZHAO Qiancheng, SUN Deling

    (The National State Key Laboratory of Vegetable Germplasm Resources Innovation, Tianjin Key Laboratory of Vegetable Genetics and Breeding, Tianjin Kernel Vegetable Research Institute, Tianjin 300384, China)

    Abstract: 'Chunxue No.3' is a new spring maturity cauliflower cultivar developed by the cross of CMS line '11K-45'× self-compatible line '10ZF-46'. The growing period from transplantation to harvest is about 55~60 days in spring. The plant type is erect. It has dark green outer leaves and curds are well protected by leaves. The curd is dome, compact, snow-white colour, tender and smooth. The average weight of each curd is about 1.51 kg, the mean yield is 43 180 kg·hm-2.

    Key words: cauliflower; CMS; spring maturity; new cultivar

    花椰菜營养丰富,同时具有抗癌防癌的保健功能,深受广大消费者的喜爱[1-3]。据FAO报道,2016 年中国花椰菜栽培面积达52万hm2,占世界总面积的38.72%;产量达1 026万t,占世界总产量的40.67%。

    选用花椰菜胞质不育系‘11K-45为母本,优良自交系‘10ZF-46为父本,2009年进行试配杂交组合,2010—2012年进行品比试验。2010年平均产量42 180 kg·hm-2,比对照‘春雪二号增产14.29%;2011年平均产量43 200 kg·hm-2,比对照增产9.62%;2012年平均产量44 160 kg·hm-2,比对照增产13.58%。2012—2014年在天津市西青区当城村、武清区黄花店村参加生产示范,商品性优良,适合春季露地栽培。2014年进行花椰菜非主要农作物品种登记(登记号:津登花椰菜2014010),暂定名为‘春雪3号。

    1 品种特征特性

    春季栽培品种,成熟期55~60 d。株形直立、紧凑,叶片深绿色,合抱护球性优。花球高圆、紧实、雪白、细嫩、平整。单球质量1.51 kg,平均产量43 180 kg·hm-2。

    2 栽培技术要点

    适合在天津、北京、河北坝上等地区春季露地栽培。京津地区1月底至2月初播种为宜。准备72穴育苗盘备用。播种之前为保持营养土湿润,适量浇水,每穴播1~2粒种子。京津地区3月中下旬露地定植。定植后由于气温偏低,必要时需加盖小拱棚,防止冻害发生。待幼苗缓苗后,根据墒情浇缓苗水,缓苗后施尿素150 kg·hm-2或硫酸铵225 kg·hm-2;现球后追施尿素150 kg·hm-2;整个生育期大水大肥以促进植株生长。花球直径达9~10 cm时及时采收。花球成熟期,气温回升,及时喷洒防虫药剂以防止虫害发生。


    [1]DOS REIS L C, DE OLIVEIRA V R, HAGEN M E, et al. Effect of cooking on the concentration of bioactive compounds in broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. avenger) and cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. alphina F1) grown in an organic system[J]. Food chemistry, 2015, 172: 770-777.

    [2]GUZMAN I, YOUSEF G G, BROWN A F. Simultaneous extraction and quantitation of carotenoids, chlorophylls, and to copherols in Brassica vegetables[J]. Agricultural and food chemistry, 2012, 60(29): 7238-7244.

    [3]PARK S Y, LIM S H, HA S H, et al. Metabolite profiling approach reveals the interface of primary and secondary metabolism in colored cauliflowers (Brassica oleracea L. ssp. Botrytis)[J]. Agricultural and food chemistry, 2013, 61(28): 6999-7007.





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