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标题 全波列横波信息在致密砂岩裂缝评价中的应用

    周月明 章成广 蔡明




    摘 ? ? ?要:由于致密砂岩储层低孔低渗,裂缝发育程度是影响其产能的重要因素,评价裂缝对其开发具有重要意义。塔里木克深地区为防止钻井液的污染,大多采用油基钻井液进行钻井,大大增加了对致密砂岩储层中裂缝评价的难度。针对这一问题,从全波列横波信息探讨了声波测井在致密砂岩储层中裂缝评价的方法及应用。考虑岩性、物性的影响,通过阵列声波数据提取出横波衰减系数,然后根据实验得到的衰减系数与裂缝宽度的关系,反演出裂缝宽度,进而反演出裂缝渗透率。同时根据成像资料,得到的裂缝等级与根据孔隙度得到的储层等级建立了与产能的关系。利用该方法得到的裂缝渗透率与成像解释成果图对应良好,并且最终的产能等级整体与试油结论相吻合,表明利用横波信息在致密砂岩裂缝评价中的效果好。

    关 ?键 ?词:裂缝评价;阵列声波;横波渗透率;克深地区

    中图分类号:TE122.2+4 ? ? ? ?文献标识码: A ? 文章编号: 1671-0460(2019)12-2844-04

    Abstract: For tight sandstone reservoirs, the degree of crack development is an important factor affecting their productivity due to their low porosity and low permeability. In order to prevent the pollution of drilling fluids in Tarim Keshen area, oil base drilling fluid is always used during drilling, which greatly increases the difficulty of evaluating cracks in tight sandstone reservoirs. Aiming at this problem, the method of acoustic wave logging in the evaluation of fractures in tight sandstone reservoirs was developed from the aspect of full-wavelength shear wave information in sonic data. Considering the influence of lithology and physical properties, the shear wave attenuation coefficient was extracted from the array acoustic data, and then the crack width was inversed according to the relationship between the attenuation coefficient and the crack width obtained by the experiment, and then the crack permeability was inverted. According to the imaging data, the crack grade obtained from the crack parameters and the reservoir grade obtained from the porosity were used to establish an evaluation method that can be well correlated with the productivity. The fracture permeability obtained by this method was in good agreement with the imaging interpretation result map, and the final productivity grade was consistent with the test oil conclusion, showing that the shear wave information was good effect in the evaluation of tight sandstone cracks.

    Key words: Crack evaluation; Array sound wave; Transverse wave permeability; Keshen area

    塔里木盆地克深地區目的层为致密裂缝性低孔砂岩储层,具有储层岩性复杂、基质储层物性差、裂缝发育等特点。由于低孔低渗,裂缝不仅是油气储集空间,它的存在还改变了储层的渗流特性[1],所以裂缝发育程度是影响该区产能的重要因素,能够有效评价裂缝对其开发具有重要意义。起初,在裂缝识别方法上是以常规测井为主。随着电子技术和测量技术的迅猛发展,Kitsunezaki 于 1980 年进行了偶极横波测井的研究,在浅层裸眼井中获取了可靠的横波信号。1984 年,美孚石油公司的 Zemanek 等首次研究完成了偶极声波测井技术,在现场硬地层和松散地层中进行了横波数据连续测量。1985 年,Everhart 和 Chang 针对套管井中进行偶极横波测井进行了理论研究[2]。章成广[3]等利用声波全波资料识别气层的理论基础、识别气层的方法研究。唐军[4]等分别从斯通利波、纵横波以及交叉偶极子声波等3方面拓展了声波测井在裂缝定量刻画中的应用,并考虑裂缝径向延伸特性,建立了与产能关系密切的裂缝测井评价模式。宋祎[5]等提出一种新的利用全波列声波测井资料识别气层的方法,即速度幅度联合法,根据纵波和横波在气层中速度和幅度的变化来识别气层。张晓波[6]等分别对带井眼补偿的声速测井、声波全波列测井、超声成像测井和多极子阵列声波测井等新一代的测井方法的原理、特点及应用现状进行了阐述,以及在地层评价中的作用进行实例分析和应用效果评价。刘宇[7]针对阵列声波测井的传播理论、数值模拟算法、阵列波形数据的处理与反演以及地质与工程应用进行了较深入的研究。胡红[8]等用阵列声波资料进行井旁裂缝的识别、储层流体性质的判别、水力裂缝压裂高度的预测和确定等。





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